I've always had a crush on her

Chapter 588 Biochemical Virus 01

Chapter 588 Biochemical Virus 01
Today, according to road monitoring, two bodyguards left the hotel, bought a few bottles of wine and some food, went to a very suspicious place, and did not return until six o'clock in the evening.

According to the real map, the area near where the two bodyguards went is a light industrial area, close to the mountains and forests.

There is usually not much traffic on this section of the road, and there is only one section of surveillance far away. It is difficult to determine where the two bodyguards went.

She checked the nearby factories, all of which were registered locally, but no one was found to be suspicious for the time being.

So I turned my goal to the mountains and forests. Using the satellite real-world map, I roughly saw the ups and downs of the mountains and forests, and found that there were houses in the mountains and forests.

I searched the Internet again, only to find that it was a timber factory that closed down a few years ago.

At twelve o'clock in the morning, Yan Xi was wearing a black hooded coat and wide sunglasses, and first went to the black market to buy a real gun and an anesthesia gun, just in case.

I went to a waste recycling station by car. According to the monitoring of the road section, the two bodyguards disappeared when they went near here. It took about five hours to show up.

Yan Xi looked around, only occasionally a car passed by on the road, some factories around were still in operation, and the mountains and forests behind were pitch black.

There is a road leading to the lumber factory, but the lumber factory has been closed down for a long time, and the road is also deserted. The road has grown bushes and cannot be used by traffic.

It takes at least two hours to walk into the mountains without a car.

And it's not sure if there are any clues in the lumber factory. If not, she will come here in vain.

Looking at the time, Yan Xi took a deep breath and seized the time.

Yan Xi walked into the forest along this weedy mountain road.

She had to go back before daylight, so she quickened her pace again.

After walking for nearly two hours, I saw the timber factory and the faint lights.

Finally, the trip was not in vain, Yan Xi sneaked into the timber factory.

The huge factory building is empty, only some discarded logs are piled up there.

The rusted windows were almost broken, and the cold night wind blew in, making the factory chilly.

A few light bulbs hung from the roof, emitting a dim yellow light.

Four men gathered around, drinking and playing cards. Two of them spoke English, and two of them spoke full English, occasionally mixed with Italian.

Most Italians speak poor English.

It is basically certain that the two are from country Y, and the other two are Italian.

Bai Shaohua's face was pale, and he was sitting on the cold concrete floor, shivering from the cold, his hands were tied to the pillars and he couldn't move.

"It's freezing here, let him bring some hot food next time." The man picked up the wine and took a sip.

"It's so far away, it's cold even here." The man who spoke played a card.

"It's better to light a fire, there's a lot of wood here." The man took a puff of his cigarette.

"You want to die! Fire is banned in this forest, and you may be found if you burn it!"

"Stop arguing, play your cards!"

Before the man had time to play his cards, several light bulbs suddenly went out, and the factory was instantly dark.

There have also been trips before. The wood factory has long been out of power. They have connected wires to steal electricity. A few light bulbs do not consume much power and will not be discovered, but the electrical box is old and always trips.

Several people cursed and took out their mobile phones to light up.

"The power is off again!"

"Who will do it?"

"Whoever loses goes!"

Using the light of the mobile phone, the four of them finished the game, and the loser went out to get the electric box.

But after waiting for ten minutes, he did not come back.

"Why hasn't it been fixed yet?"

"Will he do it?"

"I'll go and have a look." The man walked out of the factory.

The remaining two continued to drink and smoke, but they waited for nearly 10 minutes, but they did not come back.

Only then did the two realize that something was wrong, they looked at each other, stopped drinking and smoking, and immediately pulled out the guns behind them.

One went to check the door, the other walked up to Bai Shaohua and pointed a gun at her.

Bai Shaohua panicked in her heart, but she had also seen storms. These people neither threatened her nor asked her to call home. It shouldn't be as simple as asking for money.

There is no light in the factory building, only the faint moonlight shines in from the windows, and there is only the rustling sound of the wind, and the wind blows.

There was no movement for a long time, and the two were a little nervous. After all, they didn't know how many people there were on the other side.

The man standing at the door panicked, took out his mobile phone, and was about to call to report the news.

what!The man screamed in an instant, his hands were covered with blood, and the phone fell to the ground and shattered.

Bai Shaohua trembled, and couldn't help being startled by the gunshots.

The other man was also frightened, and subconsciously looked in the direction of the gunshots, only to see the darkness outside the window.

"Who?!" The man called out vigilantly.

The only response to him was a dead silence,
"Get out of here!" The injured man's face turned pale, and he held the gun tightly with one hand.

The man immediately untied the rope and dragged Bai Shaohua out of the factory.

Bai Shaohua had been tied up all day, and now he was finally untied, only his hands were still tied.

Walking out of the factory, there are dark woods outside.

"Hurry up!" The man walked behind Bai Shaohua, pushed her roughly, and pointed a gun at her back.

Bai Shaohua calmed down, was alert to the man behind him, stared at the man in front, saw the right moment, ran into the woods, and ran with all his strength.

"She ran away!" The man didn't expect the woman to run away, so he immediately chased after her and shot Bai Shaohua in the back.

At the same time, a black shadow threw Bai Shaohua to the ground, followed by two bangs.

The man who fired the gun fell to the ground in an instant, covered the wound on his thigh, and let out a heart-piercing scream.

The man who caught up immediately shot at the shadow.

Yan Xi dragged Bai Shaohua around and rolled down the hillside.

Bai Shaohua only felt dizzy and terrified, allowing himself to be dragged down.

"Don't run!" The man was furious, and hurriedly chased along the hillside.

The hillside was a bit steep, Yan Xi and Bai Shaohua slid down quickly, and soon reached the bottom of the hillside.

Yan Xi dragged Bai Shaohua to run, but Bai Shaohua couldn't run at all, he staggered and let Yan Xi drag him, and fell down before running very far.

Yan Xi sighed helplessly, and immediately helped Bai Shaohua up, probably not far away with this lady.

Looking around, Yan Xi dragged Bai Shaohua to hide in the bushes, and then pushed Bai Shaohua down in the grass.

Bai Shaohua also knew how to do it, curled up as much as possible, not even daring to breathe loudly.

Yan Xi held the pistol and observed the situation through the gaps in the bushes. If it was not necessary, she didn't want to shoot, and tried not to hurt her vitals. She didn't have the right to hold a gun, but sometimes she had to and needed some deterrent weapons.

After a while, the man caught up and disappeared. He cursed angrily and continued to search along the front.

(End of this chapter)

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