I've always had a crush on her

Chapter 589 Biochemical Virus 02

Chapter 589 Biochemical Virus 02
Yan Xi didn't put away the pistol until he was sure the man was gone.

"Ms. Bai, are you okay?"

Hearing this voice, Bai Shaohua raised her head abruptly, and looked at Yan Xi in disbelief. Even though the moonlight was a bit dark, she absolutely couldn't be mistaken.

"It's you?"

"It's me." Yan Xi nodded, presumably this Ms. Bai really didn't want to see her, and it was unfortunate to meet her again.

Bai Shaohua's expression was weird, why is this woman here?How come to save her?

"Ms. Bai, can you stand up and walk?" Yan Xi pushed the dead leaves on his body.

Bai Shaohua stood up with some difficulty. In winter, it is very cold in the mountains and forests, and there is already a thin layer of hoarfrost on the ground. Her lips are so cold that her lips are purple and her body is shaking.

Yan Xi took off his coat and gave it to her, "You put it on first."

Bai Shaohua hesitated for a moment, before she looked down on Yan Xi, and Yan Xi had slapped her in the face severely, she really didn't want to accept Yan Xi's kindness, but in this situation, she had to accept it.

Bai Shaohua took the overcoat and put it on, the clothes still had Yan Xi's body temperature on them, so it was much warmer after putting them on.

Yan Xi took off the black gloves and gave them to her, "Put them on."

Bai Shaohua's hands were almost stiff from the cold, her wrists were bound before, and a few circles of strangle marks turned black and purple, but she finally took the gloves and put them on.

"We need to walk for two hours to leave here now." Yan Xi reckoned that with this lady Bai, he might not be able to get out in three hours.

Bai Shaohua had too many doubts in his heart, so he couldn't help being a little wary of Yan Xi. After all, Yan Xi had a gun in his hand, and just now it seemed...to kill someone.

After walking a few steps, seeing Bai Shaohua stumbling, Yan Xi needs to slow down and wait for Bai Shaohua. This speed may take four hours.

Yan Xi found a thick branch for her: "Take it."

A trace of embarrassment flashed across Bai Shaohua's face, he took the branch as a crutch, and followed Yan Xi step by step.

"Ms. Bai, why did they tie you up?" Yan Xi asked as he walked, Antidick and Hess wouldn't have tied up Bai Shaohua for no reason.

"I don't know, I don't even know who they are. Why did you come...to save me?" Bai Shaohua still had lingering fears at this moment, thinking of the man who shot her just now, if it wasn't for Yan Xi who threw her down, she might have died .

"The boss ordered, no, it's not Mr. Gu." Yan Xi corrected the statement, President Gu was her boss before.

"Your boss is..." Bai Shaohua glanced at Yan Xi, who exactly is Yan Xi?

"It's inconvenient to disclose." Yan Xi said.

After walking for about 10 minutes, Bai Shaohua was out of breath. In addition, she was quite old. She had been tied up for almost two days and hadn't eaten anything. Now she was tired and hungry, and she was struggling to walk on.

"Sit down and rest for 2 minutes." Yan Xi stopped, there was no way to go on like this.

Bai Shaohua sat on the ground, feeling uncomfortable all over, his face was very haggard, and he lost a bit of his usual dignified and noble arrogance.

Yan Xi suddenly remembered that there was a piece of chocolate in his pocket, and he took out the chocolate from his pocket and handed it to her: "Replenish your strength."

Bai Shaohua took the chocolate with some embarrassment, she was indeed hungry.

Bai Shaohua tore open the package, suddenly thought of something, broke half of the chocolate and handed it to Yan Xi, saying, "You also...replenish your energy."

Yan Xi didn't answer, "I'm not hungry."

Bai Shaohua felt a little uncomfortable, eating this piece of chocolate didn't taste good, suddenly thought of something, looked at Yan Xi, and saw that she was wearing a turtleneck sweater.

"are you cold?"

"Fortunately, the rest is almost two minutes away." Yan Xi reminded her that her physical fitness has always been good, and she can also swim in winter.

Bai Shaohua didn't say anything, just ate the chocolate silently.

Yan Xi took out his mobile phone and took a look. The signal here is a bit weak. Currently, he doesn't know why Bai Shaohua was tied up, or whether Bai Shaohua told the truth.

Now that Bai Shaohua is rescued, she has no place to put Bai Shaohua. Bai Shaohua may be a clue, and she can't send Bai Shaohua home for the time being.

Yan Xi thought for a moment, Hua Cuo and Yun Su would come to country Y, but I don't know if they will come. It is better to hand Bai Shaohua to the National Security Bureau than to MI6 of country Y, after all, Bai Shaohua is from Hua country.

So I sent a message to Hua Mi.

After eating the chocolate, the two continued to walk.

"Where are you taking me?" Bai Shaohua was a little confused.

"safe place."

"Here, can you ask my husband to pick me up?" Bai Shaohua didn't know where this place was, and he didn't have a communicator on him.

"I need to know why you were kidnapped before I can send you home. This is not a simple kidnapping case."

"I don't know who kidnapped me, what happened? How do you know I'm here?" Bai Shaohua asked suspiciously.

"The people from Antidick company kidnapped you. I tracked you here based on suspicious characters. Do you know some secrets of Antidick?"

"Antediagram? I don't know at all. Is it because of the recent investigation of the Antediagram Huaguo subsidiary? I have nothing to do with the Antediagram company. Shengshi Group and Antediagram have never had any business relations." Bai Shaohua Said firmly.

"There are a lot of illegal transactions within Antidick." Yan Xi didn't doubt Bai Shaohua, but just discussed the matter based on facts.

"You mean to say that I have an illegal transaction with Ante Dick." Bai Shaohua's expression changed instantly.

"I didn't say that, please don't misunderstand." Yan Xi said.

Bai Shaohua choked suddenly, she really had no reason to blame Yan Xi, and even if Yan Xi said so, there was nothing wrong with it, after all, it was Ant Dick who kidnapped her.

Yan Xi looked at the time, at this speed, it was very difficult for her to go back before dawn.

"Ms. Bai, can you go faster? Maybe they will find them soon." Yan Xi was a little worried, maybe Hess already knew that Bai Shaohua had been rescued, and she had to rush back to the hotel.

Bai Shaohua frowned, walking very hard.

"Stretch out your hand, I'll help you." Yan Xi supported her.

At this time, Bai Shaohua didn't care about his self-esteem, and put his hand on Yan Xi's shoulder, almost leaning his weight on Yan Xi's body.

It wasn't Yan Xi who supported her, but almost dragged her away.

Bai Shaohua sighed slightly, feeling a little regretful that she had used money to call Xixi in the past. At this moment, she might understand why her son liked this woman.

"Can you play the piano?" Bai Shaohua asked suddenly.

"No." She could play the piano, but only at the level of playing it.

"Can you play the violin?" Bai Shaohua asked again.

"No." Yan Xi felt baffled, why should Bai Shaohua talk about such irrelevant topics, why not save some energy.

"Then what musical instrument do you know?" Bai Shaohua asked patiently.

"None." Yan Xi said it honestly.

Bai Shaohua frowned slightly, as if he was a little confused.

(End of this chapter)

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