I've always had a crush on her

Chapter 590 Biochemical Virus 03

Chapter 590 Biochemical Virus 03
"Mengli plays the piano level five." The reason why she likes Mengli is not only because Mengli is good enough, but also because Mengli and her son have common hobbies. She once firmly prevented her son from learning the piano, and she hopes to make up for it in the future.

Yan Xi really didn't know what to respond to. She didn't care about Han Mengli's piano level, nor was she interested in knowing.

"Actually, Jin Luo attaches great importance to love and righteousness, and she is meticulous about her feelings, which can be said to be a little stubborn." She was both gratified and worried about this. Because of Song Yixue, her son's relationship was vacant for five or six years until Yan Xi appeared. , she didn't want her son to spend another five or six years.

Hearing this, Yan Xi agreed quite a bit, but she didn't express her opinion, she was not qualified to discuss President Gu.

"As for the two times I talked to you before, my attitude at that time was a little...cold, and I admit that I did something wrong." Bai Shaohua's tone was a little blunt, and it was with great difficulty that she was willing to apologize.

"No, you are serious. The content or attitude of the conversation neither touched the bottom line of morality nor violated the law, so there is no right or wrong."

The only standard that can judge right and wrong is the law. As long as you don't violate the law, there is no absolute right or wrong.

Bai Shaohua was at a loss for words for a moment, and he couldn't help feeling a little regretful. She was aggressive at the beginning, but Yan Xi didn't take it to heart at all.

But from another point of view, this woman has confidence, and the mistress of the Gu family must always have confidence.

"Jin Luo cares about you very much. I will not stop you from being together again. I hope you will get married as soon as possible and have children as soon as possible." Bai Shaohua breathed a sigh of relief. His son's marriage is finally settled. future heir.

Yan Xi suddenly stopped, and looked at Bai Shaohua in disbelief, married?have a baby?Did she get it wrong?

"What's wrong?" Bai Shaohua also stopped.

"I think you have misunderstood. Mr. Gu and I have never had any relationship beyond the norm, and we have never been together. It is just a very ordinary relationship between a former boss and a former subordinate." Yan Xi explained seriously.

Bai Shaohua was a little taken aback, she thought that Yan Xi had self-knowledge when she threatened her before, so she denied the relationship and retreated despite the difficulties.

If there is no relationship beyond the rules, how can the son care so much?
She didn't believe that it was her son's unrequited love. After all, his son was mature and rational, and he would never be passionate.

"Jin Luo likes you very much." Bai Shaohua always thought that Yan Xi must also like her son. Her son is good enough, clean and self-disciplined, and has a dedicated relationship. Which woman doesn't love him?Yan Xi is so lucky to be loved by his son.

Yan Xi was very puzzled, what exactly did President Gu like about her, she was neither gentle nor cute, neither beautiful nor kind, and Gu Jinluo had a serious obsession with mental cleanliness and physical cleanliness, so what if he liked her no matter how much he liked her.

"Mr. Gu and I are definitely not the relationship you imagined." Yan Xi didn't want to talk about this issue now, and dragged Bai Shaohua to continue walking.

"You don't like Jin Luo?" Bai Shaohua tentatively asked incomprehensibly. His son definitely likes this woman, and he was once depressed because of Yan Xi.

"I admire Mr. Gu very much." Yan Xi said some polite words, no matter whether he liked it or not.

Bai Shaohua took it for granted, her son is certainly worthy of appreciation, this is understandable.

"But Mr. Gu and I can't be together." Yan Xi added, she knew herself.

"Why?" Bai Shaohua's face changed slightly. Could it be that his son is just being affectionate?

"Mr. Gu and I don't agree in personality and ideas. Also, I might as well just say that I can't bear children due to certain physical reasons." Yan Xi is very clear that a family business like the Gu family must need an heir, so don't Wasted time on her.

Bai Shaohua looked at Yan Xi in astonishment, she didn't know what to say for a while, she couldn't say it's okay, a barren woman really can't be the mistress of the Gu family.

After walking for nearly two hours, the phone vibrated in his trouser pocket, Yan Xi took out the phone and checked, the flowers were coming.

Yan Xi gave Hua the wrong location, dragging Bai Shaohua to speed up his pace.

"Ms. Bai, after you leave here, don't tell anyone you've seen me, not even Mr. Gu and your husband."

"Why?" Bai Shaohua felt uncomfortable. Whether it was thanks or money, she didn't like to owe favors.

"I came here in secret. If people find out that I took you away, especially the people from Antidick, I will be in trouble." Yan Xi frowned slightly, and now she is already in trouble.

"I understand. Here, thank you for saving me." Bai Shaohua was a little embarrassed to say it, but he still said it.

"Too serious, I'm just following orders." Yan Xi said.

Bai Shaohua wanted to say something, but she didn't know what to say, she didn't need to thank her, and giving money seemed superficial to her.

Yan Xi received a call from Hua Cuo, and after a while, he vaguely saw two black figures in the distance.

Signaling Bai Shaohua to stop, Yan Xi took a closer look and confirmed that one of them was Hua Cuo, and the other was... Yun Su?
"Yan Xi!" Hua Cuo hurriedly walked up to her.

Yun Su looked at Yan Xi, and then at Bai Shaohua. Hua Cuo had already explained the situation just now. Ante Dick's people kidnapped the financial director of Shengshi Group, which is Gu Jinluo's mother.

"Ms. Bai, hello, I am a special agent of the National Security Bureau of Huaguo. I will help you, or I will carry you on my back." Yun Su stretched out his hand. It is estimated that Yan Xi has supported Bai Shaohua for a long time, and it is difficult for Bai Shaohua to leave. move.

Bai Shaohua was taken aback for a moment, said thank you, and reached out to catch Yun Su.

Hua mistakenly took off her coat and put it on Yan Xi's body: "Put it on first, the car is outside?"

Yan Xi put on his coat, Yun Su and Hua Cuo supported Bai Shaohua from left to right, and quickly left the woods.

After sitting in the car, it was much warmer immediately.

"I'm in a hurry, take me to a place." Yan Xi reported the address, and it was almost dawn.

Yun Su was in charge of driving, and drove directly without asking any questions.

"Ms. Bai, I will take you to a safe place first, and make sure you are not suspected and no longer threatened before sending you home." Although Hua Cuo doesn't like Bai Shaohua, she is still serious when performing tasks, but Bai Shaohua didn't seem to recognize him. He had met him once through the car window. He didn't see Bai Shaohua at that time, but he was already deeply impressed by Bai Shaohua.

Bai Shaohua did not refuse, because she knew that she had no right to refuse, but she was a little moved when she heard the familiar language and the secret agents of her own country came to rescue her.

"Can I contact my family?" What Bai Shaohua misses most at the moment is her husband and son.

"It depends on the situation." Hua Cuo couldn't give an accurate answer, after all, it is still unknown why Bai Shaohua was kidnapped.

(End of this chapter)

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