I've always had a crush on her

Chapter 591 Biochemical Virus 04

Chapter 591 Biochemical Virus 04
The winter nights are extremely cold. After five o'clock in the morning, there is no traffic on the road, and we will soon return to the city.

Yan Xi took off his coat.

Hua Cuo hurriedly stopped her: "It's cold outside, you should dress first."

Yan Xi still took off his coat: "I can't go back in this dress."

Hua Cuo was stunned for a while, and she understood a little. Now that she is with Hess, maybe Hess didn't know that she was coming out.

"Ms. Bai, let's exchange clothes with you." Yan Xi handed over the wrong clothes, and she wanted to put back her own clothes.

Bai Shaohua didn't understand, so he took off his coat and gloves and returned them to Yan Xi.

"Yanxi, where do you live?" Hua asked wrongly, is it near here?
"Fair Hotel." Yan Xi put on his gloves and got off at the next intersection.

Huacuo watched her go away, and saw a tall building not far away, with the huge luminous sign of Fair Hotel hanging on the wall.

As the sky was getting brighter, Yun Su and Hua Cuo took Bai Shaohua to the Chinese embassy in country Y.

"Can you inform my husband that I'm in the embassy?" Bai Shaohua breathed a sigh of relief. The Hua country's embassy in country Y is under the jurisdiction of Hua country, and even country Y can't control it. Now she is safe.

"We will notify your family." Yun Su said, and arranged for Bai Shaohua to rest first.

The staff of the Hua Guo embassy in country Y are all Hua people, Bai Shaohua gradually relaxed, and saw a slogan on the wall: The country will always be your most solid backing.

Bai Shaohua has settled in Country Y for many years, and she has spent almost all her life walking on the Vanity Fair, never feeling that the country is so kind and powerful.


Gu Chengtian received a call from the embassy and learned that his wife had been rescued.

"Your mother is at the embassy now."

"Why are you in the embassy?" Gu Jinluo was finally relieved after hearing this. Mom is in the embassy, ​​which means she is already safe.

"I don't know. Fortunately, I was not injured, but the people in the embassy didn't let me talk to Shaohua, they only let me go to the embassy." Gu Chengtian was a little worried.

He didn't dare to call the police about Shaohua's kidnapping. Now that Shaohua was rescued by people from the embassy, ​​he must know that Ante Dick had kidnapped Shaohua, and maybe Huaguo was investigating him.

Gu Jinluo also thought of this. Even though his father participated in Antidick's illegal research, he couldn't just watch his father be convicted or even go to jail.

"Dad, the people at the embassy only let you go, they didn't come to search or take you away. There should be no evidence to prove that you participated in Antidick's illegal research."

"I hope so. I just got the news that the chip is in the hands of Shan Jun, the R&D director. But before the Huaguo Public Security Bureau and the Y-country police were investigating the Jingyang City subsidiary of Antetic, Shan Jun was shot dead. , I am worried that the chip has fallen into the hands of the police." Gu Chengtian suddenly felt a sense of powerlessness and panic, and his life might be ruined at once.

Gu Jinluo said: "It was four days ago that the Jingyang subsidiary of Antec was investigated, but none of the investors were investigated or arrested by the police. Maybe the chip is not in the hands of the police."

Gu Chengtian pondered for a moment, so where is the chip?

If the chip is in the hands of Ante Dick's board of directors, once he divests and sues Ante Dick, he will kill himself.

"Under the current situation, we can only give it a go. If the chip is really missing, the investor must attack Ante Dick before he retrieves the chip. As long as the relevant personnel of Ante Dick are convicted , then Ante Dick has no chance to retrieve the chip." Gu Chengtian's expression was extremely heavy.

Gu Jinluo's heart sank, and he looked at Gu Chengtian worriedly. If the chip was in the hands of Antidick or the police, his father might be brought to the international court.

"Dad, what if..."

"Don't talk!" Gu Chengtian interrupted his son, he knew the consequences, everything has risks, but this time the risk may ruin his reputation.

Gu Chengtian stayed up all night last night. Now at seven o'clock in the morning, he contacted other investors and decided to withdraw their capital together and sue Ante Dick.

Mobilized a strong team of lawyers from Shengshi Group, preparing to submit a complaint to the court.

At nine o'clock in the morning, Gu Chengtian and Gu Jinluo, with their lawyers, went to the Chinese embassy in country Y.

The diplomatic ambassador Shen Zhang personally received Gu Chengtian, which shows that Huaguo attaches great importance to this case.

Shen Zhang is in his 50s and has worked in the embassy for many years. Whether it is clothing or eating habits, he still retains the habits of Chinese people.

Gu Chengtian has settled in Country Y for many years, and he had met Shen Zhang before.

Regarding this case, Shen Zhang must act in accordance with the law, but he also hopes that Gu Chengtian has nothing to do with the case.

"Mr. Gu." Shen Zhang greeted him with a smile.

"Ambassador Shen, excuse me, I am very grateful to the embassy for saving my wife." Gu Chengtian expressed his gratitude.

"Mr. Gu misunderstood. This is not the embassy's credit. It is not the embassy personnel who saved Ms. Bai." Shen Zhang explained.

"Here, I wonder who saved my wife?" Gu Chengtian's eyes flashed suspiciously.

"No hurry, let's learn about the kidnapping case of Ms. Bai Shaohua first." Shen Zhang said.

"Yes, can my son and I meet my wife first, we are all worried about her." Gu Chengtian made a request.

"Ms. Bai Shaohua stayed up all night during the rescue and is resting now. Mr. Gu can see her later." Shen Zhang still kept smiling and declined very tactfully.

Gu Chengtian and Gu Jinluo looked at each other, but there was nothing they could do. Ambassador Shen came out to greet them in person, and they couldn't force others.

"Mr. Gu, please follow me." Shen Zhang brought several people to a meeting room similar to an interrogation room.

There are several people waiting in the conference room.

When seeing one of them, Gu Jinluo was unavoidably surprised. How could Yun Su be here?

"Ambassador Shen." Yun Su and others got up and greeted.

"Mr. Gu, let me introduce you. These are the agents of Huaguo National Security Bureau, and they are investigating the case of Ante Dick." Shen Zhang said.

Gu Chengtian looked at Yun Su and the others, but he didn't say anything. After all, in terms of status level, these people were just spies, so it could be said that they didn't have any official positions.

Shen Zhang continued: "It was the agents of the National Security Bureau who rescued Ms. Bai Shaohua."

Gu Chengtian's expression changed slightly, and he said immediately: "I am very grateful to the few who rescued my wife."

One of the spies said: "Mr. Gu is serious, it's just our duty."

"In any case, Gu expresses his great gratitude." Gu Chengtian was as steady as Mount Tai, even if it was a word of thanks, he said it politely without losing his momentum.

Shen Zhang said with a smile: "These spies finally rescued Ms. Bai Shaohua. I hope that Mr. Gu will cooperate with the investigation of Ms. Bai Shaohua's kidnapping."

"Of course." Gu Chengtian's heart sank. When Ambassador Shen said this, he already seemed a little threatening.

"Then I won't delay the investigation. You can talk slowly." Shen Zhang walked out of the conference room. He did not directly participate in the investigation of the case, but only cooperated with the work of Huaguo National Security Bureau.

In the meeting room, there were only two parties left to confront each other.

"Several, please sit down." Yun Su's tone was very formulaic, of course he also recognized Gu Jinluo.

Gu Chengtian and Gu Jinluo sat down without any surprise or anger, and the two lawyers also sat down one by one, with a few bodyguards standing behind them, in a negotiation mode.

After the other party was seated, Yun Su and the others sat down.

Yun Su asked: "Mr. Gu, when did you know that Ms. Bai was kidnapped?"

Gu Chengtian didn't speak, but the lawyer did.

The lawyer said: "At three o'clock in the afternoon the day before yesterday, Ms. Bai Shaohua did not come back after going out. Two hours later, Mr. Gu received a threatening phone call from John Brown, the director of Antec, saying that Ms. Bai Shaohua was in his hands. Threatening Mr. Gu not to call the police."

Yun Su glanced at Gu Chengtian, it was difficult to get Gu Chengtian to speak, and continued to ask: "Does Mr. Gu know the reason why Ms. Bai Shaohua was kidnapped?"

The lawyer said: "This originally involves some commercial secrets, but for the sake of Ms. Bai Shaohua, Mr. Gu is willing to disclose this commercial secrets. Five years ago, Mr. Gu and Ante Dick signed a contract, and Mr. Gu privately invested in Ante Dick However, recently there was news of Ante Dick’s illegal research and illegal transactions, and Mr. Gu decided to withdraw the capital, but Ante Dick was not willing to let Mr. Gu go, so he kidnapped Ms. Bai Shaohua and threatened Mr. Gu.”

Yun Su raised doubts: "Could it be that Ante Dick can keep Ms. Bai Shaohua kidnapped? If Ante Dick releases Ms. Bai Shaohua, will Mr. Gu not withdraw his capital?"

Obviously, the reason the lawyer said was far-fetched.

The lawyer said: "Mr. Gu doesn't know why Ante Dick did this. You can check with Ant Dick yourself. As for whether Mr. Gu withdraws his capital, the first consideration is the safety of Ms. Bai Shaohua. Companies with criminal records continue to cooperate."

Yun Su said: "As the spies of the country of Hua, we are temporarily unable to question the relevant personnel of Ante Dick here, but we have already contacted the police of country Y, and the police of country Y are investigating Ante Dick. Answer."

Hearing this, the expressions of Gu Chengtian and his son remained unchanged, Gu Chengtian said: "I hope so."

Gu Jinluo said, "Have you finished the review? Can I pick up my mother?"

Yun Su said unhurriedly: "Ms. Bai Shaohua is safe here. There are still many doubts in the case. The embassy will ensure Ms. Bai Shaohua's safety."

"Mr. Yun, do you think there are any doubts?" Gu Jinluo looked at Yun Su, it was obvious that he was detained deliberately.

Yun Subo looked at each other calmly, and said, "For example, just now Mr. Gu said that he signed a contract with Antidick, what kind of contract is it? And John Brown, the director of Antidick, threatened Mr. Gu, but Mr. Gu acted alone. terms."

The lawyer said: "This is not a court. You are only in charge of investigation and have no right to trial. The contract is important evidence, and Mr. Gu will not show it easily. As for John Brown, you still need to investigate."

Yun Su said: "Until there is no result, the embassy will always guarantee the safety of Ms. Bai Shaohua."

The lawyer had nothing to say for a while, so he looked at Gu Chengtian, and the other party refused to let him go, so they had nothing to do.

Gu Chengtian wasn't angry at all, he just looked at the time on his watch and said, "There will be a result soon."

Yun Su was somewhat suspicious, what did Gu Chengtian mean by this?
Suddenly there was a knock on the door, and an agent went to open the door.

Gu Jinluo's eyes darkened, Huacuo is also a spy of the Huaguo National Security Bureau?
Huacuo walked into the meeting room, and was not surprised to see Gu Jinluo here.

Hua Cuo walked over and showed the tablet to Yun Su.

See news stories on your tablet.

At ten o'clock in the morning in country Y, Shengshi Group's country Y branch company and Wilson Management Consulting Company formally sued Ante Dike Company and submitted a complaint to the court.

At this time in country R at 19:19 in the evening, the president of Lianghua Company issued a document at [-]:[-] in the evening saying that tomorrow morning he would formally sue Antediak and Kate Medical Equipment Company in country M.

At the same time, many group companies around the world stated that they had signed a secret agreement with Antediaq to jointly invest in a drug research and development project for the treatment of major diseases, and were committed to treating diseases and benefiting mankind.

However, because the research and development party has not handed over the research results for a long time, coupled with the negative image of illegal research and illegal transactions in Antidick, the investors decided to withdraw their capital.

Unexpectedly, Ante Dick used blackmail, kidnapping, intimidation and other illegal means to threaten the investors, and the investors decided to jointly sue the R&D party.

Yun Su was a little unexpected, things were more complicated than he imagined.

Only then did Gu Chengtian speak slowly: "My wife has been in fear for two days, can I pick her up?"

Yun Su frowned slightly, Gu Chengtian seemed to be a 'victim' now, and there was no reason to detain Bai Shaohua now.

"Mr. Gu, please follow me." Yun Su stood up first.

After walking out of the meeting room, the staff of the embassy brought Bai Shaohua in a short while.

Bai Shaohua's face was still a little pale, and he was wearing the ordinary overcoat prepared by the embassy, ​​but he was fine. The moment he saw her husband and son, the heart that had been hanging was finally relieved.

"Shaohua." A trace of guilt flashed in Gu Chengtian's eyes, and he stepped forward to hug his wife.

Bai Shaohua was almost in tears, and hugged her husband tightly. During the time of being kidnapped, she was so afraid that she would never see her husband and son again.

It took a long time for the husband and wife to separate, Gu Jinluo stepped forward to hug Bai Shaohua, and called her softly.

"Let's go home." Gu Chengtian held his wife's hand.

Before leaving, Gu Jinluo looked at Yun Su and Hua Cuo, and said, "Thank you."

"It's too serious." Yun Su's speech was still so formulaic.

Hua Cuo didn't speak, pretending not to hear, and it wasn't him who rescued Bai Shaohua, and he was always very upset with Gu Jinluo.

Gu Chengtian's family of three left the embassy.

"What do you think?" Hua Cuo felt that this matter was not simple, and it was completely unexpected that Ante Dick had transactions with so many group companies.

"Zhong Manyao once said that this is not only about Ante Dick's crime, but also involves multiple groups around the world. In the report just now, the investors said they signed a secret agreement. I suspect that the so-called commercial secrets may be just a cover-up That's all." Yun Su couldn't help frowning.

Although this incident happened in Country Y, it has already implicated Hua Country's group company.


(End of this chapter)

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