I've always had a crush on her

Chapter 592 Biochemical Virus 05

Chapter 592 Biochemical Virus 05
When I got home, it was already eleven o'clock at noon.

Bai Shaohua washed up, and then the family of three had lunch together.

About his illegal transaction with Ante Dick, Gu Chengtian never told his wife, only saying that he had secretly invested in a project of Ante Dick.

After lunch, Bai Shaohua was about to go upstairs to take a nap with her husband. Because of her kidnapping, both her husband and son stayed up all night.

Suddenly thought of something, Bai Shaohua pondered for a moment, and finally called his son.

"Son, do you still like Yan Xi?" Bai Shaohua's tone was a bit helpless, she had already accepted Yan Xi as a woman, but unexpectedly Yan Xi was barren.

Gu Jinluo paused, he didn't know how to call it liking, but he cared about her very much, maybe he liked her very much.

"Why ask that?"

"She has come to Country Y, and she is staying at the Fair Hotel." I heard it in the car that night, and the Fair Hotel is not far from here.

"How do you know?" Gu Jinluo was a little surprised, and looked at his mother puzzled.

"Don't worry about how I know. What kind of woman do you like? I won't interfere in your marriage, but this woman, Yan Xi, said that she is barren due to certain physical reasons." Bai Shaohua was a little worried, she knew her son's Personality, if the son has identified Yan Xi, he will not give up easily.

Gu Jinluo froze for a moment. He used to talk to her about the transmission of life, how ironic it seemed at this moment, was he indirectly hurting her.

It suddenly occurred to her that she had said that he would still have a wife and children in the future, his life was very precious, and his life structure was basically stable.

So, will she have no children in the future?Isn't her life precious?Is her life unstable?
Gu Jinluo's heart was a little heavy. It turned out that he didn't understand her at all.

He has always believed that he must take over the family business and inherit the family spirit. Even though he has no intention of getting married for the time being, he knows that one day he will enter the palace of marriage. Although he cannot imagine what kind of person his future wife will be, But it must be the person he loves, and then have a family with her and have children.

However, at this moment, his thoughts have been shaken. Marriage is not to complete the transfer of life, but just to be with her. It doesn't even matter whether you can get married or not, it's just a marriage certificate.

"I have something to go out for a while." After finishing speaking, Gu Jinluo left.

Bai Shaohua sighed slightly, looking at the back of his son going away, he already guessed where he was going.

Gu Jinluo thought of the gift that hadn't been sent, so he went shopping for another gift, and then sent someone to find out which room she lived in.

"Sir, there is no check-in record of the name Yan Xi at the Fair Hotel, but at about two o'clock in the morning the night before, an Asian-faced woman and an Italian man checked into luxury suite No. 909." Because in the past two days, There was only one Asian-faced woman staying at the Fair Hotel.

Italian man?Gu Jinluo couldn't tell what he was feeling at the moment, was that Asian woman her?
At two o'clock in the morning the night before, she said that day that she was about to board the plane at the airport. If she boarded the plane at that time, it would be one or two o'clock in the morning when she flew to country Y.

No matter what, Gu Jinluo has already gone to the Fair Hotel and asked the front desk customer service to connect to the internal line in Room 909.


Knowing that Bai Shaohua was rescued last night and seeing the news report at noon, Hess frowned, but he still couldn't make him care. He had enough chips in his hands.

The landline suddenly rang.

Both Hess and Yan Xi looked at the landline at the same time, how could someone call the landline.

Hess walked over to answer the phone, he did not speak, waiting for the other party to speak.

"Dear guest, a gentleman is looking for a lady whose Chinese name is Yanxi, may I ask you?" The lady at the front desk said sweetly.

"What sir?" Hess casually glanced at Yan Xi.

"This gentleman said his surname is Gu. Could you let Ms. Yan Xi answer the phone?" The front desk lady heard that Hess's voice was male, so it was not Ms. Yan Xi.

"You put him on the phone," Hess said.

The receptionist could only hand the phone to Gu Jinluo.

Gu Jinluo was a little nervous, and asked tentatively, "Yan Xi?"

"Who are you?" Hess couldn't understand Chinese, but he understood her name, and he still preferred Sylvia's name.

"Who are you?" Gu Jinluo instantly became vigilant, and his tone became cold.

"If you don't tell me, I'll hang up." Hess' eyes darkened, how did this man know she was here.

"I have something to ask her, let her answer the phone." Gu Jinluo was unusually calm, he would not conclude that she was living with a man until he knew it clearly.

"What's the matter?" Hess completely took the initiative, the phone was in his hands, but he just refused to give it to her.

"It's very important." Gu Jinluo held the receiver tightly, and could tell that the man deliberately didn't give her the phone.

"You can tell me, and I will pass it on to her." Hess smiled. It's important?Then he wants to listen even more.

"I have to tell her myself." Gu Jinluo said coldly.

"Who are you? What is your relationship with her?" Hess's patience ran out.

Gu Jinluo was silent for a moment, what kind of relationship does he have with her?Not even ordinary friends.

Finally, Gu Jinluo said seriously: "I am pursuing her, what do you think is the relationship?"

"Hehe." Hess's laughter was a bit piercing, and he looked at Yan Xi who was not far away with half-angry eyes.

Gu Jinluo frowned, and could hear the other party's laughter tinged with sarcasm, he couldn't guess who this man was and what relationship he had with her.

"Come to room 909, you will see her." Hess hung up after finishing speaking.

Yan Xi looked at Hess probingly. He was talking about her, was he talking about her?

Hess still had a mysterious smile on his face, looking at her darkly.

"Someone is looking for you, just outside."

"Who?" Yan Xi's face changed slightly, his smile was definitely not a sign of happiness.

"I don't know, I'm waiting for you to tell me, aren't you going to meet?" Hess looked expectant.

Yan Xi was suspicious and couldn't figure out who it was. Finally, she got up and went out.

Seeing her go, Arthur hurriedly followed.

"Wait here for me." Yan Xi looked at Arthur.

"Come back quickly." Arthur watched her go, he didn't want to be with the bad guys.

Arthur turned his head back in fear, and glanced at Hess quietly.

Hess smiled very gently, stretched out his slender palm, beckoned, and beckoned him to come over.

Arthur's face was full of panic, of course he didn't dare to walk over.

"Do you want to see your mother?" Hess threw out the temptation.

Arthur nodded eagerly.

"Come here, I know where your mother is." Hess had never tried to abduct a child, but at the moment, he didn't mind.

Arthur hesitated for a moment, then mustered up his courage, and walked up to Hess step by step, but did not dare to approach.

Hess took a step forward, his tall body squatted down, and looked at him at the same level: "As long as you play a pretend game with me, I will let you see your mother."

"What role-playing game? Are you going to play Batman?" Arthur fell into the temptation of meeting his mother instantly.

"No, I'll play your father, and Sylvia will play your mother." Hess's eyes flashed with treachery, and he wanted to let the man know what a stupid decision it was to pursue his Sylvia.

"Why are you playing my dad?" Arthur was reluctant, the villain was as scary as his dad.

"Don't ask why, if you want to see your mother, then start, okay?"

"Okay." Arthur agreed without hesitation.

"This is a pretend game, you have to behave well and make no mistakes, otherwise you won't see your mother, understand?"

"Understood!" Arthur nodded emphatically.

"Now you go out, hold Sylvia's hand, call Sylvia's mother, call twice, and then don't say anything, if you say anything else, the game will fail."

"Why?" Arthur scratched his head in confusion.

"Don't ask why, you just need to do what I teach you, understand?" Hess didn't have much patience, this kid is too stupid, his and Sylvia's kid must be very smart.

"Understood." Arthur nodded nervously.

"From now on, you go out to find Sylvia." Hess ordered in a secretive tone.

Arthur turned and ran out, followed by Hess.

Outside is a hall connecting corridor.

Arthur looked around, and saw Yan Xi talking to someone there, but couldn't understand what they were saying.

"Go." Hess followed behind Arthur, ordering him in a low voice.

Arthur immediately ran over, grabbed Yan Xi's hand, raised his head to look at her, and called out twice: "Mom."

Yan Xi looked puzzled, and looked down at Arthur beside him.

Arthur's eyes were wide open, his mouth was tightly shut, and he couldn't speak.

Gu Jinluo was completely stunned, and looked at the child in disbelief. The child had brown hair, black eyes, and an Asian-European face. Did he get it wrong?The kid is calling her mother?

At this time, Hess came down like a gentleman, with a handsome smile on his face, held her left hand and raised it up, the diamond ring on the ring finger shone with tiny gleams.

Gu Jinluo saw it. The light of the ring was extremely dazzling, and his mind went blank for a moment. How could she put the ring on the ring finger of her left hand?
"Did you call just now? What do you want to do with Sylvia? Sylvia is my fiancee, and we are going to Italy to get married." Hess' words were like a declaration of victory.

Gu Jinluo looked at Yan Xi suddenly, and saw that she was as calm as ever, she was always so calm, he couldn't guess her thoughts, all the questioning words in his heart were frozen in his throat, and the big and small figures beside her , as if telling him that everything he said was self-defeating.

Yan Xi's heart suddenly felt a little ups and downs, she felt that she had made a mistake, she realized that she had hurt him, and she was condoning what Hess said.

She couldn't explain anything other than apologizing, but at this moment, even the words of apologizing seemed feeble.

In the end, Yan Xi remained silent except for being silent.

"Sylvia, let's go back." Hess took her hand and went back.

Yan Xi lowered his eyes, and as Hess left, the moment he turned around, his eyes became gloomy and cold.

Arthur grabbed Yan Xi's hand and walked with her. After walking a few steps, he looked back at the person. He didn't know what happened, but he could see that the person seemed very sad.

Gu Jinluo didn't move at all, his eyes gradually became dark and blurred, looking at the backs of the three, his existence seemed to be just a joke.

She once said that her fiancé was in Italy. At that time, he thought it was just her lie, but unexpectedly, of all the things she said, only this sentence was the truth.

She once said that she would not get married and have no children, but now he understood because she already had a husband and a child.

Gu Jinluo's whole body was frozen. He didn't know whether he should be angry, sad, or unwilling. He only knew that she had completely walked out of his life.

The gift in his hand fell to the ground like a cracking sound.

Everything that was once crumbled to pieces at this moment, and finally turned to ashes.


Arthur has been afraid to speak. He doesn't know what happened to the adults, but he can feel that something very bad has happened.

"Sylvia, are you angry?" Hess's gentle voice was full of jealousy, how could she be angry, she should resolutely reject that man!
"No need." Yan Xi's face was as dark as water. She was not the one who should be angry. Gu Jinluo came to her many times, and she seemed to hurt his feelings and self-esteem many times.

"Do you like that man just now?" Hess looked at her deeply. If he hadn't intervened, would she have accepted that man's pursuit?

"I don't like it." Yan Xi didn't hesitate at all, even if he gave him an answer that satisfied him, so what.

"But I feel that you are angry with me." Hess's expression seemed sad, she didn't show any emotion, but he could clearly feel that she was angry.

"That's your illusion." She was just... angry with herself.

"Sylvia, will you marry me in Italy?" Hess rubbed the ring on her finger, she didn't deny it just now.

Yan Xi didn't want to answer this question, it was absolutely impossible.

Before dinner time, Yan Xi went back to his room.

Arthur walked up to her and carefully tugged at the hem of her shirt.


"Why do you apologize?" Yan Xi looked at him.

"Did I do something wrong? The bad guy said to play a pretend game with me just now..." Arthur said the matter again.

"It's not your fault, it's...my fault." Yan Xi said, she doesn't know how to deal with relationship issues.

"Why is it your fault?" Arthur looked puzzled, he thought it was his fault, and that bad guy's fault.

"I don't know how to explain it. Let's just forget about it, okay?" Yan Xi said, this is a matter between adults and children should not be involved.

"Yeah." Arthur nodded.

"Then play by yourself for a while, and we'll have dinner together later," Yan Xi said.

Arthur climbed into bed and played Batman himself.

Yan Xi stood on the balcony thinking about today's affairs, blowing the cold winter wind, overlooking the tall buildings outside.

How did Gu Jinluo know she was here, Bai Shaohua told him?

And what happened to the news report at ten o'clock this morning.


(End of this chapter)

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