I've always had a crush on her

Chapter 594 Biochemical Virus 07

Chapter 594 Biochemical Virus 07
Two MI6 agents stopped her immediately, and the woman couldn't help being startled when she saw that they had guns in their hands.

"Mom! Mom!" Arthur desperately got off the chair and rushed over excitedly.

"Arthur!" The woman was stopped by the police, unable to walk through, and could only look at her son helplessly.

Zhong Manyao winked, and the two policemen let go of the woman.

"Mom!" Arthur hugged the woman.

The mother and son hugged each other tightly, and the woman kissed Arthur on the forehead, thanking God.

The woman observed the current situation and asked carefully, "Did something happen?"

Zhong Manyao looked at the woman and said, "We are the police, who are you? Why are you here?"

Elena said: "I am Elena. My ex-husband Shan Jun died. Mr. Este notified me that he saved Arthur and asked me to come here."

Zhong Manyao frowned, she underestimated Hess' cunning.

Elena looked at Hess and said gratefully: "Mr. Esther, thank you very much for bringing Arthur back."

Hess smiled faintly: "It's serious."

Two policemen walked up to the woman and said, "Your ex-husband Shan Jun is conducting illegal research. The police need your cooperation in the investigation. Please come with us."

Elena said angrily: "I don't know about illegal research. I don't know anything about my ex-husband's work. I won't go with you!"

Zhong Manyao said: "This is about national security. The police have the right to take you away forcibly. You don't need to go with us, but your son must go with us. You are allowed to stay with your son all the time."

When Elena heard this, she became even more angry, it was clearly a threat.

At this time, Hess said: "I believe that the police in country Y will not harm you, you can trust them."

Zhong Manyao's face darkened, is Hess pretending to be a good guy?
Finally, Elena said coldly: "I'll go with you."

Before leaving, Arthur walked over and tugged at the corner of Yanxi's clothes, looked up at her, his black eyes were full of sincerity: "Thank you."

"You're welcome." Yan Xi smiled slightly.

Arthur said goodbye with some reluctance, and then left with his mother and followed the police.

Half of the MI6 agents and police are still holding guns.

Hess was still calm and did not take it seriously: "If there is nothing else, don't disturb us for dinner."

Zhong Manyao was very upset, and said with a half-smile: "When you come to country Y next time, you have to be careful."

After finishing speaking, the group of people gathered up and left.

The huge dining room was suddenly empty, the candles were burning quietly, emitting bright candlelight, and the cold fragrance of roses wafted in the air.

"Sylvia, the matter is over, can you go to Italy with me now?" Hess looked at her tenderly, he had already given up on taking the D4 biochemical virus.

Yan Xi looked at him expressionlessly, what did he mean by that?Did he expect the outcome of the matter?
"Dinner is getting cold after so long. Let's have dinner first." Hess continued to eat. He had no ambition to dominate the world. Perhaps it was a lesson brought to Italy by World War II. He hated war.

As for participating in Ante Dick's illegal research, even if he didn't participate, there would be others involved, and of course he wanted to see what conspiracy they had.He doesn't necessarily have to obtain the D4 biochemical virus, but he just doesn't want the D4 biochemical virus to fall into the hands of other people or other countries.


(End of this chapter)

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