I've always had a crush on her

Chapter 595 Biochemical Virus 08

Chapter 595 Biochemical Virus 08
The next day, news reports shocked the world.

One of the world's largest drug research and development companies, Antediaq, and Kate Medical Devices, etc., have conducted a number of illegal research, as well as illegal transactions, stealing state secrets, trafficking contraband, and hostage-taking.

At eight o'clock in the evening in country Y, a very harmful drug was searched from the secret research institute of Ante Dick, and the drug has been taken away by the World Health Organization for destruction.

The police in country Y have arrested the relevant personnel of Ante Dick, as well as other personnel involved in the research.

Yesterday, Wilson Management Consulting Company, Huaguo Shengshi Group, R Country Lianghua Company, Italian Este Company, etc., stated that they had signed a contract with Antediaq for the treatment of major diseases, but Antediaq did not produce research results , according to the contract as a breach of contract, have sued Ante Dike company.

However, the relevant suspects of Antidick said that all the above-mentioned investors knew about it, and all of them had invested in illegal research.

The investors said that Ante Dick deliberately slandered.

Early this morning, the stock price of Antidick company plummeted, and there was no leader. Not only did they have to face police investigation, but they were also sued by many companies.

Looking at today's news reports, Gu Chengtian's hanging heart finally let go. Now he only needs to send a lawyer to deal with it, and Ante Dick has lost the bargaining chip.

Bai Shaohua didn't ask about this matter, she was not stupid and ignorant, she knew her husband's character very well, she was afraid of knowing something she shouldn't know.

Now that the matter has been dealt with properly, she will act as if she doesn't know anything.

"Dad, Mom, I'm going back to China tomorrow." Gu Jinluo looked at his parents.

"Don't worry, stay with us for another two days." Bai Shaohua was a little bit reluctant. He had just experienced a disaster, and he had a deeper understanding of the preciousness of family affection. Power, fame and fortune seemed less important.

"Then I'll go back the day after tomorrow." Gu Jinluo did not refuse.

Bai Shaohua's mood is both complicated and worried. Yesterday his son came back in a daze, and he didn't come out of the room. He already guessed that his son's visit to Yan Xi was not going well.

Regarding this, I don't know whether it is good or bad. How can the Gu family accept a woman who is barren, but she is also worried that her son will continue to be single.


Two days later, Gu Jinluo returned to Jingyang City.

On Friday morning, Gu Jinluo went back to work as usual.

Qin Hao finally breathed a sigh of relief. The CEO suddenly went back to country Y that day, and there was no further information after that, he didn't give any instructions, and he didn't even answer the phone.

You know, the top executives are busy with whether to acquire Haina Group, but the president suddenly disappeared.

He heard from Piao Piao that day that Yan Xi went abroad to get married, which really shocked him. He even suspected that the day the president disappeared, he went to heal his emotional injuries.

At [-]:[-], Qin Hao went to the CEO's office, and secretly observed the CEO's expression. The CEO has always shown his emotions and anger, so he wondered if he was sad or not.

"What's the matter?" Gu Jinluo sat on the office chair, glanced at Qin Hao, and noticed Qin Hao's scrutiny.

"There are many things..." Qin Hao immediately reported the company's recent events.

At the end, Qin Hao said: "Also, the new secretary took office the day before yesterday. I will let her handle some simple tasks first, and her work efficiency is quite high."

No less than Tian Na and Yan Xi, Qin Hao didn't say this, and he was relieved when he saw that the CEO didn't seem to be dissatisfied.

"Let her come up later." Gu Jinluo ordered.

"Understood." Qin Hao went out.

(End of this chapter)

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