I've always had a crush on her

Chapter 596 Biochemical Virus 09

Chapter 596 Biochemical Virus 09
Gu Jinluo rubbed his forehead, feeling a sense of failure, which made him very uncomfortable.

When I opened the drawer, I saw a resume inside.

Gu Jinluo's hand paused, and finally took out this resume, and threw it into the wastebasket.


There was a light knock on the door.

"Come in." Gu Jinluo's tone was as serious as ever.

A woman walked in. She was probably in her early 20s. She was very young. She was wearing a business suit with a shirt, a small suit and a suit skirt, and low-heeled high-heeled shoes, showing her shapely and slender legs. She had black hair tied into a ponytail and a small fair face. No makeup is applied, the eyes are clear and bright, the nose is small and tall, the lips are slightly pink, and the whole person is refreshing and vivid.

But after only three or four steps, she stopped abruptly, unable to walk anymore.

Gu Jinluo raised his eyelids, and looked at the woman coldly.

"You, you, why are you here?" Su Qianqian's eyes widened in disbelief, it was absolutely impossible for her to admit her mistake.

"I should be the one to ask you this question." Gu Jinluo frowned slightly. This woman could not be his... new secretary?
"I work here, so are you... my boss?" Su Qianqian trembled, she was so fierce that day, as if she had blackmailed him of his money.

"Schedule." Gu Jinluo didn't answer her, but just said three words. He has been back for so long, and the schedule on the desk is still from last week.

Su Qianqian immediately took out a schedule from the folder, hurried over, and carefully placed it on the desk.

Gu Jinluo picked up the schedule and looked at it: "All the banquets for the next week are canceled, and the important things of the next week should be moved forward to Monday or Tuesday as much as possible. The meeting on the acquisition plan of Haina Liquor Industry will be held at [-] o'clock this afternoon. Are you ready? Meeting."

"Understood!" Su Qianqian quickly wrote it down.

"go out."

"Yes." Su Qianqian left in a hurry. The boss is terrible. Who said that the president of the company is personable, elegant and gentle, obviously just with a cold face, but one thing is right, the president is indeed handsome, but he is handsome so what!

Saturday, rest day.

There is only one Songquan Villa in the entire Songquan Mountain, which is extraordinarily quiet and desolate.

At eight o'clock in the morning, Gu Jinluo was sitting in the dining room, flipping through the newspaper.

Until there were footsteps, but the footsteps suddenly stopped.

Gu Jinluo raised his eyelids and examined the woman in servant clothes.

Su Qianqian was wearing a white servant uniform, still wearing a refreshing ponytail, holding breakfast in her hand, standing at the door of the dining room with a startled expression, her eyes wide open, and stammering: "You, you, what are you doing?" will be here?"

"I should be asking you this question."

"I work part-time here, because the servants are off on weekends, so I come here to help every weekend. Could this be... your home?" Su Qianqian kept praying in her heart, it must be not!

"Breakfast." Gu Jinluo only said two words, completely dispelling Su Qianqian's prayer.

Su Qianqian immediately served breakfast, at this moment she even wanted to die, why did she meet this man everywhere she went!
After breakfast, Su Qianqian didn't want to see her boss at all, and left in a hurry. She originally wanted to find a weekend job, and then she could work part-time on weekends. Although Songquan Mountain is far away, the salary is better than that , Food and accommodation are also included on weekdays!


(End of this chapter)

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