I've always had a crush on her

Chapter 598 Happy Spring Chapter 01

Chapter 598 Happy Chinese New Year 01
In the evening, Hua Cuo finally arrived at the hotel, his coat was covered with fine snow.

"Yan Xi, have you had dinner yet?" Hua Cuo walked up to her excitedly.

"Not yet." Yan Xi glanced at him, he seemed very happy.

"Coincidentally, I haven't either. Wait for me for a while, I'll drop off your luggage, and then I'll take you to eat delicious food." Hua Cuo immediately went into the room, changed a dress, and went out with her.

It was still snowing outside, so I rented an umbrella from the hotel.

Hua Cuo held an umbrella and walked with her on the street.

"I'll take you to eat Vietnamese food. The Vietnamese food in that restaurant is delicious." Country F once ruled Vietnam for decades, and learned nothing, so they learned Vietnamese food in Vietnam.

When I went to the restaurant, it was warm immediately.

The cooks and staff in the restaurant are all from country F. Although it serves Vietnamese food, the restaurant opened by people from country F serves French-style Vietnamese food.

During dinner time, there are many customers in the restaurant.

When ordering food, Hua Cuo was a little surprised to hear her speak fluent French: "You speak French better than me."

"I have studied it specifically." She has also studied many languages, and she is more proficient in French and Italian.

Hua Cuo suddenly remembered that when he was in China, he went to a French restaurant with her before, and he also boasted that he could speak French, but she didn't speak French at the time, did she not want to hit him?
Although he had been in Lyon for a while, he could only speak in simple terms, and badly at that.

"What foreign language do you know?" Hua Cuo asked, never knowing that she could speak French.

"Italian, I have learned Spanish and German before, but there are a few sounds that are difficult to pronounce, so I didn't learn it." She thinks Spanish and German are the most difficult to learn.

"I only know English and a little French." He had been on missions in country M before, and he only spoke good English.

After a while, the food was served. The taste of Vietnamese food focuses on natural and refreshing. The taste is mainly sweet and sour, light but not greasy.

The dishes are very delicately presented, including shrimp, fish, and various meats.

"There are very few Vietnamese restaurants in China, so eat more." Hua Cuo said, he has a little understanding of Vietnamese cuisine, but he has not formally learned it, so he doesn't know how to cook it.

"I don't think I've ever eaten Vietnamese food. The names of these dishes are quite strange." Yan Xi has never been picky, and she would never go out of her way to eat any dishes.

"It will be more vivid when translated into Chinese. This dish is called Caramel Spicy Onion Sauce, this is Green Mango Beef Tenderloin, and this is Fresh Tomato Stew and Fresh Beef River." The translation is very accurate, after all he is specialized in cooking.

After the two had finished their dinner, it was already past eight o'clock in the evening.

The snow stopped, and the two walked along the street, and they came to the bridge. Under the bridge was a slightly curved river.

The buildings on both sides of the river, as well as the long bridge, are full of old artistic atmosphere.

The two stopped, blowing the cold night wind.

"This is the Saone River, have you been here before?" Hua Cuo looked at the distance of the river.

"I've been here." Lyon is not big, so the probability of passing by a place is high.

"What a coincidence! I've been here before!" Hua Cuo said excitedly, she had been here before, and he had been here, and now they come here together.

Yan Xi really didn't know how to react to him.

(End of this chapter)

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