I've always had a crush on her

Chapter 599 Happy Spring Chapter 02

Chapter 599 Happy Chinese New Year 02
Hua looked at her wrongly, and asked again: "Have you ever been to Chamonix? You can see the Alps from there."

"I haven't been there." Chamonix is ​​a suburban town, and she hasn't been there on purpose.

"What a coincidence! I haven't been there either." Hua Cuo was surprised.

"Are you kidding me?" Yan Xi glanced at him, everything is so coincidental with her?

"I'm serious, let's go tomorrow, okay?" Hua Cuo looked at her expectantly.

"You decide." Anyway, she didn't know how to spend the two-month vacation.

"I like you... This answer, it's very late, it's a bit cold, let's go back." Hua mistook her coat and saw the hooded jacket she was wearing, so she reached behind her, picked up the hat and put it on her head .

"Don't touch me!" Yan Xi took off his hat.

"Put on the hat, it's cold!" Hua Cuo put the hat on her head again.

"If you do this again, I will be angry." Yan Xi took off his hat again.

"Don't be angry, don't be angry, don't you feel cold?" Hua Cuo didn't dare to touch her anymore.

"It's okay." Yan Xi was wearing a thick sweater and black gloves on his hands.

"Why don't you wear a hat?" Hua Cuo asked suspiciously.

"I don't want to wear it." It's not snowing, and it's not about going to do something that may not be bright.

"Why don't you want to wear it?" Hua Cuo asked again.

"If you don't want to, don't think about it. There are so many reasons."

"I think you look good in a hat." Hua Cuo said seriously.

"Is there something wrong with your eyesight?" She was wearing a long black hooded jacket. After putting on the hood, her whole body was black, and it was night, like a ghost.

"I have absolutely no problem with my eyesight." Hua Cuo looked at her, he always thought she was very attractive.

Yan Xi didn't want to talk to him.

Go back along the way, back to the hotel, and return the umbrella to the hotel.

When he walked to the door of the room, he passed Yan Xi's room first, and Hua Cuo stopped suddenly.

Yan Xi glanced at him, what's the matter?

"Won't you say good night to me?" Hua Cuo leaned against the door of the room, looking at her with unclear eyes.

"Good night." Yan Xi said, his behavior of leaning against the door of her room would cause people to misunderstand.

"Good night." Hua Cuo smiled and left.

Yan Xi glanced at his back before opening the door and going in.


The next morning, there was no snow and today was sunny.

Huacuo looked at the morning light outside the window, it was really a beautiful thing, suitable for seeing the snow-capped mountains.

Hua mistakenly put on a suit of clothes that were easy to move around, put on a scarf, and then went to knock on her door.

Yan Xi opened the door.

"Good morning." Hua Cuo's smile was brighter than the sunshine outside.

"Good morning, can we go?" Yan Xi asked, blocking the door.

"It should be colder and windy in the suburbs, don't you wear a scarf?" Hua looked at her by mistake.

"I don't have a scarf." Yan Xi was wearing a turtleneck sweater, so she didn't need a scarf, and there was no scarf in her luggage, only a thin silk scarf.

"Here, let's have breakfast first. I know a delicious bakery near here, especially croissants." Hua Cuo said.

The two walked out of the hotel, and took the wrong way to lead the way to a small bakery.

The store is full of the smell of bread, many people are buying bread, some bread is sold out, and some people are waiting for the bread to be baked.

After buying bread, many people sat on the open-air tables and chairs by the roadside to have breakfast.

(End of this chapter)

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