I've always had a crush on her

Chapter 602 Happy Spring Chapter 05

Chapter 602 Happy Chinese New Year 05
"Well, actually, what I want to express is, if an avalanche happens, what is the thing you want to do the most?" Hua Cuo looked at her, if there were only ten seconds left in the world, the thing I would want to do the most is kiss you.

"Run." Do you still need to think?Of course he ran away. Could it be that he was standing here waiting to be buried in the snow?
Flower error: "..."

Just pretend he didn't ask.

Hua Cuo took out his mobile phone and continued to take pictures of the scenery. When he took pictures of a direction, he suddenly thought of something. That direction should be Italy.

The Alps have been passing through northern Italy, and Chamonix just borders Italy, so it is very convenient to travel to and from Chamonix.

He has never asked about her relationship with Hess, but he still can't help guessing and probing.

At about the same time, the two took the cable car back to the foot of the mountain.

"It's still early, let's walk around for a while, then have dinner here, and then go back by car." Hua Cuo and she hiked around the foot of the mountain.

There is some snow on the ground, but it does not affect the walking.

"Yan Xi, why don't we build a snowman!" Hua Cuo had a whim.

"No." Yan Xi was not interested.

"Pile it up." Hua Cuo persuaded again.

"You stack it yourself." Yan Xi didn't want to do anything.

"Then I'll make it myself." Hua Cuo really squatted down and started to build a snowman.

Yan Xi was unmoved and just walked around.

Huacuo was squatting on the ground, rubbing snowballs in his hands, but looking at her, did she really not build a snowman with him?

Seeing her go farther and farther, Hua Cuo couldn't hold back anymore, weighed the snowball in his hand, and then smashed it out.

With a snap, the snowball hit Yan Xi behind.

Yan Xi turned around abruptly, glaring at Hua Cuo, what was he doing?
"Who told you not to build a snowman with me?" Hua accidentally threw the snowball in her hand, and then smashed the snowball to her feet.

Yan Xi was completely angry, bent over and grabbed a handful of snow, rolled it into a snowball, and smashed it hard at Huacuo.

Hua Cuo immediately dodged sideways, took out a handful of snow, and rubbed it into snowballs.

The two of them threw snowballs at each other like this, and you hid and hit each other, and they were covered in snow after a while.

Yan Xi walked over with a snowball and hit Hua Cuo at close range.

Hua Cuo's reaction was quick, throwing a snowball quickly.

With a bang, the snowball actually hit Yan Xi's head, emitting countless fine snow.

Yan Xi's face and hair were covered with fine snow, her face turned cold instantly, and she was completely angry.

Hua Cuo was stunned, and when he was about to apologize, Yan Xi rushed over and sprinkled snow on his head.

Hua Cuo immediately stretched out his hand to cover it, and hurriedly begged for mercy: "Don't be angry, I was wrong just now!"

Yan Xi didn't want to hear an apology, so he grabbed Hua Cuo's hand, dragged him to the ground forcefully, then grabbed the snow from the ground and threw it on him.

"Yan Xi! Stop playing! I know I was wrong!" Hua Cuo grabbed her wrist with his backhand, trying to break free from her grip.

"It's too late!" Yan Xi grabbed his hand with his backhand.

Both of them had learned formal fighting, and neither could control the other for a while, so they scuffled on the snow.

Hua Cuo didn't know how good her skills were, and was worried about hurting her, so she didn't dare to punch her, but tried to suppress her as much as possible.

Yan Xi didn't care so much, if he didn't give in, he just beat him up.

Hua Cuo had no choice but to resist, and fought with her.

Hitting and hitting, you dragged me down, and I rolled over and overwhelmed you, and the two of them rolled twice on the snow.

In the end, Yan Xi rode on him, pressed his wrist with his left hand, raised his fist with his right hand, and was about to land a punch on his face.

Hua Cuo still had a hand to resist, but he didn't move, just closed his eyes immediately, waiting for the punch to fall.

However, one second, two seconds, three seconds, did not wait for the expected fist.

Hua Cuo slowly opened her eyes, the setting sun shone on her body, her hair was a little messy, her face was gloomy, and there was anger in her eyes.

Huacuo lay motionless on the snow, looking at her fixedly, not knowing whether it was because of the fight just now, or because of the weight on him that made him feel hot all over.

Yan Xi suddenly got up and left.

Hua Cuo was stunned for a moment, then immediately got up and chased after him: "Yan Xi, I'm sorry, I know I was wrong."

Yan Xi didn't say a word.

"I let you fight as you please, and I will never resist." Hua Cuo said firmly.

Yan Xi still didn't say a word.

"Don't ignore me, what do you want to forgive me? Or I just stand still and let you hit me with snow..." Hua Cuo really regretted it.

"Let's not take this as an example." Yan Xi said.

"Did you forgive me?" Hua Cuo asked cautiously.

"Yeah." Yan Xi was indeed a little angry just now, who wants to play with him?
Hua Cuo took off the scarf around her neck and wiped the snow on her hair with the scarf.

"I'll wipe the snow off for you."

"Take it away." Yan Xi didn't appreciate it at all.

Hua Cuo didn't dare to provoke her anymore, so she took it away immediately.

Yan Xi stopped, took off his scarf and shook the fine snow off his body, then bent over to brush the snowflakes from his hair, and then tied up his hair with a hair tie.

Hua Cuo also patted the snow stains on his clothes, just now his body was covered in snow.

As the sun set, the two went back along the way, had dinner at a nearby restaurant, and then went back to the hotel by car.

The drive is a bit far, nearly three hours.

It was past ten o'clock when we got back to the hotel, and I went to buy hot drinks and cakes by mistake.

"Let's go back to eat, to your room or mine?"


"Then... let's go to your room." Hua Cuo thought for a while before saying.

Went to Yan Xi's room, turned on the heater, and the room became warm in no time.

There was only a small table in the room, and the two sat and ate together.

Hua staggered away from the TV, and the local channel was playing on the TV. He couldn't fully understand it, but he still wanted to watch it.

Yan Xi didn't say anything, he was going to watch TV again.

"When do you want to go back to China?" Hua took a straw by mistake and sipped on a smooth hot drink.

"Haven't decided yet, how about you?" Yan Xi glanced at him, never knowing where his home was, he said before that he had no family, so he didn't know if it was true or not.

"I haven't decided yet, do you want to go back to Jingyang City?" Hua Cuo thought about it, and he wanted to spend this vacation with her.

"Not going back to Jingyang City." Yan Xi couldn't think of where to go for a moment, but staying in a hotel all the time was not an option, as the consumption level in Lyon was very high.

"Why don't you go back to Jingyang City? Where are you going?" Hua Cuo looked at her suspiciously, and he still wanted to go back to Jingyang City with her.

"I don't know." Yan Xi recalled that her parents also had houses in other places. Counting how many houses she owned, the houses in the previous era were not expensive, but now all of them have appreciated in value.

"Why don't you know where to go?" Hua Cuo felt strange, her home is in Jingyang City, why didn't she go back?

"I don't want to explain." Yan Xi ate the cake silently.

"Well, how about we play here for a week and then go to the capital?" Hua Cuo suggested that the director should be in the capital, and Yun Su and Moyan should also be in the capital.

"We'll talk about it later." Yan Xi had no idea for the time being.

After eating the cake, Hua Cuo sat motionless and watched TV.

Yan Xi glanced at the time, it was already eleven o'clock, wouldn't he leave?
"I'm going to sleep."

"Oh, where do you want to go tomorrow?" Lyon is a tourist attraction and there are many places to go.

"You decide." Yan Xi didn't care.

"Okay, good night." Hua Cuo got up and left.


The two stayed in Lyon for a week and visited almost all the attractions before deciding to return to China.

Yan Xi and Hua Cuo went back to the capital of Huaguo together. She visited the capital once seven years ago, and never came again.

Her parents have an old house in the capital, but she has never been there, and it has been vacant for many years.

I slept on the plane and arrived at the capital at nine o'clock in the morning.

In December, the capital is already snowing heavily, and there are numerous snowflakes everywhere.

"We don't stay in a hotel, go to my place." Hua called a taxi by mistake and put her luggage in the back compartment.

"Where?" Yan Xi looked at him suspiciously, going to his house?She doesn't go to his house.

"I'm the only one in the apartment. I haven't been back for almost a year. When I go back, I have to clean it and get in the car." Hua Cuo opened the door.

Yan Xi followed him back like this.

In the residential area of ​​the old city, there is an old building with no elevator. The wrong apartment is on the sixth floor. The apartment is only about [-] square meters. It has two bedrooms, one living room with kitchen, bathroom and balcony.

It is not so easy to buy a one-storey, fifty-square-meter house in the capital now.

Open the curtains, the room is very bright.

There is little decoration, and the flowers are rarely returned, only a few necessary pieces of furniture, and the furniture is covered with dust sheets.

"I think it's more convenient to go back to Jingyang City, but in Jingyang City, I don't have a house." Hua Cuo said intentionally or unintentionally, her house is big and convenient, and the winter in Jingyang City is not too cold, so it is very comfortable.

Yan Xiquan pretended he didn't hear, he could go back and rent a room.

Hua put down her luggage by mistake: "There is no quilt in your room, now let's go buy quilts and pillows, and come back after lunch to clean up."

When going out, Hua Cuo took the quilt and sheets to the nearby dry cleaner downstairs, and they can get them back tonight.

"Is it cold?" Hua Cuo held up an umbrella, it was colder than Lyon.

"It's okay." Yan Xi had been to colder places before.

After going to the mall to buy a quilt, I saw a large electrical appliance store.

Hua Cuo stopped and took a look. There was no TV in his apartment, so he was thinking: "Yan Xi, do you want to buy a TV?"

Yan Xi: "The TV is too big, it's hard to take it home."

Wrong flower: "Free home delivery."

Yan Xi: "..."

So, Huacuo went in and bought a TV, which was not big because the living room in the apartment was not big.

Back in the apartment, the two started cleaning.

After a while, people from the electrical appliance store delivered the goods to the door and installed them for free.

It was a mistake to call someone to connect the network cable and install the digital TV set-top box, so I can watch TV tonight.

After cleaning, Hua Cuo found out the spare key and threw it to her: "Key, catch it."

Yan Xi reached out to catch the key, she won't stay here for a long time, in fact he didn't need to give her the key.

"I don't think this curtain looks good. Let's go buy curtains tomorrow and replace all the curtains." Hua Cuo just took off the curtains and threw them into the washing machine.

 PS: In fact, this book can end here.If I say it's over, will you kill me?

  The framework of this book is too big, and there is still a long way to go, but this book is too bad, no one reads it, no grades, no recommendation, no recommendation, no one reads this book, no grades... This is a Infinite loop.

  However, I don't want to give up for the time being, I will write very slowly in the future, try to finish as much as possible, I am very sorry!
  Don't give a reward, you deserve it.

(End of this chapter)

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