I've always had a crush on her

Chapter 603 Happy Spring Chapter 07

Chapter 603 Happy Chinese New Year 07
In the afternoon of the next day, Hua Cuo and Yan Xi bought a lot of vegetables and went to Nie Shen's house to cook hot pot tonight.

Nie Shen lived in a small villa near the National Security Bureau, two stories high, in a neo-Chinese style.

The surrounding walls of the villa are high and covered with infrared rays.

"Is there anyone else in the chief's family?" Yan Xi asked beforehand.

"I don't know if the director has any other relatives, but he lives alone in the place where he lives, except for the guards and a servant. The column of his marital status is unmarried." He didn't mean to know others Privacy, everyone in the Bureau knows this.

Hua rang the doorbell by mistake, and it was the guard who opened the door.

The inside is also antique, and you walk into the house along the Qingshi Road.

Nie Shen's injuries are not serious, but he is still full of energy. His figure is as straight as a pine tree, full of military courage and righteousness, and he seems a little more kind at home.

Hua Cuo and Yan Xi came to the living room. There were not only Nie Shen in the room, but also two people they knew, Mo Yan and Yun Su.

Seeing Hua Cuo and Yan Xi coming, Nie Shen was overjoyed.

"Director." Hua Cuo said casually.

"Uncle Nie." Yan Xi called out politely.

"You're welcome, just treat this as your own home." Nie Shen looked at Yan Xi with satisfaction. He was also there when Words and Words found Yan Xi, and it has been 25 years.

Yan Xi was a little cautious, she didn't have any relatives or close friends, so she didn't know how to get along.

"Yan Xi, come and sit down." Nie Shen was very accommodating.

"Thank you." Yan Xi sat down politely.

Mo Yan keeps looking at Yan Xi, and still has some resentment for her kidnapping him.

Yun Su just glanced at Yan Xi indifferently, why did she come with Hua Cuo?

"Yan Xi, when are you coming to the capital?" Nie Shen asked.

"Last week." Yan Xi replied politely.

"Then where do you live?" Nie Shen was a little surprised. She had been in the capital for so long, and he didn't even know.

When Yan Xi was organizing his words so as not to be misunderstood, Hua Cuo had already spoken.

"She lives in my apartment, and I have a vacant room for her to live in." Hua Cuo's expression was very frank.

Nie Shen frowned, Yan Xi was a woman living with Hua Cuo a man, it was always inconvenient.

"Yan Xi, you moved to live with me, there are a few vacant rooms upstairs."

"Because of my work, it would be inconvenient for me to come and go here frequently." Yan Xi politely refused. She respected Nie Shen very much, but it was hard for her to be friendly.

Nie Shen could also understand that as an important official of the country, someone might monitor this place. As an Interpol, Yan Xi often performed field missions and tried to avoid revealing his identity as much as possible.

"It's getting late, it's the wrong time, go cook. Mo Yan, you go and help." Nie Shen assigned the two of them.

There was a trace of sadness in Mo Yan's eyes, and he reluctantly followed Hua Cuo to the kitchen, why didn't the director call Yun Su?
There were only three people left in the living room, Yun Su was not a talkative person, and Yan Xi would not say a word.

Nie Shen looked at the two of them, why they didn't seem to have any verbal or eye contact.

"Yan Xi, why don't you move to live with Yun Su." Nie Shen thought for a while, Yun Su couldn't live in the master's house, and currently lives alone.

Yun Su's expression was weird, of course he couldn't, he wouldn't accept a strange woman living with him.

Yan Xi was puzzled, why Nie Shen said that, she and Yun Su didn't know each other at all.

(End of this chapter)

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