I've always had a crush on her

Chapter 604 Happy Spring Chapter 08

Chapter 604 Happy Chinese New Year 08
Of course Yan Xi refused: "No need, I will leave the capital in a while."

Nie Shen didn't ask the reason. After all, Yan Xi's work needs to be kept secret, and it is very irregular, so he is on call at any time.

This time it fell silent again.

"Aren't you guys talking?" Nie Shen looked at the two of them.

What to talk about?
Yun Su didn't say a word for a long time, it's not that he didn't want to say it, but he didn't know what to say.

Yan Xi glanced at Yun Su, seeing that his expression was indifferent, he didn't say anything, so of course she wouldn't say much.

Nie Shen was surprised. Yun Su was usually a taciturn person, but Yan Xi was also a taciturn person. If he didn't like to talk, he needed to cultivate a tacit understanding.

"I'll help in the kitchen." Yun Su got up and left.

Nie Shen wondered, does Yun Su not like Yan Xi?
Yun Su is already 27 years old, and he has never had a girlfriend before, so he hooked up. It wasn't because of the baby kiss they joked about when they were young. In this age, of course, they don't follow the baby kiss.

But he still hopes that Yun Su and Yan Xi can come together, whether it is to realize what they said back then, or to cherish the memory of their comrades-in-arms, and more importantly, he thinks Yun Su is very good.

"Yan Xi, I remember you were chubby and cute when you were young." Nie Shen missed it, but now that he's grown up, it seems that he is not cute, but mature and stable.

"I was really fat when I was young." Yan Xi admitted.

Nie Shen chatted with her about the past, Yan Xi's parents, and Yun Su's father.

Yan Xi was a little surprised, Yun Su's father knew her parents?


Cleaning the hot pot tonight, just wash the vegetables and bowls and chopsticks, and adjust some sauces. Three men are busy in the kitchen.

"Yun Su, why are you here?" Mo Yan was picking vegetables, and glanced at Yun Su who was washing dishes, Yun Su couldn't cook either.

"When it comes, it will come." Yun Su said.

Because of Nie Shen's injury, Hua Cuo specially adjusted the broth to make the ingredients lighter.

After dinner, Nie Shen asked Mo Yan to wash the dishes.

Mo Yan was so angry that he couldn't speak, he held his breath and went to wash the dishes, why didn't he call Yun Su and Hua Cuo?

They sat in the living room and chatted for a while. It was not until [-] o'clock in the evening that Hua Cuo and Yan Xi said goodbye and left. Hua Cuo's apartment is in the old city, which is a little far away from here.

Before leaving, Nie Shen looked at Yan Xi with relief and worry, he had lost too much, his best comrade-in-arms, his favorite lover, all lost.

"Yan Xi, protect yourself well."

"I will. Take care." Yan Xi nodded.

Nie Shen stood at the door, looking at Yan Xiyuan's back, just like her parents.


After leaving Nie Shen's house.

"Do you know who Yun Su is? Where is his family, what kind of family does he have?" Yan Xi asked, except that Yun Su was from the National Security Bureau, he didn't know anything about it.

"I don't know. The identities of most people in the National Security Bureau are kept secret. After all, families are soft target information." The special agents of the National Security Bureau deal with criminals all the time. Once their identities are exposed, family members may be affected.

"However, I can also tell you something. I only know that Yun Su's father is gone, and the relationship between Yun Su and the director...is very close." Hua Cuo said, he was not envious, although the director was very kind to him, but It's just the relationship between superiors and subordinates.

But Yun Su is different, it can be seen that the director has specially cultivated Yun Su, and even taught him carefully, probably just like an elder.

Of course, Yun Su himself is quite capable, he feels that Yun Su is not simple, he is very different from ordinary people.


(End of this chapter)

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