I've always had a crush on her

Chapter 606 Happy Spring Chapter 10

Chapter 606 Happy Chinese New Year 10
This year's Spring Festival is a bit earlier, at the end of January.

Hua Cuo went shopping with Yan Xi again, the shopping mall was full of all kinds of New Year's goods, Hua Cuo kept adding to the shopping cart.

"Who are you going to give the gift to?" Yan Xi asked a little more, except for Nie Shen, he never knew any relatives or friends.

"Leave it at home and eat it slowly." Huacuo took another bag of candies. Although these foods are not delicious, they are very atmospheric.

Yan Xi didn't say anything anymore, she was leaving after the Chinese New Year, and she didn't eat these things, so Hua Mi ate slowly by herself.

"I'm going to buy something, you wait here for me." Yan Xi left.

"What to buy?" Hua Cuo pushed the shopping cart and followed.

"You'll know in a while, don't follow." Yan Xi walked towards the women's products section.

Huacuo is waiting for her here.

After a while, Yan Xi came back and put a box of things into the shopping cart.

Huacuo picked it up and looked at it, and couldn't help being stunned, tampons?
Yan Xi glanced at him sideways: "Put it down."

Immediately put the wrong flower back into the shopping cart.


The day before New Year's Eve, Nie Shen deliberately called Hua Cuo to ask if Yan Xi was still in the capital.

So, on New Year's Eve, Hua Cuo and Yan Xi went to Nie Shen's house for dinner.

Hua mistakenly prepared a lot of fillings, ready to make dumplings.

Yan Xi was also helping, it was her first time making dumplings, and there is no custom of making dumplings on New Year's Eve in the south.

Hua Cuo made every dumpling almost the same, but saw the dumplings she made: "Yan Xi, the dumplings you made are so cute, each one has a different shape."

Yan Xi's face darkened, he was definitely laughing at her.

Nie Shen looked over and smiled.

After the New Year's Eve dinner, Nie Shen gave the two a red envelope.

"Thank you, Director." Hua Cuo happily accepted the red envelope.

"Thank you, Uncle Nie." Yan Xi was a little embarrassed. She hadn't received a lucky red envelope for many years.

After the New Year's Eve dinner, I kept hearing the sound of firecrackers and fireworks outside.

Fireworks and firecrackers are restricted in the capital. Fireworks and firecrackers can only be set off from the eve of the lunar new year to the first day of the first lunar month, and from the second to the fifteenth day of the first lunar month from 7:24 to [-]:[-].

"Yan Xi, do you want to set off fireworks?" Nie Shen didn't prepare any fireworks or firecrackers. In previous years, he lived alone, but it was not difficult to borrow some fireworks from nearby residents.

"I prefer watching fireworks," Yan Xi said.

So, the three of them went outside to watch the fireworks, and the nearby residents were all setting off firecrackers and fireworks.

Splendid fireworks bloomed in the dark night sky, full of New Year's joy.

After watching the fireworks, I went back to the living room and turned on the TV to watch the live broadcast of the Spring Festival Gala. It was very New Year's atmosphere.

Nie Shen is usually serious and powerful, but at this moment he rarely showed a relaxed and joyful expression. Even though he doesn't usually watch TV, he still thinks tonight's TV show is very good.

"Yanxi, what are your hobbies?" Nie Shen asked casually. He had a special status and couldn't participate in her life. Since the words were gone, he couldn't understand her life.

Before Yan Xi could speak, Hua Cuo did.

"She likes running and playing games. She is very good at playing games. I only beat her once. She must have let me go on purpose."

"Do you still like to play games now? I heard from your parents before that you often played games when you were studying, but your academic performance is still very good, so I didn't stop it." Nie Shen remembered, although he had never seen her In life, but I often know her from words and mouths.

Hua Cuo immediately went on to say: "When she was in middle school, she always ranked first in the exams, so she must be the top student in the school."

Yan Xi looked at Hua Cuo with warning eyes, who asked him to interrupt.

"How do you know?" Nie Shen looked at Hua Cuo, he was asking Yan Xi, how could Hua Cuo say such things.

"That's what her friend said." Hua Cuo was deeply impressed, remembering what Yin Zimo said.

"Your father said that your sports performance is also very good. You are often No.1 in running competitions. I have seen photos of you in middle school. You have long hair and dark skin, full of sunshine and vitality." Nie Shen said, now she It's too quiet, he can't see through her
Yan Xiquan took it as a compliment, her skin is a bit dark, her complexion is not fair by nature.

Hua Cuo had a clear look: "It must be dark after sunbathing often, and it's not so dark now."

The next topic revolved around Yan Xi, but she basically didn't say much.

Yan Xi suddenly wanted to kill Hua Cuo.

Nie Shen looked at Hua Cuo strangely, did Hua Cuo like Yan Xi?To be honest, he didn't quite approve of Yan Xi and Hua getting together by mistake.

It's not that flowers are bad, but that Yun Su is better. He doesn't care about power and fame, but when it comes to the children of his comrades-in-arms, he also has selfish motives.

The ability to make mistakes is acceptable, but it is difficult to be promoted to a higher position. Besides, as a National Security Bureau agent, his life is in danger at any time.

He doesn't want anyone to sacrifice, but in the face of national security, this is inevitable.

And Hua Cuo is just an orphan, without a strong family as the backing, to put it bluntly, Hua Cuo can't protect Yan Xi.

But Yun Su is different, Yun Su is not only a spy of the National Security Bureau, he also has a more important identity, with sufficient ability and power.

Nie Shen looked at Yan Xi, in fact it was useless for him to think too much, the most important thing was who Yan Xi liked, but luckily, Yan Xi may not like Huacuo too.


Hua Cuo and Yan Xi didn't leave until ten o'clock in the evening.

Back home, Hua Cuo immediately took out the red envelope in his pocket, opened it, and took out a 100 yuan.

Hua Cuo was overjoyed immediately: "Yan Xi! The director gave me a red envelope of 100 yuan! Last year it was only 50 yuan!"

Yan Xi looked at him speechlessly, never thought that a 100 yuan red envelope could make Hua Cuo happy like this.

Hua Cuo was a little excited: "Yan Xi, how much is yours?"

"I don't know." Yan Xi didn't open the red envelope, it didn't matter how much it was, what was important was the meaning of the red envelope.

"It must be because of you that the director sent me a 100 yuan red envelope, maybe you have 200 yuan." Hua Cuo said seriously.

Yan Xi reached into his pocket and felt the thickness of the red envelope, she was sure there was only one banknote.

"It's also 100 yuan."

"Why do you think the director gave us 100 yuan in red envelopes?" Hua Cuo was thoughtful, this feeling was very good, as if he and she were a couple, and the elders gave them both red envelopes.

"If I give you 50 yuan, he is afraid that you will be jealous of me." Yan Xi said, it is entirely possible.

"..." The beautiful feeling in Hua Cuo's heart disappeared immediately.

It was already eleven o'clock, Yan Xi went to take a shower.

Hua went to the kitchen by mistake and made a rice cake with tomato sauce.

When Yan Xi came out of the shower, he smelled the strong smell of tomatoes, and saw Hua Cuo in the kitchen was cooking something, and he had to eat it so late, why didn't Hua Cuo get fat?
"Yanxi, it's almost twelve o'clock, and it's the new year. Let's go to bed to welcome the new year, and eat something by the way." Hua took two forks by mistake, holding a plate of rice cakes with tomato sauce.

Yan Xi was slightly taken aback, since her parents were gone, she didn't make a special effort to greet the New Year.

Go to the balcony and put this plate of rice cakes on the fence. The weather is too cold, and the rice cakes are steaming with fragrance.

The two ate rice cakes with forks and watched the fireworks blooming in the night sky.

Until twelve o'clock in the morning, countless firecrackers sounded, one after another, to get rid of the old and welcome the new.

"Yan Xi, Happy New Year." Hua Cuo's eyes were full of light, and he looked at her piercingly.

"Huacuo, Happy New Year." Yan Xi was also looking at him, and said this long-lost congratulatory message.

"Thank you for spending this New Year with me." Hua Cuo's heart was aroused. In the past, he spent the New Year alone. He would not buy new year's goods, make dumplings, or cook rice cakes. noisy.

"I also thank you for spending this New Year with me." Yan Xi's expression was rarely serious. She had been abroad for the past few years and almost ignored this festival. Last year, she didn't specially celebrate the Spring Festival at home because it was meaningless.

Huami moved her lips, but she didn't say anything. Some words were frozen in her heart and were about to burst out. I want you to accompany me through every new year.

"It's late, go back to bed." Hua Cuo quickly cleared the dishes and walked into the kitchen.

Yan Xi looked at his back and noticed the change in his mood.

Late at night on the first day of the new year, I fell asleep to the sound of firecrackers and fireworks.


Three days later, fireworks and firecrackers were prohibited in the city as usual, and the sound of firecrackers and fireworks stopped completely.

A few days later, Yan Xi received a task assigned by her boss, and she was leaving.

Yan Xi returned the key to the wrong flower.

The flower was wrong and didn't pick it up, with a very generous look: "You take it, if you come to the capital, you can come and live here, I usually seldom come back, you just come by yourself."

"I might not come to the capital again." Yan Xi still handed him the key. If it wasn't for her mission, she probably wouldn't have come to the capital on purpose.

"Maybe that's all, maybe one day it will come again." Hua Cuo smiled.

"Then, thank you." Yan Xi put away the key.

At nine o'clock in the morning, Hua mistakenly sent her to the airport.

The sun is shining today, the snow on the ground is gradually melting, and the road is a little wet.

When I went to the airport, people came and went in the terminal hall, and there were many parting events.

Hua Cuo was extremely silent, sitting with her on a chair in the departure hall and waiting.

He didn't know which flight she was taking, where she was going, or what she was going to do.

Regarding her tasks and secrets, he would not and could not intervene.

His career and identity are in danger at any time, and he can't make promises and can't be with her.

The boarding time of the flight is constantly reminded in the terminal hall.

Time passed minute by minute until twenty past ten.

"Wrong flowers, goodbye." Yan Xi stood up, ready to board the plane.

Hua Cuo also got up, with too many complicated emotions in his eyes, he didn't want to say goodbye.

"Yan Xi, can I give you a hug?"

"That's fine." Yan Xi didn't mind.

Hua took a wrong step forward, opened his arms and hugged her gently.

Yan Xi also hugged him gently, she didn't know what Hua Cuo meant to her, but since getting along, she could feel his sincerity.

Hua Cuo hugged her tighter and tighter, and gradually, she almost didn't want to let go.

One second, two seconds, three seconds...

"I'm leaving." Yan Xi let him go.

"Yan Xi, have a good trip." Hua Cuo then slowly let her go.

"Thank you." Yan Xi took the suitcase and left.

Hua Cuo has been standing, watching her figure go away, and finally disappear into the crowd.


(End of this chapter)

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