I've always had a crush on her

Chapter 607 New Mission 01

Chapter 607 New Mission 01
When Yan Xi came to the capital of Australia, the first thing he did was to buy some clothes and a pair of high-heeled shoes, and changed into a cool summer dress.

Australia is in midsummer in February, with fierce sunshine and a maximum temperature of 29 degrees.

The next day, Yan Xi put his hair up, put on a formal professional suit, put on high heels, and went to the Australian National Central Bureau of Interpol.

The guards from the Central Bureau stopped Yan Xi.

"Identification." The guard looked at the strange woman obediently.

"Ms. Coulson and I have already made an appointment." Yan Xi said, as an employee of Interpol, in fact, he doesn't even have a police badge, so where can he get any identification.

Just as the guard was about to ask someone to question Ms. Coulson, the communicator on his waist rang.

The guard picked up the communicator to answer, then glanced at Yan Xi: "Please follow me."

Yan Xi followed the guards through the safety gate for dangerous goods detection, and then walked into the elevator, which went straight to the fifteenth floor.

The guards took Yan Xi to an office.

A woman in her 40s was sitting on an office chair. She was Helen Coulson, director of the Australian National Central Bureau of Interpol.

"Miss Nancy?" Helen sized up Yan Xi, she had already seen the photos, but the real one was more beautiful.

"This is my foreign name." Yan Xi said.

Helen glanced at the assistant, who took a tablet and walked up to Yan Xi.

"Miss Nancy, please enter the identification code and palm print recognition." The assistant put the tablet in front of Yan Xi.

Yan Xi entered a string of passwords, put his palm on the tablet, and the identification passed.

The assistant put away the tablet and nodded towards Helen.

"Miss Nancy, please sit down." Helen glanced at the chair in front of the desk and signaled Yan Xi to sit down.

Yan Xi sat on the chair. Her boss didn't tell her what the task was, but only asked her to come to the Australian National Central Bureau to meet Helen Coulson.

"Kevin Carney from the General Secretariat told me that you are proficient in computer technology, Italian, French and Chinese, and you have completed every field mission very well." A glint of approval flashed in Helen's eyes.

"It's Mr. Kane who praised the award." Yan Xi said politely.

"Let's get down to business. This is a case of transnational money laundering. It cannot be called a crime at present, because there is not enough evidence. The very important reason why Mr. Carney recommended you is because you have a Chinese passport face, and you are proficient in Chinese." Helen laughed.

"Why?" Yan Xi was puzzled. As a native of China, such a face was too recognizable in Australia, so it was inconvenient for her to act.

"Cai Zhicheng, Chinese-Australian, the president of Ruilong Finance Company, often travels between Australia and China. Ruilong Company has many funds from unknown sources. He knows some gangsters in Huaguo. The Central Bureau suspects that he uses Ruilong Company. launder money across borders." Helen showed the tablet to Yan Xi.

The picture on the tablet is Cai Zhicheng himself, very young, in his early 30s, dressed in a suit and leather shoes, with a regular face, and looks very dignified and graceful.

"He is very vigilant, with bodyguards around him all the time, and his secrecy work is very meticulous. He has a characteristic, he doesn't like blonde women, he only likes Asian women with black hair and black eyes, preferably Chinese." Helen looked at Yan Xi, Nancy had a Chinese face and was proficient in Chinese and Italian.

(End of this chapter)

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