I've always had a crush on her

Chapter 610 New Mission 04

Chapter 610 New Mission 04
March in Australia has just entered autumn.

Recently, there has been a new bright star in the art industry, the young painter Miss Nancy, many works have been auctioned at high prices.

It is said that Miss Nancy and Cai Zhicheng, the president of Ruilong Finance Company, have a very unusual relationship.


Yageli restaurant, the restaurant is full of romantic atmosphere, many couples have lunch here.

"Mingzhu, would you like an ice cream?" Cai Zhicheng was in his early 30s, well-proportioned, mature and steady, and his words and deeds were personable.

"No, I'm already full." Yan Xi felt ashamed every time he heard the name Mingzhu.

"Are you free this afternoon?" Cai Zhicheng looked at her tenderly. He met her at the famous painting appreciation meeting a month ago. At that time, she was elegant, eloquent, and full of mysterious artistic atmosphere. He was attracted by her just like that , and later found that she was smart, unique, and good at making money.

"I'll go back to school in the afternoon." Yan Xi said, always maintaining an indifferent attitude.

"It's so comfortable to be with you. I can speak Chinese all the time. I don't want to speak foreign languages ​​at all." Cai Zhicheng showed a relaxed mood.

Visually, he can't be interested in blonde women, and verbally, he likes to communicate with women in Chinese.

"By the way, there will be an auction next week. I'm looking forward to your masterpiece." Cai Zhicheng said, he likes her, and there is another important reason, mutual understanding, keen to make money, but not to money Submitting, always retaining the demeanor of a gentleman and a lady.

Yan Xi just smiled lightly.

Cai Zhicheng couldn't help sighing that she never talked too much, she was mysterious and unpredictable, which made him both like and helpless.

The two ate until two o'clock in the afternoon, and there were fewer and fewer customers in the restaurant.

"I'm leaving." Yan Xi looked at the time on his watch.

"Can I see you off?" Cai Zhicheng asked expectantly. Every date, unless she drank, she would never let him pick her up.

"I came by car." Yan Xi indirectly refused.

"Then, I'll take you to the parking lot." Cai Zhicheng said, he had only known her for more than a month, and he was not in a hurry. If Li Mingzhu accepted him so quickly, he might feel that Li Mingzhu was no different from other women, but the facts proved that , Li Mingzhu is extraordinary.

After Cai Zhicheng paid the bill, he sent her to the parking lot and opened the car door for her himself.

Yan Xi sat in the driver's seat, looked at him sideways, and said, "Goodbye."

"Goodbye, be careful on the road." Only then did Cai Zhicheng close the car door.

Yan Xi drove away, and the car drove out of the parking lot after a while.

A gleam flashed in Cai Zhicheng's eyes. Li Mingzhu fully met his criteria for choosing a spouse, a wealthy businessman's family, but she did not have the squeamishness of Miss Qianjin, but was generous, decent, intelligent, and elegant.


Yan Xi went to the University of Sydney and submitted a thesis in the professor's office. It was purely for show, and he had to do a full set of plays, regardless of whether Cai Zhicheng would investigate her in depth.

After leaving the University of Sydney, Yan Xi went to buy a pizza and drove for an hour to an area where housing prices were relatively cheap.

In order to avoid unnecessary contact between her and the police, Yan Xi, Li Mingzhu's painter, always went to find him in person. Even if Cai Zhicheng found out that she was looking for a ghostwriter, it didn't matter, it was all for money anyway.

A dilapidated building with dark stairs.

Yan Xi walked up to the fifth floor and knocked on the door.

After a while, the door opened with a click.

A man in his 30s, he was dressed casually, his clothes were stained with various colors of paint, his hair was a little messy, and he was wearing slippers.

Yan Xi glanced at him, then went straight into the room and put the pizza on the dirty coffee table.

Andrew closed the door, sat down on a chair and started eating pizza.

There are messy paint cans all over the floor, and the water for washing brushes smells disgusting. The walls are covered with newspapers and several completed works are hung.

"When will the painting I want be finished?" Yan Xi looked at the unfinished oil painting on the drawing board.

"It's not fair at all. Why do my paintings sell 10,000+, but I live in this crappy place?" Andrew bit the pizza, picked up a magazine and opened it.

The magazine tells about Miss Nancy, a rising star in the art world, and her work.

"Obviously I painted this! The price is 15!" Andrew looked at the picture of the painting in the magazine with grief.

Yan Xi really didn't want to offend him. In fact, his paintings might be worthless. His paintings were only used to launder dirty money, and the prices were set at will.

However, Yan Xi still comforted him: "This proves that your paintings are very valuable. Don't worry, I will definitely do what I promised you."

Hearing this, Andrew felt a little more balanced in his heart. She said that he would help her paint for a few months, and then his paintings would be exhibited in the Art Gallery of New South Wales under his name. This was his chance to become famous.

"Who are you? What are you capable of having my painting displayed in the Art Gallery of New South Wales?"

Andrew is still a little skeptical about this. Although she is somewhat famous, the Art Gallery of New South Wales is the third largest art gallery in Australia. Can anyone's works enter it?

"You will know when the time comes." She does not have this ability, but the Australian National Central Bureau has this ability.

"Actually, can you draw?" Andrew was very puzzled. The magazine said that she graduated from the Academy of Fine Arts in Florence, Italy. Why did she ask him to be the shooter?
"Of course." No, Yan Xi won't say it out loud.

"Draw one." Andrew pointed to the blank drawing paper.

"I have no inspiration today." Yan Xi knew that artistic creation needs inspiration.

Andrew didn't believe it at all. If she didn't draw with her hands, it was very likely that she drew very badly.

However, there was one point that he didn't understand very much.

"I've only been painting for you for a few months. Don't tell me you have to hire gunners all the time? If you hire other gunners, there must be some difference in painting style, and anyone in the industry can see it."

"You don't have to worry about that, you just need to understand and keep it secret." Yan Xi reminded.

Andrew didn't ask any more questions, anyway, he didn't lose money, even if it was discovered that she hired a gunman, it was her who was ruined, and it had nothing to do with him.

"I'm in a hurry, have you finished eating? Where's the painting I want?" Yan Xi waited for a long time, Sydney is very big, and it takes more than an hour to drive back from here.

Andrew put down the pizza, went to the bathroom to carefully clean the oil stains on his hands, and then dried his hands before taking off the paintings on the wall and putting them in boxes one by one.

"I'm leaving." Yan Xi picked up the box and left.

Andrew picked up the palette and paintbrush. Usually he is very decadent, but as long as he paints, he seems to be full of strength in an instant, full of enthusiasm and can't wait to vent, and sway tirelessly on the drawing paper.


(End of this chapter)

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