I've always had a crush on her

Chapter 611 New Mission 05

Chapter 611 New Mission 05
At six o'clock in the evening, an auction of paintings was being held in the banquet hall of the Palermo Hotel. The paintings came from all over the world. There were a total of [-] works, the most famous of which was the newly promoted young painter Miss Nancy.

The auction hadn't started yet, and the guests were chatting or dancing with each other, and the venue was very lively.

Yan Xi walked into the venue. She was wearing a royal blue evening dress, her hair was slightly curled, giving her a more mature look.

"Mingzhu, can I invite you to dance?" Cai Zhicheng stretched out his right hand and looked at her with burning eyes. She is so beautiful tonight.

"My honor." Yan Xi put his hand on his palm, and stepped onto the dance floor with him.

There are many men and women dancing on the dance floor, which makes the whole venue full of atmosphere.

Yan Xi noticed that there were quite a few people who hadn't seen them before. This kind of auction was bought by insiders. Few fools would spend tens of thousands or even hundreds of thousands of Australian dollars to buy a painting with almost no value. painting.

Nancy's worth is just hype, to inflate the price of the so-called painting.

"Mingzhu, you are very beautiful tonight." Cai Zhicheng could not help but praise.

"Thank you." Yan Xi smiled lightly. She had carefully dressed up, but she couldn't make a difference.

"I'll introduce a few people to you later. They appreciate your paintings very much." Cai Zhicheng said with a certain meaning in his words. She also knew that the auction of paintings was used to help him launder money. According to the share, she could easily earn a lot.

"I don't really care if they buy my paintings or not. Painting is just a hobby, but I'm really looking forward to getting to know them." Yan Xi didn't seem to care much, implying that she didn't care about the money, she thought Want bigger business.

Cai Zhicheng raised his eyebrows, but it was understandable that her parents were wealthy businessmen from Huaguo, she was not short of money at all, and she had a good business vision.

He had only met her not long ago, and he couldn't fully trust her.

Another thing that worries him is that she is smart and profound, and she doesn't seem to be keen on money, but has a kind of casual but confident self-confidence.

In addition, she was so indifferent to him that he was worried that he would not be able to control her.

At seven o'clock, the music slowly stopped, and the auction was about to start.

As soon as the dance was over, Yan Xi and Cai Zhicheng walked out of the dance floor and saw a man walking towards them.

The man's appearance is handsome and stern, there is no extra expression on his face, his figure is tall and straight, and he is wearing a decent black dress, which makes people feel very cold and hard.

A flash of surprise flashed in Yan Xi's eyes, this person is... Yun Su?
Yun Su also saw Yan Xi. Although his face was calm, he was a little surprised in his heart.

"Mr. Yun, long time no see." Cai Zhicheng greeted him warmly.

"Mr. Cai, long time no see." Yun Su was a little less stern at the moment, and a little more shrewd and formulaic smile of a businessman.

"Let me introduce, this Miss Nancy, this Mr. Yun Jing." Cai Zhicheng introduced them to each other with a smile.

"Mr. Yun, hello." Yan Xi just smiled slightly, without reaching out to shake hands.

"Hello, so you are Miss Nancy. I just saw your paintings hanging in the art exhibition. I admire them from the bottom of my heart." Yun Su looked at her and expressed his admiration.

"Thank you." Yan Xi still smiled.

"I saw the introduction about Miss Nancy just now. Miss Nancy graduated from the Academy of Fine Arts in Florence, Italy, so Miss Nancy must speak Italian." Of course Yun Su knew, but he just deliberately found some topics to dispel Cai Zhicheng's suspicion.

"It's okay, does Mr. Yun also speak Italian?" Yan Xi asked in Italian.

"Sorry, I don't understand Italian, but I have been to Italy before." Yun Su said.

"I met a few Italians before, and Mingzhu helped me translate." There was a bit of approval in Cai Zhicheng's words.

"Pearl?" Yun Su looked puzzled.

"Nancy's Chinese name is Mingzhu, Li Mingzhu. She is also from China, and she came to Australia for academic exchanges." Cai Zhicheng explained.

"I don't know where Miss Li is from Huaguo?" Yun Su looked at Yan Xi strangely, why did she name Li Mingzhu?

"From Guiquan." Yan Xi said, Li Mingzhu's identity information is from Guiquan.

"I've been to Guiquan before. There are beautiful mountains and clear waters, and there seems to be a very famous Wenshu Temple." Yun Su has really been to Guiquan, but there is no Wenshu Temple.

"Is there? I grew up in Guiquan, and I never knew there was a Manjusri Monastery." Yan Xi looked puzzled and cooperated with him in acting.

"Maybe I remember wrong." Yun Su's expression remained unchanged.

Cai Zhicheng could tell that Yun Jing asked Mingzhu on purpose. Yun Jing was very cautious, and it was not surprising that he doubted Mingzhu's identity. He had investigated Mingzhu's identity earlier, and she was indeed from Guiquan.

"The auction is about to start, I'll go get ready first, excuse me." Yan Xi said politely.

"Mr. Yun, I'm sorry too." Cai Zhicheng said, and left with Yan Xi.


After walking away, Yan Xi casually asked, "Who is that Mr. Yun Jing?"

"He has two companies in Huaguo, with a wide range of businesses and frequent capital turnover. I went to Huaguo last two weeks and met him. He entrusted my financial company to manage some funds. This time I came to Australia for this purpose. thing."

The implication of Cai Zhicheng's words is obvious that the so-called company is only used to launder money.

Yan Xi probably guessed it, and asked, "Is the source of his funds clear?"

A gleam flashed in Cai Zhicheng's eyes: "I'm not sure, but it is said that he is backed by a big man, a high-ranking official from Huaguo."

If he can become a senior official in Hua, it will be much more convenient for him to do things in Hua in the future, so he can't offend Yun Jing.

Yan Xi understood in his heart that Yun Su was helping high-ranking officials clean up the black money of "corruption and bribery". No wonder Cai Zhicheng valued Yun Su so much.

At this time, the lights gathered on the stage, and the auctioneer walked onto the stage.

More than 20 paintings were auctioned one after another, and the finale was Miss Nancy's painting.

The asking price has already reached [-] Australian dollars. As a young painter, this price is already extremely high, but there are still people raising placards to bid for the price.

Until the last painting named Starry Sky, the asking price reached [-] Australian dollars.

When the price reached 16 Australian dollars, no one raised their cards.

However, when the auctioneer was about to drop the hammer, suddenly there was a sign raised in the crowd.

"17!" the auctioneer said excitedly.

Everyone looked at the person holding the sign.

Cai Zhicheng was a little surprised. It seems that Mr. Yun is really rich, and he can spend 10,000+ on a painting. What does Yun Jing mean?
"17 for the first time, 17 for the second time, does anyone raise the price?" the auctioneer asked again.

No one raised their cards anymore.

"Deal!" The auctioneer tapped the hammer to confirm the deal.

(End of this chapter)

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