I've always had a crush on her

Chapter 612 New Mission 06

Chapter 612 New Mission 06
The auction ended perfectly, and everyone continued talking or dancing.

Cai Zhicheng took two glasses of red wine from the waiter's tray, and handed one of them to her.

"Congratulations, Mingzhu, this auction was a success."

"Thank you." Yan Xi didn't have much surprise, took the red wine and clinked glasses with him.

"Unexpectedly, Mr. Yun took the last painting of Mingzhu." Cai Zhicheng toasted Yun Su who was next to him.

"When I entered the venue, I had already set my sights on that painting. Unexpectedly, it would be the finale." Yun Su also took a glass of red wine and clinked glasses with Cai Zhicheng.

"This shows that Mr. Yun has great vision." Cai Zhicheng was puzzled, and he couldn't tell that Yun Jing liked oil painting.

"Thank you." Yun Su only took a sip of the red wine and put it down.

Immediately, Yun Su's eyes fell on Yan Xi, and he stretched out his right hand as a gentleman's invitation.

"May I ask you to dance, Miss Nancy?"

Cai Zhicheng frowned. Unexpectedly, that was the intention of Yun Jing. Did Yun Jing just take pictures of Mingzhu's painting just to win the favor of the beauty?
But, couldn't Yun Jing see it?Li Mingzhu is his woman, dare to invite Li Mingzhu to dance in front of him?

Sensing Cai Zhicheng's displeasure, Yan Xi pretended to hesitate, and looked at Cai Zhicheng as if asking for advice.

Cai Zhicheng liked this very much, but he didn't stop it in the end. After all, Yun Jing couldn't be offended. Anyway, Yun Jing will go back to Huaguo soon, just to dance with Mingzhu.

With Cai Zhicheng's acquiescence, Yan Xi put his hand on Yun Su's and walked into the dance floor with him.

Following his dance steps, Yan Xi suddenly remembered that a long time ago, she and Yun Su danced once, and she was the lead dancer at that time.

Yun Su led the dance gracefully. He invited her to dance, of course not for the simple purpose of dancing. He leaned slightly closer to her and said in a low voice, "Miss Yan, I am very surprised to see you here."

Yan Xi said, "Me too, Mr. Yun."

"I believe you understand my reason for coming. I just came to Australia for a while, and followed the clues to find Cai Zhicheng. I will return to China soon. Cai Zhicheng helped some domestic gangsters launder money across the border. I hope we can cooperate."

Yun Su expressed his intention to come. As a native of China, it is inconvenient for him to operate in Australia, but Yan Xi is an Interpol, and she should be the General Secretariat, or the Australian National Central Bureau appointed her to go on a mission.

She is in Australia and he is in China, so they can cooperate with each other.

"Currently, I only take orders from the Australian National Central Bureau. You can contact the Central Bureau." Yan Xi neither agreed nor refused.

Yunsu can also understand that each law enforcement agency has its own secrets, and it is not clear whether other law enforcement agencies are completely confidential, especially transnational, if information is exchanged, or even leaked secrets, it may lead to mission failure.

"The National Security Bureau has contacted the Australian police, but there is no specific cooperation plan. Now that you and I know each other's identities, we can cooperate internally and externally." Yun Su said, he did not want to reduce efficiency because of the mechanism.

"Understood, I'll try my best to explain to my boss." Yan Xi also agreed very much, after all, she didn't know what deal Cai Zhicheng had in Huaguo.

The business was probably over, and they seemed to be waiting for whether they had anything to say to each other.

Yan Xi was quite tall, and after putting on the high heels, he could almost look at him at eye level, but he didn't hear him speak for a long time, so he looked at him.

Yun Su was also looking at her at this moment, his eyes met for an instant, and their gazes collided.

Yun Su looked away first, feeling inexplicably uncomfortable, now that there was no topic to talk about, all his senses were focused on dancing, if it wasn't for the mission, he seemed to have never formally danced with a woman.

The piano and the violin are still lingering on the dance floor, and the dance is not over yet.

Yun Su is thinking about stopping the dance directly, or continuing to finish the dance?He has always been decisive in dealing with things, but it seems very impolite to interrupt directly, not to mention that he invited her to dance.

So, the two danced silently.

"Mr. Yun, how can I contact you in the future?" Yan Xi has never had his contact information, and he stole his email number from Mo Yan's cell phone before, but what he stole doesn't count.

Yunsu mentioned an email account.

Then fell silent again, Yun Su had never felt like dancing a dance for so long.

Yun Su is usually not good at chatting, so it took him a long time to think of a topic.

"Miss Yan, are these paintings all your works?" Yun Su didn't expect that she could still draw?Could it be that she really graduated from the Academy of Fine Arts in Florence, Italy?
"You spent 17 Australian dollars to buy a fake work. Its author is Andrew Matthews. If one day Andrew becomes famous, you can ask him to change his signature. Maybe it is really worth 17." Yan Xi It is very serious, 17 Australian dollars.

Yun Su raised the corners of his lips in a rare way, Yan Xi was usually quite serious, and he never chatted with her except for business, unexpectedly she spoke with a bit of a cold humor.

Yun Su suddenly thought of something, Yan Xi's parents and his father were comrades-in-arms. As for the fact that the director said that his father and her parents wanted to be in-laws, of course he wouldn't take it seriously in such an enlightened age.

But as a family relationship, at least they should be familiar with each other. He and her have known each other for a long time, but they always seem to be strangers, even their names are unfamiliar.

"The director said that your parents, my father, and the director are good friends." Yun Su looked very serious.

"I know." Yan Xi also heard Nie Shen mention it, but the specific situation is not clear.

Yun Su was not good at expressing kindness and friendliness, and because the director had said that he hoped to have a better relationship with Yan Xi, he didn't know how to get along with her even more.

"Miss Yan, we have known each other for a long time. If you can, Miss Yan can call me by my name." Yun Su tried to be friendly.

"But you call me Miss Yan." Yan Xi didn't mind matching names, she felt that Yun Su was easy to get along with.

Yun Su was stunned. He didn't know if she would agree to it just now, so he called her Miss Yan, but did she mean tacit consent when she said that?

Finally, Yun Su said, "Yan Xi."

Yan Xi said, "Yun Su."

Hearing this, Yun Su felt inexplicably relieved, as if he had finally taken the first step.

Yun Su looked at her, and noticed that she had changed her hairstyle just now, but now that she looked closely, her slightly curly hair made her less serious and more coquettish.

"What's wrong?" Yan Xi noticed his gaze.

"It's okay." Yun Su immediately looked away, feeling a strange feeling in his heart.

After the dance was over, the two walked out of the dance floor, and Cai Zhicheng came over.

"It's late, Mingzhu, are you going back? You drank tonight, I'll take you back." Cai Zhicheng didn't miss this opportunity.

Yan Xi did not refuse, and left the venue with Cai Zhicheng.

(End of this chapter)

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