I've always had a crush on her

Chapter 614 New Mission 08

Chapter 614 New Mission 08
At six o'clock in the evening, the sky gradually darkened.

Yan Xi specially wore a slightly more grand black long dress and dressed up carefully.

Take a look in the mirror, the image of a wealthy daughter.

Yan Xi didn't go to the parking lot to pick up the car, but went downstairs, took out his mobile phone and called Cai Zhicheng.

"Zhicheng, I might be late." Yan Xi's tone was a little anxious, and it was hard for her to say Zhicheng's kind address every time.

"Did something happen?" Cai Zhicheng asked worriedly. If there was no important matter, she would rarely call him.

"I forgot to take my keys when I went out. The car keys and door keys are all in the house. It's hard to hail a taxi at this time of day." Yan Xi pretended to be troubled.

"Let me pick you up, I just went out, where are you?" Cai Zhicheng was driving.

"I'm downstairs near the door."

"You wait for me." Cai Zhicheng immediately changed lanes and changed direction.

After a while, Cai Zhicheng came to Yan Xi's residence, and saw her standing by the roadside through the car window, the sky was a bit dark, she was wearing a long black retro dress, looking mysterious and charming.

The car was parked on the side of the road, and Cai Zhicheng opened the door of the passenger seat.


"I'm sorry to trouble you." Yan Xi sat in the car and smiled politely at him.

Cai Zhicheng's mind flashed. He used to think that she had a good appearance, but she was more elegant and knowledgeable. Now the more he looked at her, the more he felt that she was beautiful.

Going to Yageli Restaurant, Yun Su has already arrived.

Just at seven o'clock, Cai Zhicheng and Yan Xi arrived in time.

"Mr. Yun, I kept you waiting." Cai Zhicheng said apologetically.

"Not long, I just arrived." Yun Su's eyes fell on Yan Xi, she sent him an email last night, asking him to cooperate, but it was difficult for him to cooperate with her request.

The dining table is square, with four seats, Yan Xi sits in the middle, Cai Zhicheng and Yun Su sit on both sides.

"Miss Nancy, order first." Yun Su's tone was a little blunt. According to her request, he had to try his best to show that he had some ambiguous intentions towards her.

"Yeah." Yan Xi flipped through the menu.

"Miss Nancy, do you like white wine or red wine?" Yun Su went online last night to find out how to get along with women, how to avoid embarrassment, and what topics to talk about.

"I'm fine, I rarely drink alcohol." Yan Xi smiled slightly.

Cai Zhicheng was in a complicated mood. It could be seen that Yun Jing was showing favor to Mingzhu. He liked Mingzhu, and of course he didn't want other men to covet his woman, but for the sake of profit, he had no choice.

Yan Xi ordered a meal, and the main dish was steak.

Yun Su also ordered steak, which was convenient for ordering a bottle of red wine.

After ordering, Yun Su continued to chat with Yan Xi, completely ignoring Cai Zhicheng who was present.

"When will Miss Nancy return to China?" Yun Su had already prepared a set of topics, so this dinner should not be silent.

"I don't know. I will make a decision after this academic exchange is over. Maybe I will stay here, maybe I will go back to China, maybe even go back to Italy." Yan Xi seemed careless.

"I also thought that I could go back to China with Ms. Nancy. The domestic development is very good recently. Ms. Nancy can consider going back to China." Yun Su looked at her expectantly, and then noticed that she seemed... very beautiful tonight.

"Let's talk." Yan Xi smiled.

Hearing this, Cai Zhicheng was a little confused, Mingzhu was too erratic, if possible, he would of course want her to stay.

(End of this chapter)

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