I've always had a crush on her

Chapter 615 New Mission 09

Chapter 615 New Mission 09
At this moment, the waiter served the dishes, and the assortment of appetizers was arranged very delicately and beautifully.

"Does Miss Nancy like Chinese food?" Yun Su chatted with her again.

"I like it better, at least I like it better than Western food." Yan Xi cut the steak gracefully. It turned out that Yun Su could talk so much, which was beyond her expectation.

"Me too, especially the local dishes. If Miss Nancy returns to China, remember to come to me." Yun Su showed a friendly smile as much as possible.

"Definitely." Yan Xi returned his gaze.

Seeing the interaction between the two, Cai Zhicheng felt a little uncomfortable. Out of a man's self-esteem, Li Mingzhu was his woman, and he was the only one who didn't want to leave without her.

"Miss Nancy, Mr. Cai, cheers." Yun Su raised his glass.

"Cheers." Cai Zhicheng picked up the wine glass and clinked.

The three people's wine glasses clinked together, seemingly quite happy.

For this dinner, the three of them had different ideas.

After eating for almost two hours, dinner is coming to an end.

"Miss Nancy, you are beautiful tonight." Yun Su's words were meant to be teasing, but because the tone was too formal, there was no hint of profanity.

"Thank you." Yan Xi was still full of ladylike demeanor.

"I will stay in Sydney for a few more days, are you free tomorrow?" Yun Su felt a little uncomfortable, stretched out his hand along the edge of the table, and moved it slowly until it covered the back of her hand.

Cai Zhicheng's expression changed slightly, he looked at the folded hands of the two, he hadn't touched Mingzhu's hand yet, unexpectedly Yun Jing acted first.

Yan Xi frowned, pretending to take out his hand, but was held by his hand.

Yun Su's heart was about to collapse, and he held her hand tremblingly. This was not his planned action, but what she said last night. He intentionally molested her in front of Cai Zhicheng. The most he could do was to touch her hand. With a touch of her hand, I really can't do other things.

Cai Zhicheng secretly despised Yun Jing, who looked like a gentleman, but was actually a hooligan.

Yun Su's face was expressionless, and after holding it for a long time, her hand seemed to have burned his palm, and a thin layer of sweat gradually broke out from his palm.

Yan Xi felt his hand trembling, so she pulled out her hand vigorously, just shook hands, he seemed very nervous.

With his hand empty, Yun Su secretly heaved a sigh of relief, and slowly withdrew his hand.

There is one last step, and he can retire.

"It's already nine o'clock, I have to go back." Yan Xi looked at the time on his watch.

"Miss Nancy, I'll take you back." Yun Su said immediately.

Before Yan Xi could speak, Cai Zhicheng did.

"I just dropped by to send Mingzhu back, so don't bother Mr. Yun." Cai Zhicheng kept a smile on his face. If Yun Jing was asked to send Mingzhu back, maybe Yun Jing would succeed tonight.

"Don't bother Mr. Yun." Yan Xi politely refused.

Yun Su looked disappointed, but said nothing.

After saying goodbye, Yan Xi and Cai Zhicheng left.

Looking at the backs of the two, Yun Su frowned slightly, what was her intention tonight, why did she ask him to cooperate in such a play?


Yan Xi got into Cai Zhicheng's car, and suddenly said anxiously: "I don't have the key to enter the door. It's so late, and I haven't found someone to unlock it. It's too troublesome to pick the lock. I still have to apply to the property."

"It's so late, the property is off work, why don't you come to my house to stay for a night first, I have a few vacant rooms." Cai Zhicheng's eyes flashed a light, he hasn't got the pearl yet, how can Yun Jing snatch it away .

"There is a hotel near where I live, I can just stay in the hotel, so I don't need to bother you." Yan Xi held back for a moment.

"Don't bother, today is Saturday, the hotel probably has no rooms, so go to my house." Cai Zhicheng was very considerate and sincere.

"Will this disturb your family?" Yan Xi hesitated.

"I live alone, and there are a few servants at home." Cai Zhicheng secretly rejoiced, and changed his way back to his house.

"Where's your family?" Yan Xi asked pretending to be puzzled.

"They settled down in country M, and they only saw each other once in a long time." Cai Zhicheng didn't want to say more, but briefly mentioned it.

Yan Xi guessed in his heart that Cai Zhicheng might transfer the money he earned to the account of a person from country M.

After a while, he went to Cai Zhicheng's house.

Cai Zhicheng lives in a European-style villa in the sea view villa area. The housing price here is extremely expensive, and the location and scenery are also excellent.

The car drove into the garage.

Yan Xi got out of the car and followed Cai Zhicheng into the villa.

There are not only a few servants in the villa, but also a few men who are like bodyguards.

"Sir." The servants are all black-haired and black-eyed Chinese people, and their nationality is not clear.

"Go prepare a set of clothes for Miss Nancy." Cai Zhicheng ordered.

The servant looked at Yan Xi in surprise, he never brought women back to stay overnight, and he rarely brought guests back.

"Mingzhu, come with me." Cai Zhicheng led her up the stairs to the second floor.

He stopped in front of a room door.

Cai Zhicheng didn't speak, just looked at her.

"Here?" Yan Xi asked.

"I hope it's here, Mingzhu, I like you very much." Cai Zhicheng's eyes are full of burning desire, this is his room.

"I like you too." Yan Xi said the words against his will, neither refusing nor moved.

"Then why haven't you accepted me?" Cai Zhicheng took a step closer, almost forcing her to the door.

"We've only known each other not long ago. First of all, I don't know you very well, so I can't fully trust you. Secondly, if I want love, I don't have to have you." Yan Xi remained calm.

Cai Zhicheng narrowed his eyes and understood what she meant. She is an ambitious woman.

Very well, he likes this kind of woman, he has never liked the kind of woman who would die for love.

But he was worried that he would not be able to control her in the future.

At this time, the servant came with clothes, including bathrobes, pajamas and skirts.

"Where is the guest room?" Yan Xi asked the servant directly.

The servant did not dare to answer, but looked at Cai Zhicheng, waiting for the master's order.

"This way." Cai Zhicheng personally led the way, walked to the door of a room, and opened the door.

A bedroom full of European style, it can be seen that it is specially designed for women.

Yan Xi took the clothes from the servant, walked into the room, and said to Cai Zhicheng outside the door, "Good night."

"Good night." Cai Zhicheng gave her a strange look before leaving.

Yan Xi closed the door and put the clothes on the bed.

Then he sat by the bed and pretended to take out his mobile phone to check, but it was actually a camera detector in the shape of a mobile phone.

Move the phone randomly, and a little red is detected on the screen.

There is a camera on the TV background wall facing the end of the bed, or there are cameras and infrared rays throughout the villa.

Did Cai Zhicheng want to spy on her changing clothes?

Yan Xi cursed inwardly, it's a waste of effort tonight, the things she brought are useless.

Her every move was under the surveillance of Cai Zhicheng, and it was difficult for her to act alone.

Unless hacking into the monitoring system, or directly cutting off the power.


(End of this chapter)

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