I've always had a crush on her

Chapter 616 New Mission 10

Chapter 616 New Mission 10
At seven o'clock the next morning, the autumn sun slowly descended.

After Yan Xi washed up, he put on his own clothes and opened the door.

"Miss Li, breakfast is ready. Would you like to have breakfast now? I'll go and inform Mr.." The servant was waiting outside the door early.

"I'm free." Yan Xi was very polite.

"Miss Li, please follow me to the dining room downstairs." The servant stepped forward to lead the way.

Yan Xi went to the dining room, and after a while, Cai Zhicheng came.

"Mingzhu, why is it so early, sit down." Cai Zhicheng pulled out the chair for her.

"Thank you. I usually wake up naturally at this time." Yan Xi sat down on the chair gracefully.

"Did you sleep well last night?" Cai Zhicheng sat at the head of the dining table, usually eating breakfast alone.

"Very good." Yan Xi said politely.

A hint of disappointment flashed in Cai Zhicheng's eyes. She didn't record anything last night. She even went to the bathroom to change her clothes.


After breakfast, Cai Zhicheng personally sent her back and helped her find someone to open the lock.

Finally the lock was unlocked, and the two walked into the house.

Cai Zhicheng saw the artistic decoration in the room.

"Mingzhu, since I met you, I understand what aesthetics is."

"I never knew what aesthetics is." Yan Xi seemed to be joking, but it was actually the truth.

"Because you are a kind of aesthetics." Cai Zhicheng couldn't help admiring. In the past, he only understood the beauty of luxury, even when he looked at women, he had to be beautiful and rich, but now he discovered that what is more attractive than these is the kind of inability The allure of words.

"Really?" Yan Xi was puzzled, whether Cai Zhicheng was purely out of politeness, or her dress was too successful.

Cai Zhicheng walked around the room and saw a brand new semi-open kitchen, which seemed to have no trace of use.

"Mingzhu, can you cook?"

"It's too embarrassing for me." Yan Xi said no, he couldn't pretend to be a cook.

Cai Zhicheng can also understand that she is a rich daughter and probably doesn't know how to cook.

Yan Xi walked into the kitchen and took two water glasses: "Do you want some water?"

Cai Zhicheng smiled: "I happen to be a little thirsty."

Yan Xi poured two glasses of water, one of which was given to him.

"Mingzhu, are you free the day after tomorrow?" Cai Zhicheng looked at her closely when he took the water glass.

"Should be, what's the matter?" Yan Xi didn't evade, she understood what Cai Zhicheng had in mind for her.

"Introduce a few business friends to you. You may consider staying in Australia." Cai Zhicheng looked at her, as long as she was with him, he could help her make money.

"Huh?" Yan Xi raised his eyebrows and looked at him pretending to be puzzled.

"I have some friends in China and some friends in Australia, which is convenient for cross-border cooperation." Cai Zhicheng's meaning is very cryptic, it is not an aboveboard cooperation, but it will definitely make money.

"I can think about it. We'll talk about it after we meet." Yan Xi wasn't too surprised, but he didn't refuse either.

"Mingzhu, I really like you." Cai Zhicheng's tone was full of expectation. He used to think that women were dispensable. Even if he got married, he only needed a virtuous and well-behaved woman. But now, he appreciates women who are comparable to him more. A woman who can help him in his career.

Yan Xi just smiled and said nothing, Cai Zhicheng likes the image of Li Mingzhu, everything about Li Mingzhu is set for Cai Zhicheng, it seems that Ms. Coulson understands men's psychology quite well.


(End of this chapter)

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