I've always had a crush on her

Chapter 617 Jewelry Theft 01

Chapter 617 Jewelry Theft 01
Recently, Yan Xi was busy getting to know Cai Zhicheng's friends, only to find out that Cai Zhicheng's business involves a lot.

Yan Xi contacted Ms. Coulson, compiled a list and sent it to Coulson.

Helen replied immediately: "Very well, we will investigate the changes in the funds in these people's accounts. Are there any other clues?"

Yan Xi said: "I've been to Cai Zhicheng's house. His house has a strict surveillance system and bodyguards. It's hard for me to act alone. I have reason to suspect that some important evidence is hidden in his house."

Helen said: "Now you have penetrated into Cai Zhicheng's criminal gang to avoid arousing Cai Zhicheng's suspicion and give up searching his home for the time being. You just need to find a way to catch Cai Zhicheng's handle. Only when it is found that Cai Zhicheng is involved in money laundering will the police have a reason to search his home , if it is determined that his family has important evidence, he can basically be brought to justice."

Yan Xi said: "Next Saturday, Cai Zhicheng will go to Huaguo. It is very likely that he will make some kind of transaction. I will find a way to go with Cai Zhicheng."

Helen said: "This is a great opportunity. I will contact the Huaguo National Central Bureau of Interpol. If Cai Zhicheng conducts illegal transactions, I hope that the stolen goods can be obtained."

Helen confessed for a while, and finally said: "Nancy, be careful."

Yan Xi said, "I will."


Daylight saving time in Australia has just ended.

At nine o'clock in the morning, Cai Zhicheng took two bodyguards and assistants, and boarded the plane with Yan Xi to fly to China.

"Mingzhu, after I finish my business, I will go to Guiquan with you. I want to visit your parents." Cai Zhicheng has been a little proud recently, not only because of his success in the shopping mall, but also because Mingzhu has started to trust him.

"I mentioned you to my parents, and they also want to meet you. But you have to be mentally prepared, my parents may not approve of me settling down in Australia." Yan Xi made up some words.

"Well, it seems that I need to work harder." Cai Zhicheng smiled. He not only needs to get her parents' permission, but also her parents' support. It is known that Mingzhu is an only child, so she will naturally inherit her parents' property.

After almost ten hours of sailing, we finally arrived in Huaguo, which was exactly five o'clock in the evening Huaguo time.

After getting off the plane and walking out of the airport, you can see the continuous flow of roads and dense high-rise buildings.

Cai Zhicheng couldn't help sighing: "Huaguo has developed well in recent years, but the environment and air in Sydney are better."

Yan Xi didn't express his opinion, Cai Zhicheng is not considered a native of China at present, his nationality is Australian.

Sydney is rated as one of the most livable cities in the world, and also known as one of the most beautiful cities in the world. Of course, there is no comparison with some cities in China.

Yan Xi and Cai Zhicheng went to the hotel to stay for one night.

The next day, he spent half a day in the vicinity, until after dinner in the evening, Cai Zhicheng wanted to go out to do some errands.

"Going to work at this time? Entertainment? Nightclub?" Yan Xi pretended to be puzzled, she wanted to show that suspicion of men.

"If you are jealous, I am very happy." Cai Zhicheng smiled, she never asked him what kind of woman he had before, she is a rational and intelligent woman.

"I won't be jealous, I just want to know." Yan Xi looked calm.

"With you, I will never look at other women more." Cai Zhicheng's tone was full of ambiguity. He is a normal man, but she has been unwilling to have a real relationship with him, not even holding hands or kissing.

"I know you don't like foreign women, you only like Chinese women." Yan Xi said.

"How do you know?" Cai Zhicheng was surprised, he never told her.

"Your friend said that you will reject any foreign woman who throws herself into your arms. All your exes are Chinese women."

"They are so talkative. I really only like women from Huaguo, but now, I only like you." Cai Zhicheng looked at her with burning eyes.

"What I need is not only liking, but more importantly, loyalty." Yan Xi looked at him calmly, and Cai Zhicheng's eyes made her very uncomfortable.

Cai Zhicheng's gaze changed. If other women asked him to be loyal, he would only find it ridiculous, and even felt that she didn't know good from bad. However, Mingzhu was different. She usually seemed to have no intention of loading, but in fact she was an ambitious woman. A very conservative Chinese woman.

"Don't worry, it's not what you imagined." Cai Zhicheng assured, women are like this, they like to ask men for loyalty.

"What's that?" Yan Xi looked at him questioningly.

"Dangerous matter, after the matter is over, we can go to Guiquan to meet your parents tomorrow." Cai Zhicheng held her hand.

"How dangerous is it? Can you come back to Guiquan with me?" Yan Xi joked nonchalantly, letting him hold her hand.

"Hehe, are you cursing me? Don't worry, I will definitely go to Guiquan with you tomorrow." Cai Zhicheng said in a firm tone.

"Is it really dangerous?" Yan Xi looked at him suspiciously. In fact, she was very tired inside, and Li Mingzhu's role was difficult to grasp.

"It should be said that it is a risk." Cai Zhicheng's expression was a little dignified.

"Any investment has risks, and risks and benefits are always together." Yan Xi said.

Hearing this, a dark color flashed in Cai Zhicheng's eyes. She was right, there was never a foolproof investment, and she could only try to seek advantages and avoid disadvantages.

"I also want to see what the risk is, can you take me there?" Yan Xi seemed very casual, which was her intention.

Cai Zhicheng raised his eyebrows. He didn't want her to know too much, but he also thought that she was smart and calm, and she handled things steadily. Maybe it would be good to have her by his side.

"Mingzhu, can you shoot?"

"Shoot? Are you going to shoot?" Yan Xi looked at him suspiciously.

"Of course you don't need it, but sometimes you have to learn to protect yourself." Cai Zhicheng said in a whisper, only knowing that she can hold a paintbrush, but according to the investigation, her family's business is not a legitimate business, so she should be a little aware of it.

"My father taught me how to use a gun. My marksmanship is not bad, but I haven't held a gun for many years, but it shouldn't be too unfamiliar." Yan Xi said.

"Those people are not gentlemen, they are all gangsters, are you afraid?" Cai Zhicheng asked seriously.

"Why don't you say that we are also people on the road? Why should I be afraid?" Yan Xi asked back.

Cai Zhicheng was at a loss for words for a moment. He used to think that women are afraid and should be protected. Those women who wield knives and guns are fools. They can be protected by men, so why do they have to come out and fight?
"It's nine o'clock, shall we go now?" Yan Xi didn't want to waste time, Li Mingzhu's role was too tiring.

"You really want to go with me?" Cai Zhicheng asked again uncertainly.

"Of course." Yan Xi said confidently.

"Well, you stay with me, but don't worry, it's not a big deal, it's just picking up a batch of goods." Cai Zhicheng spoke lightly, but he also had to be cautious.

Yan Xi went back to his room and changed a set of clothes, then went out with Cai Zhicheng.

Two black cars were parked on the side of the road, and Cai Zhicheng's two bodyguards were in charge of driving.

Drive to a warehouse in the suburbs.

There were seven or eight men in the warehouse. When they saw Cai Zhicheng coming, they rushed to greet him. They were a little surprised when they saw the woman beside Cai Zhicheng. The boss never brought women out to work, but as his subordinates, they didn't dare to say more.

"Boss." These people are all under Cai Zhicheng's subordinates in Huaguo.

"Are you ready?" Cai Zhicheng glanced at several people.

"Ready." The leading man nodded.

A man opened the trunk, which contained various guns.

Cai Zhicheng picked out a small gun for her and said, "It will be fine, it's purely for self-defense."

"Just hold it like this?" Yan Xi held the pistol, pretending not to know where to put it.

"Whoever tells you to hold it openly, of course you have to hide it, you can hide it in the pocket of your coat." Cai Zhicheng said, this gun is relatively small, and it will not be exposed when it is hidden in the pocket.

The others took their guns and hid them on their bodies, got into the car and set off.

Several black cars drove out of the warehouse, and about an hour later, they went to a scrap iron recycling factory in the industrial area.

After eleven o'clock in the evening, there are still some factories around that are working at night.

The gate of the scrap iron factory was guarded by several men.

The bodyguards and assistants went to negotiate with the man guarding the gate, and after waiting for a while, the gate of the factory opened.

When the car entered the factory, all kinds of scrap iron were piled up on the ground, and there were lights in the factory building.

"Boss Cai, my boss is here to invite you." A burly man stepped forward to lead the way and entered the factory.

The lights in the workshop were a bit dim, full of the smell of rust, there were several scrap iron compression balers, and scrap iron compressed into squares was piled up on the ground.

Go all the way into a hidden basement.

There were more than a dozen men in the basement. There was a long iron table in the middle, and a man sat on the head seat at one end of the table.

The man's face is a bit fierce, he is about 40 years old, and he is wearing a leather coat in April, which fits the image of the underworld leader very well.

"Boss Lei, long time no see." Cai Zhicheng and his subordinates walked over.

"Boss Cai, why did you bring a woman here?" Boss Lei narrowed his eyes and sized up Yan Xi.

"My woman, take her to see her." Cai Zhicheng smiled, very satisfied with the words "my woman."

"Sit." Boss Lei didn't inquire, Cai Zhicheng is very cautious, he must have absolutely trusted this woman to bring him.

Cai Zhicheng sat on the chair at the other end of the iron table, and the people on both sides stood behind each other's boss.

Boss Lei started to get into the topic: "Boss Cai, I trust you before I give it to you. Don't let me down."

Cai Zhicheng said: "It's not the first time we have cooperated, Boss Lei can rest assured."

Boss Lei waved his hand to his subordinates.

Several men took out five safes and placed them side by side on the iron table.

Unlocking opened the safe, which was full of wads of cash.

Boss Lei's illegal business is basically cash transactions. Of course, so much cash needs some means to turn it into legal assets.

Cai Zhicheng winked at the assistant and checked the money.

(End of this chapter)

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