I've always had a crush on her

Chapter 618 Jewelry Theft 02

Chapter 618 Jewelry Theft 02
The assistant and several subordinates set up several banknote detectors, randomly selected several stacks of cash from each safe, and checked the money.

Ten minutes later, the assistant nodded to Cai Zhicheng.

Cai Zhicheng smiled in satisfaction, and when he was about to say something, a loud loudspeaker sound suddenly came from outside.

"People inside, you have been surrounded by the police, put down your weapons and walk out with your hands up!"

Everyone in the basement suddenly turned pale with fright, the police?

With the sound of guns being drawn, everyone gripped their guns tightly and subconsciously became vigilant.

Who leaked the news?

Both sides looked at each other suspiciously, and even suspected that there was an insider present.

"It's definitely not leaking the news from me! Boss Cai, you have a ghost by your side!" Boss Lei was furious, and something happened immediately after checking the money, which made people suspicious!
"Boss Lei, we have cooperated so many times, do you still doubt me? My subordinates have been with me for several years, and there has never been an accident! This is your territory, and there is something wrong with you!" Cai Zhicheng's expression turned pale. livid.

These words angered Boss Lei and his men.

"Bah! Has the woman next to you been with you for a few years? Maybe she's the ghost!" The gun in Boss Lei's hand suddenly changed direction and pointed at Yan Xi.

Cai Zhicheng's subordinates and bodyguards all looked at Yan Xi, the boss brought this woman here for the first time, something went wrong, maybe this woman is a policeman!

Even Cai Zhicheng looked at Yan Xi, his eyes became sharper, and he reached out to take the small pistol from her pocket.

Yan Xi didn't stop him, and looked straight at him: "You brought me here! Now is not the time for infighting, the police are outside, find a way!"

Everyone had no words to refute in an instant, indeed, the most urgent thing now is to escape!
At this time, the sound of the loudspeaker came again.

"People inside, you are surrounded, put down your weapons, raise your hands, and come out within 30 seconds! Otherwise, the police will use weapons."

Everyone panicked. With such a huge amount of money, it would take at least a few years. A senior figure like Boss Lei probably won't be able to get out of it for a lifetime, so he will never surrender.

"Boss Lei, this is your place. What is the way to leave?" Cai Zhicheng immediately calmed down. He must not be stolen. Even if the police check him afterwards, as long as there is no stolen money, the police will not be able to do anything to him!

Boss Lei winked, and his men quickly moved the wooden cabinet on the wall, and a door appeared, and a long passage could be seen inside.

Several men closed the safe and took it away.

Everyone took flashlights to illuminate, walked quickly into the passage, and locked the door.

The passage is a bit narrow, barely wide enough for two people to pass through.

"Boss Lei, is this passage safe? How long will it take?" Cai Zhicheng was covered in cold sweat, and his voice was full of rage and anxiety.

"Don't make noise!" Boss Lei shouted angrily. If he wasn't afraid that Cai Zhicheng would confess to him after being caught, he would not have taken Cai Zhicheng into the secret passage.

Not long after walking, there was a loud bang from behind!
Everyone was shocked by the loud noise. They already guessed that the police had found the basement and broke open the door leading to the secret passage.

Cai Zhicheng finally felt a little panic, grabbed Yan Xi's wrist roughly, and dragged her away.

He has been messing around for so many years, why did something happen today?

The country of Hua has the death penalty. If he is caught in the country of China and all his illegal businesses are found out, the amount of money he has been involved in over the years is huge and the circumstances are serious. He is very likely to be sentenced to death.

He must not be caught, no matter what he has to go back to Australia!

At least Australia doesn't have the death penalty.

"Let's go!" Boss Lei ran up with his men.

A group of people scrambled to run, and finally saw a door in front of them.

Open the door and rush out, it's pitch black outside, this is an abandoned car parking lot, all kinds of abandoned cars are piled here in a mess.

Only a few of them are usable, and Boss Lei had someone park them here, just in case.

When everyone was about to get into the car, several police cars drove up quickly and surrounded the scrapyard, with their bright lights shining on the scrapyard.

"Boss, the police are here! What should I do?"

The people on both sides panicked and hid immediately. There are many abandoned cars here to cover them.

Dozens of armed police got out of the car and surrounded the scrapyard in an orderly manner.

Boss Lei looked at Cai Zhicheng fiercely, and said angrily: "Cai Zhicheng! There must be an insider around you who tipped off the news, otherwise how could the police know that we are in the junk yard!"

Cai Zhicheng is a little irritable, now is not the time to argue, the police are outside, how to escape!
"Boss, this woman might be a policeman. Maybe she tipped off the news. Why don't you kill her!" The assistant's eyes flashed a gloomy look. He had been safe before, but tonight something will happen if he brings this woman along!
Hearing this, Cai Zhicheng stared at her fiercely, and his voice was murderous: "Mingzhu, is that you?"

Yan Xi said coldly, "If I say no, would you believe me?"

Cai Zhicheng's eyes were fierce, and the veins on the back of his hands were exposed, almost cutting off her wrist.

At this time, the sound of the loudspeaker came again.

"You are already surrounded, put down your weapons and come out with your hands up!"

Everyone was tense, dripping with cold sweat, but they didn't move, holding pistols, waiting for their boss's order.

After all, people in this line of work have seen big scenes, and besides, no one wants to go to jail.

In the gloomy night, Boss Lei's face looked a bit hideous, and he ordered: "Bring cash, get in the car and rush out!"

There are six cars here, but I don't know how many were able to rush out in the end. This requires sacrificing some brothers.

A trace of panic flashed in Cai Zhicheng's eyes, and he said, "Boss Lei, I'm in a car with you."

Boss Lei sneered in his heart, he couldn't protect himself, how could he take care of Cai Zhicheng at this time, but it would be useful to keep Cai Zhicheng's subordinates to cover, so that he could rush out.

"Boss Cai, if you are with me, the police will definitely attack us, so we should split up to distract the police, and I will give you the van and car in front." Boss Lei pointed to the one farthest ahead. two cars.

Cai Zhicheng's face was ugly, so far away, how could he rush to get into the car?
Boss Lei gestured to his subordinates.

Several subordinates understood, raised their machine guns and fired.

Bang bang bang!
Countless bullets hit the police car.

The police immediately fought back, and a shootout broke out in an instant.

Harsh gunshots broke the silence of the night.

Cai Zhicheng was sweating profusely, hiding behind an abandoned car. He usually did gentlemanly things, but now he was facing a life-and-death gun battle, and even the hand holding the gun was trembling.

"Ah!" The bodyguard next to him fell to the ground and let out a heart-piercing scream. He was shot in the shoulder, and his blood stained his clothes and flowed to the ground.

Cai Zhicheng felt cold all over, and watched the bodyguard struggling on the ground helplessly.

With a sound of swiping, a car drove over, opened the door and let Boss Lei get in the car.

"Boss, get in the car!" Boss Lei's men opened the door.

Boss Lei fired a few shots outside, then rushed into the car.

"Boss Lei! Wait for me!" Cai Zhicheng yelled, but he didn't dare to rush over when he heard the gunshots.

Of course, Boss Lei ignored Cai Zhicheng and quickly closed the car door.

The three vehicles rushed out together and directly hit the police car, intending to drive the police car away.

Police immediately opened fire on the three vehicles.

Bang bang bang!
The windows crackled and shattered.

Boss Lei shouted angrily: "Rush out!"

The voice of the driver was trembling: "Boss, I can't rush out..."

Before the words fell, bang bang bang!The windshield was completely shattered, and the driver was shot, and he fell on the seat dead or alive.

The glass of this car has been completely broken and there is no shelter.

Boss Lei got down in an instant. It wasn't that he had never experienced a gun battle, but he had never experienced such a dangerous situation. There was a complete disparity between the enemy and ourselves.

Even so, he would rather die than surrender. He shot a few policemen just now. It is not known whether he killed the policemen. In addition, his business involves a huge amount of money. Even if he is not sentenced to death, he will be imprisoned for life.

Boss Lei changed the magazine, held the gun in both hands, and was about to get out of the car and rush to another van.

Seeing the timing, Boss Lei jumped out of the car and rushed towards the van.

However, before rushing to the past, there was a loud bang, and a raging fire broke out, and the flames suddenly shot up into the sky.

The van exploded.

There was fire in Boss Lei's eyes, and he was stunned. There was no way to escape, and the sound of gunfire filled his nerves.

Boss Lei fell to the ground, twitching all over, not knowing whether he was dead or alive.

Not far away, Cai Zhicheng trembled and watched Boss Lei fall to the ground with horror in his eyes. If he also got into the car just now, he might be the one who died.

More than half of Boss Lei's men had been killed, and there were only three or four of Cai Zhicheng's men left.

"Don't shoot! I surrender!" Suddenly someone shouted.

The gunfire gradually died down.

A man raised his hands and walked out slowly.

Later, a second person surrendered, and the boss had already fallen to the ground, so they didn't need to work hard.

Now, the others have become aware of current affairs, and almost all the people who are still alive have come out to surrender, and two of them are Cai Zhicheng's subordinates.

The bodyguard looked at Cai Zhicheng with flickering eyes, then moved away quietly, dropped the pistol suddenly, raised his hands and walked out, and he also surrendered.

He is just a bodyguard and does not participate in the boss's business. Besides, he deliberately didn't hit the police just now, just for show.

Therefore, even if sentenced, he would be imprisoned for a few years at most.

Cai Zhicheng was cold all over, and he watched his subordinates and bodyguards surrender in disbelief. At this moment, he had no chance of winning at all, and only his assistant was left by his side.

Cai Zhicheng stared at Yan Xi with red eyes, pinched Yan Xi's wrist fiercely, his nails almost scratched her wrist.

Yan Xi didn't move because there was something pressing against her back, although she couldn't see it, it was clear what it was.

"Boss, it doesn't matter if this woman is a policeman or not, we can hold her hostage!" The assistant pointed a gun at Yan Xi's back with a determined expression on his face.

He must not surrender. He has done so many things for the boss, and even killed someone. There is a death penalty in China, and he doesn't want to die!
There was a flash of madness in Cai Zhicheng's eyes, no matter who Li Mingzhu is, she is now the bargaining chip!
"Do you think the police believe that I'm a hostage?" Yan Xi's face was cold, the current situation is not good for her!
"Li Mingzhu! You are just a woman, why are you still so calm? Why are you not afraid?" Cai Zhicheng stared at her cold and calm face.

"Can't women be calm? Should women be afraid?" Yan Xi was very confused. Where did Cai Zhicheng come up with this theorem?

"Unless you are a policeman! Otherwise, why don't you sleep with me?!" Cai Zhicheng's spirit broke down a bit, and he couldn't choose what to say.

Yan Xi's face darkened instantly, and he looked at him gloomyly.

"Say it! Why don't you sleep with me?!" Cai Zhicheng's eyes were full of madness, and his eyes seemed to be dancing with fire.

"You are old, ugly, and have no body shape. You have no eight-pack abs, no merman lines, and dirty thoughts and psychopaths. I'm sorry, but I really can't have sexual interest in front of you." Yan Xi was a little angry.

"What did you say?!" Cai Zhicheng was furious, completely disbelieving that she would say such vulgar words, he is only 35 years old, how old is he?Where is it ugly?
"Boss, stop talking nonsense with her! Let's take her out!" the assistant said anxiously.

Cai Zhicheng took a deep breath, but at this moment of life and death, it was difficult to calm down.

The assistant shouted loudly: "Listen, you policemen, we have a hostage in our hands, and she is a woman. Prepare a car for us, we have to get out of here, or kill this woman!"

"What hostage? The police want to make sure she is a hostage and bring her out." The policeman said immediately.

"Don't shoot, we'll let her show her face!" The assistant grabbed Yan Xi's other hand and held her hostage together with Cai Zhicheng.

The two of them hid on the side of the abandoned car and pushed her out slightly, exposing her head.

The assistant shouted: "See? It's this woman!"

Several commanders discussed and said, "I see, don't hurt the hostages, we will prepare a car for you."

After a while, the police got a car.

"Here's the car, here it is."

"All of you retreat. If you try to catch up, we will kill this woman and die together! Anyway, if we are caught, we will be shot!" the assistant's voice was stern.

With the sound of hurried footsteps, dozens of policemen all backed away, clearing an open road.

There was a glimmer of hope in Cai Zhicheng's eyes, he pointed the gun at Yan Xi's head, and escorted Yan Xi out with his assistant.

The lights of the police car shone on the three of them, and the lights were a bit dazzling.

Yan Xi's face was gloomy, his left and right hands were clamped by them, there was a gun on his back, and there was also a gun on his head.

Dozens of policemen stood not far away, holding pistols in unison, pointing at the three people in the junkyard.

Seeing this scene, Cai Zhicheng and his assistant trembled a little.

"Don't shoot, or we will kill her!" Cai Zhicheng warned.

"We didn't shoot, when did you release the hostages?" the policeman asked.

"When we are safe, we will let her go." Cai Zhicheng dragged Yan Xi to the car step by step.

The light from the headlights was a little harsh, Yan Xi squinted his eyes, looked at the policemen, and saw a familiar person.

Yun Su has been watching her, his face is firm and calm, but his heart is hard to calm, her life is in danger at any time.

(End of this chapter)

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