I've always had a crush on her

Chapter 619 Jewelry Theft 03

Chapter 619 Jewelry Theft 03
Yan Xi looked at him, and she blinked.

Yun Su's heart was shocked, the strong light shone on her face, and he noticed that she blinked at him.

Yun Su immediately explained the situation briefly to the commander, then looked at Yan Xi in unison, waiting for her hint.

Yan Xi's wrists were grabbed by two people respectively, but his fingers could move.

Yan Xi clenched his left hand into a fist, and then blinked at Yun Su again.

Yun Su noticed, and he nodded solemnly.

Yan Xi was dragged away by Cai Zhicheng, his left hand was exposed to the light, he stretched out one finger from his clenched fist, and then slowly stretched out the second finger.

When he stretched out his third finger, Yan Xi turned sideways to avoid the gun on his head and the gun on his back, and grabbed their hands with his backhand.

At the same time, there were bang bang gunshots, four rapid gunshots could be heard.

The three fell to the ground together.

Cai Zhicheng was shot in the chest, and the gun in his hand fired a bullet into the night sky. Immediately, the pistol fell to the ground, and he also fell to the ground.

The assistant also fired a shot, and the bullet grazed Yan Xi's waist, and he fell to the ground as well.

Yun Su and a policeman each fired a shot, hitting the target person, but when they heard the other two gunshots, both of them were startled, wondering if the hostage had been shot.

Yun Su felt chills all over his body, holding the gun stiffly in his hands, and kept her figure in his eyes until he saw her fall down.

Under the strong light of the headlights, I saw bright red blood spreading beside the three people who fell to the ground.

"Yan Xi!"

Yun Su rushed over recklessly, knelt down beside her, held her head in his hands, felt the pulse of her neck with his palm, felt the beating pulse with his fingertips, and he was relieved.

Several policemen hurriedly surrounded him, and they were relieved when they saw Yan Xi's eyes open.

Yan Xi moved, and she frowned in pain.

"What's the matter? Where is the injury?" Yun Su looked anxious, she was dressed in black, and she couldn't see where she was bleeding.

"Waist." Yan Xi said one word, although it wasn't the waist that hurt the most, it was the waist that was shot.

Yun Su's expression changed, and he reached out to touch her waist. When he touched the viscous liquid on her waist, his heart trembled uncontrollably.

Carefully opened the hem of her clothes, there was a long bloodstain on the waist, bleeding continuously.

"How is it?" Yan Xi lay flat, he couldn't see it, he could only feel the burning pain.

"The bullet grazed the waist, but didn't hurt the inside. The bleeding was serious. I'll hold the wound for you, and you endure the pain." Yun Su pressed the wound with her clothes.

Yan Xi secretly heaved a sigh of relief, luckily it was only a skin trauma, she really didn't want to go to the hospital.

"I'll help you up." Yun Su was about to help her up, but the medical staff hadn't arrived yet.

"No, let me lie down for a while." Yan Xi didn't want to move.

"What's wrong? Does the wound hurt?" Yun Su became nervous again, the wound was deeper, no less painful than being shot.

"No." When Yan Xi fell to the ground just now, the back of his shoulder blade hit a stone, and the pain was worse than being shot.

At this time, the siren of an ambulance was heard, and the medical staff rushed over, carrying a stretcher.

"Where is the injury?" The medical staff asked, and they were about to carry Yan Xi onto the stretcher.

"It's okay, it's just a pain from a fall." Yan Xi endured the pain in his back shoulder blade, and sat up on one hand, she didn't want to lie on the stretcher.

"Her waist was injured and needed to be bandaged. I held the wound." Yun Su said hastily.

"Leave it to us, let go." The medical staff took out the gauze, pressed the wound on Yan Xi's waist, and then took Yan Xi to the ambulance.

Yun Su didn't need to deal with the scene, so he followed Yan Xi into the ambulance.

Yan Xi sat on one side, lifted the hem of his clothes, and let the medical staff treat the wound.

Yun Su sat opposite her, looking at her fixedly, he wanted to say something, but didn't know what to say.

Yan Xi looked at him, is there something wrong?
Yun Su pursed his lips, as if he didn't understand her eyes.

Yan Xi felt baffled, he shouldn't be injured, what does it mean that he is sitting there looking at her like this?
At this time, a young policeman ran over, looked at Yan Xi, and said apologetically, "I'm sorry for hurting you."

He is a master marksman of the Ministry of Public Security. He and Yun Su shot together just now. Although they shot the target, the target also fired, causing the hostages to be injured.

"It's okay, I'm serious." Yan Xi said politely.

Seeing that she was in high spirits, the young policeman grinned, a very sunny and handsome smile.

Suddenly thought of something, he seemed to be serious, but also seemed to be joking: "Hi, I'm Shen Jiamu, I'm 26 years old, I shouldn't be too old or ugly, I have eight-pack abs and a manliness, and I have a normal mind , mental health."

The corners of Yan Xi's lips twitched, she had a bug on her body, and all the conversations between her and Cai Zhicheng fell into the ears of the police.

Yun Su's face was expressionless, and his cold eyes fell on Shen Jiamu.

Noticing Yun Su's gaze, Shen Jiamu immediately restored his serious image as a policeman. Yun Su was a special police officer sent by the higher authorities, and he was just a small policeman from the Ministry of Public Security. Moreover, Yun Su's appearance and figure were obvious to all, and he seemed a bit out of touch.

"Does your wound hurt?" Shen Jiamu looked at her waist, where the medical staff were stitching her up.

"Anesthesia was injected." Yan Xi said.

Shen Jiamu took out a pen and paper from his pocket, wrote a series of numbers, then tore off the note with the number on it and handed it to her: "This is my mobile phone number, you can contact me anytime."

"Thank you." Yan Xi took the note out of politeness.

"You're welcome, I have to leave first, goodbye." Shen Jiamu grinned again.

"Goodbye." Yan Xi said.

Only then did Shen Jiamu leave, his back was vigorous and handsome.

Yun Su glanced at the note in her hand, she took the note, will she contact that Shen Jiamu just now?

Yan Xi conveniently put the note into his pocket.

The medical staff treated the wound and asked, "Is there any discomfort?"

Yan Xi said, "Left back shoulder."

Medical staff immediately pulled her clothes off and checked her back shoulder.

Yan Xi immediately frowned. Although there was no bleeding, it was more painful than bleeding.

"It's a little serious. I need to go to the hospital to take a film." The medical staff looked serious.

"What's the matter?" Yun Su immediately walked over to take a look, and immediately became worried. Her back shoulder blades were bruised, which must have been hit by a hard object. No wonder he didn't notice that she was lying motionless on the ground just now.

Yan Xi couldn't see what was going on, so he still had to go to the hospital, and there should be no need for surgery.

The ambulance was going back to the hospital, but Yun Su still didn't get out of the car.

The medical staff didn't rush Yun Su out of the car either, thinking he was with Yan Xi.

Yan Xi felt strange, did Yun Su also go to the hospital?
The siren sounded, and the ambulance returned along the road.

"What happened to Cai Zhicheng?" Yan Xi remembered that when he fell to the ground, Cai Zhicheng had been lying beside her, not knowing whether he was dead or alive.

"If there is no accident, we cannot be rescued." Yun Su's eyes darkened, and he shot Cai Zhicheng in the chest, and if there was no accident, he hit the heart.

Yan Xi didn't ask any more questions. Cai Zhicheng was arrested in Huaguo. According to the law of Huaguo, if the evidence is sufficient, what Cai Zhicheng committed is a felony.

When they went to the hospital, Yan Xi registered to pay the fee, and Yun Su followed her all the time.

"Do you have anything else to do?" Yan Xi looked at him suspiciously.

"No." Yun Su was serious. For this case, he was only responsible for the investigation. Now that all the criminals have been arrested, they only need to hand it over to the police and the judiciary.

"Then why...follow me?" Yan Xi felt strange, he followed her all the way from the registration to the consultation room.

"I have nothing else to do. You are injured now. If I had acted more precisely just now, maybe you would not have been injured." Yun Su's expression was serious, with a bit of shame.

"It's just a superficial injury. Some things are unavoidable. I think your actions are already very precise and have keen insight." Yan Xi agreed. She and him have never cooperated before, and there is no tacit understanding at all, but he is also like this. Can read her cues.

Yun Su was stunned for a moment, unexpectedly she had such a high evaluation.

"Go to the X-ray first, this way." Yun Su saw the sign and walked to the Radiology Department.

In the middle of the night, no one sees a doctor, so there is no need to queue up.

The X-rays were taken quickly, and Yan Xi came out within a minute or two after entering.

Back in the consulting room, the doctor looked at the film: "Fortunately, no bones were injured. If you want to reduce the swelling quickly, apply cold compresses within 24 hours, and heat compresses after 24 hours. Prescribe some medicine for you, combined with externally applied medicine."

"Her waist was scratched, and she just had stitches, and there are anti-inflammatory drugs." Yun Su said immediately, so there should be no need to repeat some similar drugs.

"So, is there any other injuries?" The doctor looked at Yan Xi.

"It's gone." Yan Xi said.

"What happened tonight?" The doctor asked curiously. The clothes on the woman's body were stained with blood. The hospital sent several wounded people who were shot tonight, including the police, so it is estimated that the two are also policemen. , just came from the crime scene.

"You will see the news report tomorrow." Yan Xi said.

The corner of the doctor's lips twitched. He had read too many news reports, but the person who experienced it himself was right in front of him.

"You guys are in this line of work. Are you afraid of the scene just now?" The doctor lowered his voice unconsciously. Although he was used to seeing life, old age, sickness and death, he had never seen a real gun battle.

Yun Su didn't speak.

Yan Xi also fell silent, she was afraid of death and killing, but there was something she was more afraid of than death and killing.

Seeing that the two were silent, the doctor didn't ask any further questions. A doctor's duty is to save people, but in his opinion, the police save more people than the doctor, and sometimes killing people is to save more people.

After Yan Xi went to get the medicine, he could go back, but Yun Su was still following her.

So Yan Xi had no choice but to say, "Goodbye."

Yun Su hesitated for a moment and asked, "Where are you going?"

"Go back to the hotel." Yan Xi said, it was already two o'clock in the morning.

"Cai Zhicheng stayed in that hotel before, and the police will search it, and here, Cai Zhicheng may have other accomplices, which may be against you. You should change to another hotel." Yun Su suggested.

"Understood." Yan Xi understood, and it would not be troublesome to change hotels.

"You're not familiar with this place. It's hard to find a hotel at this late hour. Why don't you go to the hotel where I'm staying temporarily. Your back shoulder blade is injured and it's inconvenient to carry your luggage. I'll help you carry your luggage." Yun Su tried his best to express his meaning.

"Alright, sorry to trouble you." Yan Xi said.

"No trouble." Yun Su gave a rare smile, stopped a taxi, and went back to the hotel with her.

Yan Xi went back to his room and changed into a set of clothes first. There was nothing to clean up, only a few sets of clothes, and they were packed quickly.

Yun Su waited for her at the door of the room, and when she went out, he took her suitcase.

After Yan Xi checked out, he went back to his hotel with Yun Su.

Now late at night, the hotel lobby is empty except for two front desk ladies.

Yan Xi took out his ID card to book a room, and now he still uses Li Mingzhu's identity, so the ID card he presented is also Li Mingzhu.

The lady at the front desk looked at the two people, a man and a woman, with only one suitcase, booking a room in the middle of the night.

"What kind of room do you need? There are luxury suites, couple suites, double suites..."

"A single room." Yan Xi interrupted the reception lady's recommendation.

The lady at the front desk was stunned, and looked at the two of them with weird eyes. The bed in the single room is 1.5 meters, and the standard double bed is no problem for two people to sleep, but if you want to do something, the 1.8 meters bed is more convenient.

Yun Su was expressionless, knowing that the receptionist had misunderstood his relationship with her.

"Okay then, I'll book a single room for you." The front desk lady smiled again in an instant.

"It's not us, it's her. The room is as close as possible to Room 605, and I live in Room 605." Yun Su was very serious, without any hint of a joke.

Yun Su looked at Yan Xi and explained, "If there's anything else, it's convenient to contact you."

Yan Xi nodded, expressing his understanding.

The smile of the front desk lady froze, it turned out that she had misunderstood.

"Is Room 606 okay? It's next door to Room 605." The front desk lady checked the housing records.

"Yes." Yan Xi didn't care.

The lady at the front desk looked at the two secretly. The man was handsome, indifferent and imposing, while the woman seemed a little more ordinary.

"Excuse me, does the hotel provide food and drink now?" Yun Su suddenly thought, after tossing around for most of the night, and she was injured again, she should eat something to replenish her strength.

"The hotel doesn't serve breakfast until six o'clock, and there are still more than three hours." The front desk lady replied, it's almost three o'clock in the morning, and you can have breakfast after a little more patience.

"Is there any restaurant open nearby?" Yun Su asked again, more than three hours, too long.

"Go out and turn left about 200 meters. There is a 24-hour restaurant that mainly eats pasta, porridge, and steamed buns." The front desk lady said that she often went there for something to eat after finishing her night shift.

"Thank you." Yun Su said.

"You're welcome." The lady at the front desk smiled sweetly, and she was very grateful for the handsome guy's thank you.

After getting the room card, Yun Su and Yan Xi went up to the sixth floor together.

Yun Su took the luggage into her room: "I'm going to buy something to eat, what do you want to eat?"

Yan Xi is not hungry now, but thinking of going to bed at this time, she will miss breakfast: "Whatever, I don't pick and choose food, please excuse me."

"No trouble, you take a rest first." Yun Su left.

Yan Xi went to the bathroom to take a bath. He had a wound on his waist, so it was a bit troublesome to take a bath. Before he finished washing, he heard a knock on the door.

Yan Xi put on his bathrobe and went to open the door.

"I bought porridge and steamed stuffed buns, here is a bag of ice cubes to compress my back shoulders." Yun Su handed the things to her.

"Thank you." Yan Xi took the things.

"Don't wash your back shoulders with hot water, be careful of catching a cold." Seeing that her hair was wet, Yun Su reminded her.

"I know."

"I'm right next door, you can find me if you need anything, goodbye." Yun Su left.

Yan Xi glanced at his back, and after getting along with him, he realized that Yun Su was very serious and serious.


(End of this chapter)

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