I've always had a crush on her

Chapter 620 Jewelry Theft 04

Chapter 620 Jewelry Theft 04
Today's headline news is that last night the police cracked down on a gang that was illegally making profits. The suspected amount was huge, the circumstances were serious, and it was extremely harmful.

Among them, the Chinese-Australian suspect Cai Zhicheng was shot and died on the spot. The main suspect Lei Tao was seriously injured, his spine was shot and his lower body was permanently paralyzed.

The Australian police stated that Cai Zhicheng used Ruilong Finance Company to launder money transnationally in Australia, and found important evidence of illegal transactions in his home. Several senior executives of Ruilong Company were convicted, and the police arrested many suspects involved in illegal transactions. .


At noon, Yun Su contacted Nie Shen, reported the process of the case, and mentioned Yan Xi's injury by the way.

"Is Yan Xi's injury serious?" Nie Shen was worried.

"It's nothing serious. The wound on the waist should have stitches removed in a week. The back shoulder is a bruise, probably a sprain. I don't know how long it will take for the swelling to subside." Yun Su explained in detail.

"In this way, you don't have to come back for the time being, stay there to take care of Yan Xi, and wait until Yan Xi's injury recovers." Nie thought deeply, this is a good opportunity to promote the relationship.

"She may have to go back to Australia, or to perform other tasks." Yun Su said.

Nie Shen looked helpless, Yun Su's EQ needed to be improved urgently, no wonder he was single all the time.

"Then you take care of her until she leaves. This is the task."

"I understand." Yun Su was a little embarrassed, she didn't seem to need his care.

Nie Shen secretly sighed, actually he didn't want Yan Xi to continue his job as Interpol, it was too dangerous.

But he has no position to persuade her, she is already an adult, she has her own ideas and can be responsible for her own life.

However, he still hopes that she will return to China, take up a relatively safe job, get married and have children, and have a stable and happy family.


Yun Su looked at the time, it was past eleven o'clock at noon, he didn't know if she was awake, and he was afraid that knocking on the door would wake her up.

So Yun Su waited in the corridor for about half an hour.

Yan Xi opened the door and saw Yun Su outside.

"Is there anything uncomfortable?" Yun Su went to look at her, and she seemed to be in good spirits.

"No." Yan Xi was puzzled, had he been here for a long time?Are you waiting for her?
"Do you want to have lunch in the room, or go out to eat?" Yun Su asked, if she wanted to rest, she could also ask someone to deliver food to the room at the hotel.

"I'm free, have you eaten yet?" Yan Xi looked at him, otherwise why did he ask her on purpose.

"Not yet, why don't we eat in the restaurant of the hotel." Yun Su said, so that we don't have to go too far.

"Yes." Yan Xi didn't care.

So, the two went downstairs to the restaurant of the hotel together.

"Have you taken your medicine?" Yun Su asked with concern.

"Take it." Yan Xi replied very seriously. Yun Su was very serious and didn't mean to be joking at all. The expression of taking medicine now is not just a literal meaning.

"It's better to take medicine after meals." Yun Su reminded.

"Yeah." Yan Xi said he heard it.

The hotel has two restaurants, one Chinese restaurant and one Western restaurant.

Both of them chose the Chinese restaurant unanimously. It was lunch time, and the restaurant was very lively.

After finding a place to sit down, Yun Su gave her the menu card.

Yan Xi ordered two dishes casually and returned the menu cards to him.

Yun Su said: "I'm not picky, you order."

Yan Xi said, "I'm not picky about what I eat, I order two dishes per person."

Yun Su looked at the menu, and ordered two more dishes that were good for wound healing.

While waiting for the food to be served, Yun Su was organizing words in his mind. The director asked me to take care of you temporarily, which made him feel inexplicably awkward. Besides, she doesn't seem to need his care, but it's the same thing that she doesn't need it. He obeys orders It's another story.

After a long time, Yun Su said, "Recently, I lived here for a while to assist the police with some matters. If you need me for anything, you can contact me at any time."

"Okay, thank you." Yan Xi nodded.

"You're welcome. Can we exchange mobile numbers? It's convenient to contact." Yun Su suddenly remembered that he and her had always been in touch through encrypted emails, and they didn't have each other's private numbers.

"Yes." Yan Xi reported his phone number.

Yun Su took out her phone, stored her phone number, and called.

Yan Xi took out the vibrating cell phone in his pocket, and created a new contact, Yun Su. He had used Yun Jing's name before, but he didn't know if Yun Su was his real name.

The secret agent information of the National Security Bureau is confidential, and the name may be just a code name.

"Are you busy with other things recently?" Yun Su looked at her. As an Interpol, she has a very wide range of missions and often flies around the world.

"Not yet." Yan Xi said, and contacted Ms. Coulson last night. Coulson learned about her injury, saved her from going back to Australia, and even praised her. Her mission is over, but she My boss hasn't ordered yet.

"Then do you want to go home?" Yun Su thought, her home is in Jingyang City, Jingyang City is far away from here, but the transportation is convenient, it only takes about two hours by plane.

"Not coming back for now." Yan Xi was a little annoyed, in order to avoid Hess, she didn't go home for a long time.

"The injury on your body hasn't healed yet. The stitches on your body just now are easy to crack, and the back shoulder is not suitable for exercise. It's better to stay here for the time being." Yun Su finally expressed his meaning.

"I'm planning to stay here temporarily." Yan Xi said, the stitches can only be removed in a week, and at least one week in a hotel is required.

Hearing this, Yun Su felt fortunately that she planned to stay temporarily, otherwise he didn't know how to persuade her to stay.

After lunch, Yan Xi said he was going out to do some shopping.

"I'll go with you." Yun Su said immediately, she was injured, and he could help carry things.

"I may go out for two or three hours, you don't need to accompany me." Yan Xi said, just now he said to assist the police with some matters, he should be very busy.

"I also have nothing to do." Yun Su said, now his task is to take care of her.

Hearing this, Yan Xi didn't refuse and went out with him.

The weather here in April is very comfortable, the breeze is gentle, and the spring scenery can be seen everywhere.

"How long have you been here? Are you familiar with the location here?" Yan Xi is not very familiar with this place, so he doesn't know where to buy it.

"It's not long, I'm not very familiar with it." Yun Su had been following her all along, thinking that she had a purpose, but unexpectedly she was not familiar with her either.

"I'll search the map." Yan Xi stopped, took out his phone and typed in the search.

Yun Su waited patiently for her.

Yan Xi checked the map: "Go to Yihua Department Store, take a taxi, about 15 minutes."

Yun Su immediately stopped a taxi, and opened the door to let her get in the car first.

The two went to Yihua Department Store by car.

Today, Monday, the department store will not be very crowded.

Yan Xi first went to the women's clothing store to buy some ordinary clothes. Most of Li Mingzhu's clothes were long skirts, expensive clothes, which was inconvenient.

Yun Su has been following her, watching her choose.

This clothing store only sells women's clothing, so the customers in the store are almost all women, and there are also one or two men who accompany their wives or girlfriends to buy clothes.

Yan Xi basically doesn't need to try on clothes when buying clothes, he just chooses the right size.

"Your injury hasn't healed yet, I'll hold it for you." Yun Su stretched out her hand, her left back shoulder was severely sprained, and it was inconvenient to hold things with her left hand.

"The clothes are very light, I can do it myself."

"I'll hold it for you. It's convenient for you to choose. Anyway, I'm free." Yun Su kept stretching out his hand, waiting for her to put the clothes on.

"Then I'll trouble you." Yan Xi put the clothes on his hands.

"No trouble, you choose slowly, it's still early." Yun Su looked serious, not troublesome at all.

Yan Xi was a little embarrassed, not only asked him to accompany her to buy things in a boring way, but also asked him to carry things.

Yan Xi walked around the store twice, selected four or five pieces of clothing, and could go to check out.

"Aren't you going to try on clothes?" Yun Su saw many customers go to the fitting room to try on clothes. He had never had the experience of accompanying women to buy clothes.

"No need to try." Yan Xi went to the cashier to pay.

After checking out, Yun Su took the bag handed over by the cashier.

The pretty cashier lady took a second look at Yun Su, and she had noticed just now that this handsome guy has been following his girlfriend, tirelessly taking clothes for his girlfriend, a tall, handsome and considerate man.

After shopping for clothes, Yan Xi went to buy a pair of shoes, and finally bought a notebook.

Yun Su didn't talk much, and followed her silently, helping her with things.

Yan Xi's hands were empty, she was very embarrassed to see him holding things in both hands, he was like a bodyguard.

"Do you have anything to buy?"

"No." Yun Su said.

Yan Xi guessed in his heart that he was a person who was not keen on shopping, which was somewhat similar to her.

After shopping, the two took a taxi back to the hotel.

When we got back to the hotel, it was only after four o'clock in the afternoon, and there was still some time before dinner.

Yun Su went to the front desk and asked the lady at the front desk to send some ice cubes to Room 606.

Hearing this, Yan Xi felt a little embarrassed, she hadn't even thought of this.

Yun Su took the things to her room, and asked by the way: "Where do you want to have dinner tonight, and what do you want to eat?"

"I'm free, do you want to be with me?" Yan Xi looked at him, otherwise why would he ask such a question.

"If you don't mind..." Yun Su seriously asked for her permission, after all, he didn't know if she would like to have dinner with him.

"I don't mind." Yan Xi said, it's just a casual meal, there's nothing he doesn't mind.

Hearing this, Yun Su was inexplicably relieved. Apart from business, he basically had no female friends, so he didn't know how to get along with female friends. In addition, she was the daughter of his father's friend, so he would inevitably pay special attention to it.

"Whenever you want to go to dinner, just knock on my door or call me."

"Okay." Yan Xi nodded.

"Then I won't bother you. I'll see you later." Yun Su left with a straight and straight back.

Yan Xi looked at his back, and had to say that Yun Su had the demeanor of a soldier, both in character and behavior, very upright and dignified.

After Yun Su left, Yan Xi started packing his clothes and unpacking the notebook.

At this moment, the hotel waiter brought ice cubes.

Yan Xi took ice cubes and went to the bathroom, took off his shirt, and saw the redness and swelling on his back shoulders from the bathroom mirror.

Applying ice cubes to the back of the shoulder blades, Yan Xi frowned suddenly. Instead of being seriously injured by a bullet, he was seriously injured by a stone.

After applying it for [-] minutes, the ice cubes almost melted, and Yan Xi took a shower by the way.

It wasn't until 06:30 that Yan Xi went out and knocked on the door next door.

Yun Su quickly opened the door: "Come in, wait for me for a while."

Yan Xi walked into his room and saw all kinds of photos and blueprints on the table. She could tell what it was at a glance. Interpol specializes in collecting transnational cases, so she has also seen a lot of cases.

"An anti-drug case in the Golden Triangle?"

"You know it too?" Hearing her question, Yun Su looked back at her in surprise.

"I've seen it roughly, but I don't know exactly how it is." Yan Xi said, the drug trafficking cases in the Golden Triangle are very complicated and serious, and the Interpol has also been involved. In fact, it is not a case, it is the whole region that is producing drugs. and drug trafficking.

"That area is basically a three-way zone. Drug trafficking is rampant. Even if there is evidence, there is nothing they can do. It is difficult for Hua Guo's army to enter." Yun Su's expression was a little heavy. A large amount of drugs flowed into Hua Guo from the Golden Triangle. This requires more than simple investigation. , which requires armed forces to resolve.

"I will go in one day." Yan Xi said firmly, Interpol does not get involved in any country's politics and military affairs, but she deeply knows that she is from Hua.

Yun Su looked at her with bright eyes, and her words of encouragement made him inexplicably enlightened.

Afterwards, Yun Su and Yan Xi had another topic they couldn't finish talking about, studying various cases.

Yun Su quickly tidied up the photos and drawings on the table, and then went down to dinner with her.

After six o'clock, the sky gradually darkened.

"Where do you want to go for dinner? What do you want to eat?" Yun Su asked while walking. She will be staying in the hotel for a long period of time. If she always eats in the hotel's restaurant, I wonder if she will get tired of it.

"I'm not picky, you decide." Yan Xi said.

Yun Su couldn't make up his mind. She always said that she was not picky, was it a polite way of saying, or was she really not picky?
Yun Su thought for a while and said, "I remember that there is a Chinese restaurant about 300 meters away from the hotel, why not go there for dinner."

"Yes." Yan Xi nodded.

With that said, the two walked out of the hotel and walked to the Chinese restaurant for a few minutes.

During dinner, Yun Su finally didn't have to worry about not having a topic to talk about.

When talking about various cases, they talked a lot with each other, had different opinions, or had new doubts and discoveries.

At this moment, Yun Su felt that he seemed to know her again. As an Interpol, she had participated in many transnational cases and watched many cases. Her investigative ability was very strong.

After dinner, back to the hotel, it was only after eight o'clock.

When he reached the door of the room, Yun Su paused: "Are you free now?"

"Yes." Yan Xi also had nothing to do.

"About the anti-narcotics case in the Golden Triangle, can we discuss with each other?"

"Yes." Yan Xi was quite happy. As a special agent of the National Security Bureau, he has investigated many cases and has keen insight and rich experience.

So Yan Xi walked into his room and studied the case with him.


(End of this chapter)

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