I've always had a crush on her

Chapter 621 Jewelry Theft 05

Chapter 621 Jewelry Theft 05
The days when Yun Su and Yan Xi lived in the hotel were monotonous but full of meaning, and they spent most of their time together studying cases.

Yan Xi felt strange, he had been with her recently, he said to help the police deal with some matters before, but he had never seen him go to the police station, and the police never came to him.

A week later, Yan Xi's wound could have stitches removed, and Yun Su accompanied her to the hospital.

"Remember to apply the medicine, and continue to apply it after the wound has healed." The doctor especially warned that such a deep wound will leave a scar. Although it is on the waist, it is still unsightly.

After Yan Xi took the medicine, he went back to the hotel with Yun Su.

At five o'clock in the evening, the sunset is infinitely beautiful.

The palm trees along the road are in order, and the green plants are neatly trimmed.

Going to the hotel entrance, Yun Su suddenly said: "It's not dinner time yet, why don't we take a walk around."

The two walked along the sidewalk, casting long shadows under the setting sun.

Thinking of her recovery from her injury, Yun Su felt a little inexplicable reluctance. After getting to know her deeply, getting along with her was quite relaxed and happy. Maybe she will leave soon, and he will have other things .

Neither of them spoke, they were so quiet and warm.


Four days later, at two o'clock in the afternoon, Yun Su received a call from Nie Shen.

"How is Yan Xi's injury?"

"It's all right now." Yun Su said, the director contacted him, probably because he had a new mission.

"How are you getting along?" Nie Shen was a little worried. Yun Su's EQ was zero, so he didn't know how Yan Xi's EQ was.

"Well, you can ask Yan Xi yourself." Yun Su said, he felt that he got along well with her, but he didn't know what she thought.

"Now I'm asking you." Nie Shen said without doubt.

"Very good." Yun Su said frankly, usually he and she don't talk much, but they are quite relaxed and comfortable, and they have a tacit understanding when talking about the case.

Hearing this, Nie Shen secretly breathed a sigh of relief. Yun Su always speaks to the point and does not exaggerate, so it is very good, and finally there is a little progress.

"The new mission is in Taihe City, and it will be sent to you in a while."

"Understood." Yun Su said solemnly, Taihe City is not far from this city.

After a while, an encrypted email was received.

Yun Su suddenly thought that he was leaving and would say goodbye to Yan Xi later.

Click to view the email.

A $4 million jewelry theft occurred on April 9 at the TX Building in the South Korean capital, all of which were raw solitaire diamonds, sapphires and rubies.

South Korean police investigation found that this is the work of an international theft group, with a total of 10 members, 7 men and 3 women, belonging to Korean, Chinese and R nationality, but other nationalities are not ruled out. It is suspected to be an organized international theft group .

At present, it is confirmed that 3 men and 1 woman took taxis to the airport in batches after committing the crime, and immediately left the country by plane. After arriving in Taihe City, China, they disappeared.

South Korean police have sought the assistance of INTERPOL to assist in the investigation of four people whose identities are known and who left the country.

The identities of the other 4 men and 2 women are still to be confirmed, and it has not yet been determined whether these suspects and stolen goods have left South Korea. The South Korean police are still investigating.

The South Korean police said that they mobilized about 200 police officers to investigate the case. In addition to reviewing the surveillance cameras, they also conducted investigations on the hotel industry. They are confident that all suspects will be identified within a short period of time.

The four people who arrived in Taihe City, China were Park Dongji and Min Changxiong from Korea, Pan Zhen from China, and Riko Tanihara from R.

Attached are the blurred images recorded by several people at the South Korean airport surveillance, and several people deliberately dressed up, so it is almost impossible to see the real faces.

The General Secretariat of Interpol has sent a criminal police officer to China to assist you in the investigation. Contact number: XXXXXXXXXX.

Yun Su couldn't help wondering why the general secretariat didn't send Yan Xi, she was in Huaguo.

Picking up the phone and dialing the number, it was connected after three rings, and the other party's voice came out soon.


Yun Su was stunned for a moment, he should not have misheard the voice.

"What's the matter?" Yan Xi saw the caller's number. It wasn't his personal number, but the number sent to her by her boss. Just now, she received an order from her boss to let her and Yunsu, a special agent of the Huaguo National Security Bureau, track down a case together. Single jewel theft.

"No, I'll try to see if I can dial this number." Yun Su racked his brains to come up with this excuse, the director must have deliberately kept it silent, and the person who assisted him in the investigation was Yan Xi.

Yan Xi felt baffled, so try to see if the number can be dialed?She didn't think the NSA would get the number wrong.

"This is my work number, but it changes frequently." Almost every task I perform, I change my work number.

"Understood. Let's go to Taihe City now, okay?" Yun Su asked, not far from Taihe City.

"Yes." Yan Xi said.

Yun Su called the police station of this city and applied for sending a car to the hotel to pick him up immediately to Taihe City.

Twenty minutes later, Yun Su and Yan Xi left the hotel.

A seven-seater black commercial vehicle was parked in front of the hotel.

Shen Jiamu and the two men were both in casual clothes, standing beside the car and waiting.

"Mr. Yun, Miss Yan, the superior sent us to send you to Taihe City and assist the Taihe City Police Department to participate in the investigation!"

Shen Jiamu has a sharp mind, because Taihe City is close to this city, sometimes he hunts down some criminals, and they often come and go to Taihe City, so he is more familiar with Taihe City.

"Understood. Can we go?" Yun Su was serious and uninterested.

"You can do it anytime. Miss Yan, please get in the car. Give me the suitcase and I'll put it in the trunk for you." Shen Jiamu opened the door and let Yan Xi get in the car first.

"Thank you." Yan Xi only kept his notebook, handed the suitcase to Shen Jiamu, and then got into the car.

A policeman was in charge of driving, and the other four sat in the back seat and set off for Taihe City.

Shen Jiamu said: "We have received the case just now. The four suspects arrived at Taihe City Airport at three o'clock in the morning today, and they disappeared after that. It is very likely that they have left Taihe City now."

Everyone received similar information, and it was very difficult to arrest several suspects in the vast crowd.

Yun Su said: "The four suspects were able to pass through the security check at the South Korean airport and at the Taihe Airport in Huaguo. If the stolen goods were on them, did they use a method to pass through the security check?"

I'm not sure if the security check at the South Korean airport is foolproof, but the security check at the Huaguo Airport is absolutely strict. There are a huge amount of diamonds, rubies and sapphires. If you don't go through a formal customs declaration application, you can't pass the security check.

"Maybe the stolen goods are not with them, so why did they come to Taihe City in China instead of other places, or other countries, such as country R, ​​one of the suspects is a nationality of R." Yan Xi opened his notebook and searched Taihe City map.

Yun Su said: "There is a fact that has to be admitted. Country R's law enforcement efforts are very strong in combating criminals. Country R is one of the countries with the lowest crime rate in the world. Of course, this should not be the main reason. Perhaps their The purpose is to sell stolen goods."

The stolen goods are all solitaire diamonds, sapphires and rubies, not finished products, so it is easy to sell the stolen goods. Once the stolen goods are sold successfully, it is difficult for the police to trace the whereabouts of the stolen goods.

Yan Xi said: "If they want to sell the stolen goods, they must contact the buyer in advance. Maybe the buyer is in Taihe City, so where is the stolen goods? Is it possible to transport the stolen goods from South Korea to Taihe City through other methods?"

Shen Jiamu suddenly thought of something: "There are cargo ships going to and from China and South Korea at the port of Taihe City. The entry inspection is not as strict as the airport security inspection. It mainly detects dangerous and contraband items. Items like jewelry are easy to get through. "

Yan Xi asked, "How many hours does it take for a cargo ship to sail from South Korea to the port of Taihe City?"

Everyone is not very clear.

The policeman who was driving said, "About thirteen hours, I went there before to investigate the case."

At this time, everyone realized that the four suspects had arrived in Taihe City at [-]:[-] this morning, and it had only been about thirteen hours since then.

Yun Su said: "Immediately go to the port of Taihe City and inform the police in Taihe City to guard the port to thoroughly investigate whether the goods transported from South Korea to Huaguo today are suspicious. If possible, suspend the landing of all goods."

Time was running out, so Shen Jiamu immediately called the Taihe Police Station.

It's not far from the port of Taihe City, maybe they got to the port faster than the police.

The driver accelerated the speed and arrived at the port 15 minutes later.

But the car can't get in because it's full of trucks.

Due to the stop of the goods landing, all the trucks that came to load the goods stopped here and waited.

There are also many drivers and workers who are cursing. They came to load the goods, but they did not let the goods go ashore, wasting their time.

At this time, the siren of a police car was heard.

Several police cars stopped, and more than 20 police officers surrounded the entire port.

The truck driver and workers stopped cursing and looked at the sudden police in surprise.

Shen Jiamu and Yun Su went to negotiate with the police in Taihe City.

Yan Xi stayed in the car and hacked into the monitoring of the surrounding roads.

"Officer Li!" Shen Jiamu called out.

"Jiamu, how's the situation?" Officer Li just arrived, looking at the chaotic port.

"We have no clue, have we found any suspicious shipments?" Shen Jiamu asked.

"The electronic manifest is being investigated, and each batch of goods will be entered into the system. Most merchants have long-term cooperation with South Korea. If the suspect transports the stolen goods by cargo ship, it should be a newly registered merchant, or a purchasing agent." Li said the officer.

"Go and ask the person in charge of the cargo ship first." Yun Su said.

Officer Li looked at Yun Su, the superior sent a special police officer to assist in the investigation, could it be this one?
Officer Li cast a puzzled look at Shen Jiamu.

Shen Jiamu returned a positive look.

So, Shen Jiamu, Yun Su and the local police went to investigate, and several cargo ships were parked at the port, waiting for unloading.

"What's the matter, police officers?" the person in charge of unloading the goods asked impatiently and waited for 10 minutes.

"Take out today's manifest." The police went to search each cargo ship in batches.

The person in charge impatiently took out a stack of invoices, both in Korean and Chinese.

At this time, Officer Li suddenly received a call.

"Over there, Pier 4!" Officer Li walked over immediately.

Shen Jiamu and Yun Su hurriedly followed.

The person in charge of unloading at Pier 4 was complaining when he was suddenly surrounded by a large number of policemen, which shocked him.

"Comrade policeman, I am a good citizen, what can I do for you?" The man looked like he was in his 30s, wearing a straw hat.

"The bill of lading number is XXXXXXXX. The goods are crystal ornaments. Have you unloaded them yet?" Officer Li asked eagerly.

"That batch of goods? Just after unloading, I was notified that the goods cannot be unloaded." The man remembered that there were not many goods in that batch, only two boxes.

"Unloaded? Who picked up the goods?" Shen Jiamu's face changed, it might be stolen goods.

"A woman," said the man.

"What woman? What are the characteristics of that woman?" Yun Su asked.

"A beautiful woman with long hair. She doesn't speak Korean well. She can only speak English, but she doesn't seem to speak Chinese." The man said, he often contacts Koreans, and he can also speak Korean. He can tell when he hears people speak Korean. Korean.

Hearing this, it is almost certain that the woman is Liko Tanihara, and the goods are stolen goods.

"Is she alone? Does she drive?" Yun Su asked again.

"She came to pick up the goods by herself. There was a male driver in a small white car. The driver didn't get out of the car. I asked someone to help carry the two boxes of goods to the rear compartment." The man said.

"Do you remember the license plate number or model?" Yun Su asked.

"How do you remember the license plate number, it seems to be a Honda." The man said, who would deliberately remember the license plate number of each car.

Officer Li immediately sent someone to use road surveillance to find the white Honda.

Yun Su took out his mobile phone and called Yan Xi, saying, "The stolen goods may have been taken by Lizi Gu Yuan. About 25 minutes ago, the white Honda car."

"Wait." Yan Xi reversed the surveillance video, and had checked the passing vehicles and suspicious persons just now: "A white Honda with the license plate number TH5548 is driving to Dongguan Road, and a white Honda with the license plate number TH1894 and TH6351 is driving." Go northeast."

Officer Li immediately notified the traffic police to intercept the three suspicious vehicles.

"Comrade police, what happened? Is it anti-narcotics?" The man looked curious. At that time, he also felt that the woman was a little strange, but it is absolutely impossible for dangerous goods and drugs to pass the test.

"Don't ask." Shen Jiamu glanced at the man sideways.

"Then hurry up, I'm waiting to unload the goods! If you want to do things, we have to do things too!" The man was a little anxious.

Officer Li ordered the evacuation of the port, leaving a few policemen here to help unload the cargo.

After 10 minutes, the traffic police intercepted two white Hondas, nothing suspicious.

One of them disappeared, and the car was finally found in a remote section of the road, but there was no trace of the suspect.

Knowing the result, everyone looked solemn. The suspect had already got the stolen goods. If the stolen goods were sold, the jewels might never be found again.

Shen Jiamu was a little discouraged: "The suspect was almost caught!"

When Yun Su returned to the car, seeing Yan Xi's expression was calm, she probably guessed the result.

Shen Jiamu looked at the two of them and asked, "What should we do now?"

Yan Xi said: "The suspect has already got the stolen goods, and he may leave Taihe City, or he may go to find a buyer."

(End of this chapter)

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