I've always had a crush on her

Chapter 622 Jewelry Theft 06

Chapter 622 Jewelry Theft 06
Officer Li dispatched police to station at each passenger station, notified each passenger station to pay attention, and investigated whether there were any suspicious people staying in nearby hotels.

Yun Su said: "Investigate Taihe City and surrounding cities, and see who might buy it."

Shen Jiamu understood that since the stolen goods were all unprocessed solitaire diamonds, the buyer was most likely a jeweler or a black market trader with very strong purchasing power.

After negotiating with the local police, Yun Su and Yan Xi temporarily stayed in a nearby hotel, and Shen Jiamu left the car for them in case of emergency.

It was already dark at this time, Yun Su and Yan Xi had dinner casually, and continued to study the case.

According to the surveillance video recorded at the port today, I tracked the white Honda all the way. Through the window, I could vaguely see the face of the driver, as well as Riko Tanihara in the back seat.

Combining the videos recorded at South Korea Airport and Taihe City Airport, and using image analysis, it is possible to piece together the face of Tanihara Riko and the face of the driver.

Yun Su looked at the face pieced together on the computer screen, and said, "The suspect who drove the car should be Pan Zhen, a Chinese citizen. After all, he can speak Chinese, which is convenient for him. Taking over the stolen goods is such an important matter, why are the other two Korean nationals The suspect didn't show up?"

"Maybe it happened, but we didn't see it." Yan Xi checked the surveillance video repeatedly, trying to find the other two suspects, but with so many people and vehicles at the port, it was difficult to find anything suspicious.

"Pause, that silver-gray car." Yun Su pointed to the silver-gray car in the video.

"Is there anything suspicious?" Yan Xi didn't see it.

"It drives too slowly." Yun Su said.

Yan Xi tried to track this small silver-gray car with road monitoring, but it was indeed driving slowly, and the cars next to it kept passing it.

Followed up to the close-range monitoring, and vaguely saw the situation in the car, there was a baby in the back seat.

Rule out suspicious.

"That taxi." Yun Su pointed to another car.

"Is there anything suspicious?" Yan Xi still didn't see it.

"It showed passengers, but it stopped on the side of the road for more than ten seconds, but no one got off the car, and no one got on the car." Yun Su said.

Yan Xi used the monitoring of the road section to continue tracking the taxi until he saw what was inside the taxi.

It can be seen through the windshield that the driver of the car is a male, about 30 years old, wearing a peaked cap and gray clothes.

It shows that there are no passengers in the car, which is indeed suspicious.

The taxi passed the port, stopped on the side of the road for about ten seconds, and then continued to set off. About 20 seconds later, Riko Tanihara's white Honda drove out of the port.

Although the two cars were on different roads, it was gradually discovered that the two cars kept a close distance until the white Honda drove into a remote road and disappeared. Soon after, the taxi also disappeared.

It can basically be guessed that the taxi driver is one of the Korean suspects.

Yun Su made a call: "Officer Li, find out where the taxi with the license plate number TH7843 is."

Now in the middle of the night, Police Officer Li still sent someone to investigate immediately. The police are on standby 24 hours a day.

While waiting, Officer Li chatted with Yun Su about the case for a while.

Twenty or ten minutes later, Officer Li received the news, and said with some disappointment: "That taxi was scrapped a month ago, and it was parked in the back parking lot of the taxi passenger transport company. The taxi was missing, and the company tried to track the taxi through the location system, but it was unable to show the location, and it is estimated that the suspect removed the locator.”

"Try to find this taxi, but don't alert the suspect." Yun Su said, the suspect must be alert to such a big movement at the port today.

Officer Li understood, and immediately ordered his men to search for the taxi overnight.

It was already twelve o'clock in the morning.

Yun Su ended the call with Police Officer Li, and saw that she was still checking the map of Taihe City.

"Yan Xi, it's late, go to bed first, I'm still busy tomorrow."

"Yeah." Yan Xi closed his notebook.

This is Yunsu's room, Yan Xi got up and left.

Yun Su went to open the door and said softly, "Yan Xi, good night."

Yan Xi looked at him sideways and said, "Good night."

After finishing speaking, Yan Xi walked out of the door and went into the next room.

Seeing her close the door, Yun Su closed the door of his room.


The next day, the police did not track down the taxi until [-]:[-] in the evening. Around [-]:[-] in the afternoon, according to the monitoring of the road section, it was found that the taxi was passing by Baisha Avenue. Through the window, a man and a woman could be seen in the car. It should be Lizi Guyuan and Pan Zhen.

When the police went to Baisha Avenue to investigate, the taxi was parked by the side of the road, and there was no one in the car.

After Yun Su and Yan Xi got the news, they drove the commercial vehicle to Baisha Avenue.

Officer Li and the others were all dispatched in plain clothes, and Shen Jiamu and the others also arrived and searched the surrounding area.

"How's the situation?" Yun Su and Yan Xi just arrived.

"It's [-]:[-], and the suspect has been away for about an hour." Officer Li's expression was serious.

"The suspect got off here, where are they going, and is there another vehicle to pick them up?" Yun Su asked.

"I don't know. We are investigating. The road sections here are far away from each other to be monitored." Officer Li said, because there is not much traffic here, so it is not a key section of monitoring.

Yun Su observed the surrounding environment. There was not much traffic on the road, and occasionally a famous car passed by. The surrounding green area was very high, and there was a high-end villa area in front.

Shen Jiamu and several police officers were collecting suspicious information in the taxi, collecting biological information such as fingerprints, hair, dander, and so on.

Wearing white gloves, Shen Jiamu took out a set of clothes from the back seat: "Officer Li, here is a set of women's clothes, which should be the clothes of Riko Tanihara."

A blue long-sleeved cotton and linen jacket, and a pair of black trousers.

Everyone was puzzled, why did Riko Tanihara leave a set of clothes in the car?

Yan Xi said, "Unfold your clothes."

Shen Jiamu unfolded his clothes, and there was a very ordinary top and a pair of nondescript black trousers.

Yan Xi said: "The clothes are not damaged or stained, it is very likely that Lizi Gu Yuan changed into a new set of clothes in the car."

Shen Jiamu looked puzzled: "Why did she change clothes?"

Yun Su said, "Maybe she's going to a certain place."

Everyone looked at the villa area in front of them in unison. Those who can buy a large number of solitaires are most likely merchants.

Officer Li immediately sent someone to investigate the information of the residents in the nearby villa area.

"Should we surround the villa?" Shen Jiamu was afraid of letting the suspect escape again.

"It's not yet confirmed whether the suspect is in the villa area. If the police are dispatched, they may scare the snake away. Besides, the villa area is so large that the suspect can easily escape." Officer Li pondered.

(End of this chapter)

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