I've always had a crush on her

Chapter 624 Jewelry Theft 08

Chapter 624 Jewelry Theft 08
Going to the vicinity of Villa No. 21, it can be seen that the interior of Villa No. 21 is brightly lit, and there are sounds of piano, violin and talking.

The three of them glanced at each other, all suspecting that Lizi Gu Yuan had sneaked into Hu Zhenghao's dinner party and was very likely to have a handover with someone.

Without a search warrant, you can't go in and search directly, and the suspect may be alarmed, so you can only sneak in.

But all three of them were wearing casual clothes, and there was no invitation card, so how could they get in.

"Climb the wall." Shen Jiamu suggested that this kind of villas all have back gardens and the walls are relatively high, but with their skills, there is no problem.

"There are infrared rays." Yun Su saw the equipment in the corner.

"Turn off the power." Yan Xi glanced at the electrical box on the utility pole, and the quickest way was to cut off the power.

"Who is going to cut off the power?" Shen Jiamu looked at the two of them. The electric box was a bit high, and the pole was long and straight, so it was difficult to climb up.

Both Yan Xi and Yun Su looked at Shen Jiamu in unison.

"What? I'll go?" Shen Jiamu had a look of disbelief, but when he thought about it seriously, did he ask Miss Yan to climb the telegraph pole?Or let Yun Su, who is a special police officer, climb up?

In the end, it was only him, the little policeman, who went to climb.

"However, the surveillance over there will see me climbing the electric pole." Shen Jiamu pointed to the surveillance not far away.

Yan Xi said: "The surveillance in the villa area is under the control of Police Officer Li, you can rest assured."

Yun Su reminded: "You climb up first, and we will remind you when the power is cut off. After the power is restored, you need to come down and hide immediately. The head of the household may send someone out to check."

Shen Jiamu looked depressed, why did he propose to climb the wall?
In the end, Shen Jiamu hugged the telegraph pole and kept climbing up like a monkey.

Yan Xi and Yun Su walked to the remote back garden of the villa, and gave Shen Jiamu a hint.

Shen Jiamu was at a high place and could see the two of them. He pulled down the electric switch, and Villa No. 21 fell into darkness instantly.

The people in the villa were shocked, what happened?

At the same time, Yan Xi and Yun Su quickly climbed over the wall.

Shen Jiamu immediately raised the switch again, then slid it down with a swipe, and hid in the nearby flowers.

There was a power outage in the villa for three seconds, and then the lights came back on.

The guests all looked puzzled.

The head of the household, Hu Zhenghao, didn't know what was going on, so he quickly came out to explain: "It's nothing, it just tripped."

The venue was bustling again.

Yan Xi and Yun Su hid in the back garden and saw that the French windows of the balcony on the second floor were open and there was no light.

The two looked at each other.

"Your wound has just healed, you wait for me here." Yun Su walked to the corner, ready to climb.

"It's ready." Yan Xi said, he had already climbed up to the window on the first floor with one hand, and climbed up along the carved stone line.

Yun Su also climbed up.

The two climbed to the balcony and entered the bedroom.

This huge bedroom should be the master room, with a huge wedding photo hanging on the wall.

Yan Xi opened the closet and saw a lot of women's clothes hanging inside: "Turn around and go over there."

Yun Su didn't know why, but he also turned around and looked out of the window: "You can see the situation of the open-air venue from here. I don't know if Gu Yuan Lizi is here for the time being. You will monitor the situation here later..."

"I'm not here."

"Huh?" Yun Su looked back at her suspiciously, he was stunned for a moment, the room was a bit dark, the light from the window shone on her body, she was only wearing underwear and underwear.

"Turn around." Yan Xi said very seriously.

Yun Su turned around in an instant, and continued to observe the situation under the window.

(End of this chapter)

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