I've always had a crush on her

Chapter 625 Jewelry Theft 09

Chapter 625 Jewelry Theft 09
Yan Xi chose a long black dress to put on, and then threw his own clothes into the clothes basket next to him.

"Change your outfit too." Yan Xi opened the wardrobe on the other side, and it was full of men's clothes.

Yun Su chose a suit, then glanced at her.

Yan Xi seemed to understand it, he walked to the window consciously, and looked out the window.

Yun Su hesitated to speak, but he didn't mean it that way, but he didn't have time to explain at this time, so he quickly changed into a suit, which barely fit.

After changing clothes, Yun Su took out a pistol and gave it to her: "Just in case."

Yan Xi took the pistol and tied it to his leg with a ribbon, covering it with the hem of his long skirt.

"We'll do things separately, I'll go out first." Yan Xi gently opened a gap in the door, and went out when there was no one outside.

Yun Su wanted to say something, but saw that she had already left. In fact, they could do things together.


Yan Xi went to the living room openly, there were not many guests in the living room, most of them went out to dance in the open air.

When Yan Xi was about to go to the open-air meeting place, a noble lady in a long wine red dress walked towards him.

Yan Xi recognized this woman, the woman in the wedding photo in the bedroom just now.

"Miss, who are you?" The lady looked at Yan Xi in surprise.

"Hello, Mrs. Hu, my name is Yan." Yan Xi said calmly.

"So it's Miss Yan. I also have the dress you're wearing." Mrs. Hu smiled. She didn't want to say hello because she saw that this woman was wearing the same style of dress as hers.

"Really, what a coincidence." Yan Xi smiled slightly, but actually these are your clothes.

"You look better than me." Madam Hu praised, not only because this woman is young, but also tall, with slightly wider shoulders, which can support the dress.

"I'm overwhelmed." Yan Xi said modestly.

"Aren't you wearing makeup?" Mrs. Hu looked carefully, but there was no sign of makeup on this woman's face.

"Naked makeup." Yan Xi said.

"I don't think I've seen you before, and I feel a little unfamiliar." Mrs. Hu's eyes were somewhat suspicious. She knew almost all the guests invited tonight.

"I also met Madam Hu for the first time tonight, and my boyfriend brought me here for the first time." Yan Xi said.

"Who is your boyfriend?" Mrs. Hu looked suspicious. The women that men can bring to the dinner party are all serious girlfriends.

"He's there." Yan Xi looked at Yun Su not far away.

Madam Hu followed Yan Xi's line of sight and couldn't help sighing, "You have good eyesight."

Yan Xi smiled and said, "I'm overwhelmed."

Madam Hu was puzzled again, why hadn't seen this young man before, but it seemed that this man was not only handsome, but also had a bearing and momentum, he should not be a simple person, otherwise her husband would not have invited him.

"Just now Madam Hu felt that I was unfamiliar, did you feel that other people were unfamiliar?" Yan Xi asked.

"Why do you ask that?" Mrs. Hu was puzzled.

"Just asking casually, I don't know who else is like me, this is the first time here tonight." Yan Xi said jokingly.

"There is really a woman. I greeted her, but she ignored me." Mrs. Hu felt a little displeased, after all, this is her home.

"Which woman?" Yan Xi asked quietly.

Madam Hu looked at the open-air venue for a while: "It's gone, she was still there just now."

Yan Xi asked, "What characteristics does she have?"

(End of this chapter)

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