I've always had a crush on her

Chapter 627 Relationship Progress 01

Chapter 627 Relationship Progress 01
Yun Su and Yan Xi glanced at each other, then took a step back in unison, ready to kick the door.

With a loud bang, the door was kicked open!
As expected, there was not only a man, but also a woman with burgundy hair. Although she changed her makeup, it could still be seen that it was Riko Tanihara.

The man was obviously taken aback.

Riko Tanihara reacted very quickly, she drew a gun in one hand, picked up the clutch on the sink and threw it out the window with the other, there were still a few diamonds and rubies left on the sink.

"Don't move!" Yan Xi pointed the gun at Gu Yuan Lizi.

Gu Yuan Lizi had already shot Yan Xi directly.

When Yun Su saw it, his heart was shocked, he reacted subconsciously, changed the direction of the gun, and pulled the trigger.

The moment Gu Yuan Lizi pulled the trigger, Yan Xi bent over and slipped to the ground, and shot Gu Yuan Lizi's hand.

Bang bang gunshots sounded in the bathroom.

Lizi Tanihara screamed in pain, she was shot in the left shoulder, and also in the left hand, blood spattered, the gun in her hand fell to the ground, and she completely lost the ability to resist.

As for the other man, he was unarmed and had been petrified by the sound of the gunfire.

Yan Xi slid over and picked up the gun on the ground.

Yun Su jumped onto the sink in two steps, looked out the window, and saw a man downstairs picked up his handbag and ran away.

Yun Su raised his pistol, took aim, and shot at the running figure.

With a bang, the running man fell suddenly and was shot in the thigh. He quickly drew out his gun and shot at the bathroom window on the second floor.

Yan Xi already guessed what happened outside the window, so she rushed out immediately.

The gunshots did not affect the excitement downstairs, after all, no one thought that the bang bang sound was a gunshot.

But Shen Jiamu who was outside the villa heard it, he immediately notified Police Officer Li, and then rushed into the villa.

"Hey! Who are you?!" Several guards shouted when they saw the stranger running in.

"Police!" Shen Jiamu didn't care about the guards chasing after him, he ran in the direction of the gunfire.

The doorman is still chasing after him, who knows if he is a policeman, even the policeman can't trespass into the houses!

Yan Xi quickly ran downstairs, ran across the living room, and even knocked several people away.

"Miss Yan, where are you going?" Mrs. Hu looked at Yan Xi in shock, only to see Yan Xi whizzing past her eyes.

Yan Xi didn't have time to pay attention, and rushed out of the living room, meeting Shen Jiamu who was running over.

Shen Jiamu didn't see Yan Xi who had changed clothes for a while, and he almost bumped into Yan Xi before he saw her: "Miss Yan?"

"Pan Zhen got the stolen goods, this way!" Yan Xi crossed the venue and dispersed the crowd.

Shen Jiamu followed Yan Xi all the way, followed by a few guards, and the whole venue was in chaos.

"What happened?"

"who is this?"

"Housekeeper, what's going on?" Hu Zhenghao was out of consciousness, the bang bang just now seemed to be gunshots.

The butler was also in a daze, and stopped a guard for questioning.

Yan Xi and Shen Jiamu didn't have time to pay attention, they ran all the way to the back garden, and saw a man lying on the ground, covering his thigh with one hand and holding a gun in the other.

"Put down the gun, don't move!" Yan Xi pointed the gun at the man.

The man had already lost his ability to move. When he saw the two of them coming, his face turned ashen. He knew that he couldn't escape this time, so he finally put down his gun and surrendered.

Yan Xi walked over and kicked the gun away, then picked up the gun and a handbag.

Shen Jiamu took out the handcuffs and detained the man.

(End of this chapter)

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