I've always had a crush on her

Chapter 628 Relationship Progress 02

Chapter 628 Relationship Progress 02
At this time, several guards and many guests came, and they were shocked when they saw this scene. These people had guns in their hands.

Shen Jiamu immediately took out the police badge, and said, "The police are doing business, don't even look at it, go back and continue the banquet."

Someone laughed.

Seeing Yan Xi holding a gun in his hand, Madam Hu said in shock, "Miss Yan, who are you? What's going on?"

Yan Xi said: "Madam Hu, someone used your banquet to carry out illegal transactions secretly, and the suspect has been arrested now."

Mrs. Hu was taken aback for a moment, completely unresponsive.

There was a banquet at home, and Hu Zhenghao couldn't get angry, so he said in a deep voice, "What illegal transaction? What's going on?"

Yan Xi said, "The police will give Mr. Hu an explanation."

At this time, some guests took out their mobile phones to record videos. After all, it is rare to meet the police to arrest criminals and hold guns.

Yan Xi immediately turned around to avoid being photographed by the guests.

Shen Jiamu yelled to stop: "Stop taking pictures, don't hinder the police's work!"

People are still taking videos and taking pictures.

At this time, Officer Li and others rushed over. Everyone was wearing casual clothes and showed their police badges, and the crowd dispersed.

Suspects Gu Yuan Lizi and Pan Zhen were arrested, as well as a suspect involved in the transaction.

Officer Li went to negotiate with Hu Zhenghao, and apologized for affecting the banquet of Hu's family due to this action.

Only then did Hu Zhenghao's anger dissipate, and besides, if he assists the police and publicizes it in the newspapers, he will get a good reputation.

After a while, several cars tracked according to the license plate number have already had results.

The police arrested two Korean suspects in a hotel room while they were conducting cash transactions with two local residents.

The successful arrest of the four main suspects, as well as several other suspects involved in the transaction, and the recovery of the stolen goods can be regarded as solving the case.

Everyone breathed a sigh of relief, the police's task was basically completed, and the next thing was handed over to the judiciary.


At ten o'clock in the evening, Yun Su and Yan Xi went back to the hotel. They hadn't had dinner yet, so they ate supper at a nearby restaurant.

Yun Su already had a general understanding of her tastes, and she really wasn't picky except for particularly strange foods.

Yan Xi also understood his taste a little bit, and he was really not picky.

Yun Su recalled the action just now, and there was still a trace of fear in his heart. At that time, Gu Yuan Lizi shot, and she was almost shot, but fortunately, she reacted quickly.

"When arresting Gu Yuan Lizi just now, if you shot directly instead of slipping and shooting again, the speed would be faster. At that time, the situation was urgent and dangerous, and you could hit the suspect's... other positions." Yun Su was very It was clear that no one wanted to kill anyone, and she had intentionally incapacitated the suspect at the time.

"Actually, I don't have the right to hold a gun. I'm just an employee." Yan Xi has never been a policeman. It's just a job and a belief that make her life more fulfilling.

Yun Su stared at her, seeing her expression was indifferent, he suddenly couldn't read her heart.

The director said before that she participated in Li Xiaotian's case, most likely because Li Xiaotian killed her parents, but Li Xiaotian's case has been closed for three years, Li Xiaotian is also dead, why does she continue to do this dangerous job.

No matter what, Yun Su still wanted to say: "At that time, your life was in danger, so you could shoot."

"I shot." Yan Xi said, she shot at that time.

(End of this chapter)

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