I've always had a crush on her

Chapter 629 Relationship Progress 03

Chapter 629 Relationship Progress 03
"But you can shoot faster. If you slow down for a moment, you may be the one who gets shot." Yun Su's tone was serious. Their occupation often caused very serious consequences and even lost their lives if they hesitated for a moment.

"There were no ifs at that time." Yan Xi said calmly.

Yun Su choked for a moment, his face was a little cold, because she was not injured this time, so what about the future?

Seeing his frowning, Yan Xi didn't know what to say, and didn't want to explain, her marksmanship was okay, but definitely not as accurate as his.

At that time, the situation was urgent, and she was not absolutely sure. Before the suspect shot, she aimed at a certain position of the suspect in an instant. She was worried that she would accidentally hit the suspect's vitals, and she did not dare to kill the suspect by mistake.

She doesn't want to kill anyone if she can.

There was some silence at this dinner.

After dinner, go back to the hotel.

When she was about to reach the door of the room, Yun Su paused and stopped her.


"What?" Yan Xi also stopped.

"I'm sorry, what I said just now was inappropriate, and I didn't take your feelings into account." Yun Su apologized very seriously.

"I thought I didn't take your feelings into account." Yan Xi was also very serious.

Yun Su was stunned, and quickly said: "You don't have to take my feelings into account, no, what I mean is, I have never had bad feelings towards you, I thought you were a little... unhappy just now."

Yan Xi explained, "I'm not unhappy, I thought you were unhappy."

Yun Su was stunned again, unexpectedly she thought so.

"You misunderstood, maybe I usually speak more seriously, and I'm not good at words, so I'm more reticent." Yun Su was a little at a loss, feeling annoyed for the first time in his heart, and felt that reticence was a weakness for the first time.

"I think so too." Yan Xi nodded in agreement, he had always been serious and reticent.

"..." Yun Su was at a loss for words, unexpectedly she was so straightforward.

"Actually, so do I." Yan Xi added, admitting that she was also a serious and taciturn person.

"You're not, I think you're very funny sometimes." Yun Su said, she was serious but also had a cold humor.

Hearing this, the corners of Yan Xi's lips twitched, it was the first time anyone thought she was funny.

"Maybe I'm more humorous than you."

"..." Yun Su choked again, looking at her fixedly, was she joking?
"Our topic is getting farther and farther away. I am not unhappy or have any bad feelings. You don't need to care about it, and you don't need to apologize to me." Yan Xi felt that it was just a trivial matter, and any communication would make a difference the opinion of.

"I know. During the operation tonight, I saw Riko Tanihara shoot at you. At that time... I was frightened. That's why I thought, you should shoot more quickly. I don't want you to get hurt."

Yun Su was still a little startled when he thought about it, he immediately changed the direction of the gun and pointed at Gu Yuan Li Zi, but he was still a moment late, Gu Yuan Li Zi had already fired.

"I understand." Yan Xi looked at him, he was so straightforward and sincere.

Hearing this, Yun Su's heart suddenly brightened, and he stared into her eyes, perhaps her eyes were dark and deep, and he always wanted to see the color in her eyes.

The two looked at each other for a moment.

Yan Xi took the lead to look away: "It's late, good night."

Yun Su regained his composure, and said softly, "Good night."

Yan Xi took out his room card and walked into his room.


(End of this chapter)

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