I've always had a crush on her

Chapter 631 Relationship Progress 05

Chapter 631 Relationship Progress 05
After a while, I received a mission message from Nie Shen.

Yun Su's expression was a bit dignified. This is a nine-level secret mission, a transnational high-tech military case, and it is related to the military security of many countries.

He had been lurking for more than a year to investigate the major case of Ante Dick Company, and he couldn't predict how long this ninth-level task would take to complete.

He couldn't help thinking of a question, if he disappeared for a year, would Yan Xi forget him?
Yun Su thought about it for a long time, because of the uncertainty of work, or because he didn't meet a woman he likes, he never considered this aspect before.

However, at this moment, Yan Xi's appearance gave him some thoughts.

He doesn't know how to like and love for it, but it is certain that he cares about her feelings so much that it is difficult for him to watch her calmly and calmly when she is in danger.

When he likes to be with her, it is not only because of external factors such as work, tacit understanding, friendship, etc., but also because of personal feelings, mutual acquaintance, daily getting along, etc., maybe this is because of his affection for the opposite sex, or even... Rijiusheng Affection.

He will be on a mission tomorrow, and he will have to change to an unfamiliar identity, so he won't be able to contact her for a long time.

Parting from her this time, he didn't know when he would see her and when he would have a chance to express his meaning.

Even after a long time, she and him became more and more estranged, and she even met someone she liked.

Thinking of this, Yun Su felt uncomfortable.

Perhaps subconsciously, he had been paying attention to her silently until he learned her true identity and what the director had mentioned, because of the relationship between his father and her parents, he had a delicate relationship with her.


At noon, Yun Su received a call from Shen Jiamu and Police Officer Li, saying that they had cracked this major jewelry theft case and had a meal to celebrate together.

Yun Su refused because he had something to do, he didn't think it was necessary to participate, and he didn't know them well.

Until the evening, Yun Su had been struggling all day long.

At eight o'clock in the evening, Yun Su and Yan Xi had dinner at a nearby restaurant.

Neon lights adorn the entire urban area with colorful lights, and there is a constant flow of traffic on the road.

Yan Xi finds it strange that today's Yun Su seems to be... not quite right, could it be because of last night's topic?

"Just finished dinner, why not walk near the river for a while." Yun Su looked at the opposite sidewalk, which was along the river bank.

"Yeah." Yan Xi didn't care, it would be fine to go back to the hotel anyway.

The two crossed the road and strolled along the sidewalk.

Occasionally, there is a cool breeze blowing from the river, people are walking or walking their dogs on the sidewalk, the neon lights on the bridge are very gorgeous, and the water surface of the river is sparkling, shining with bits and pieces of broken light.

Yun Su pondered for a long time before slowly opening his mouth: "Yan Xi, I want to tell you something."

Yan Xi listened: "Say it."

Yun Su stopped and looked at her intently.

Yan Xi also stopped, waiting for him to speak, seeing that his expression seemed a little heavy, what was it?
"We've known each other for a long time, but we never had the chance to get to know each other before. Since I was in Australia, I got to know you again." Yun Su was very serious and serious. He didn't want to regret it in the future. If he didn't speak out tonight, he was afraid that he would not have the chance in the future.

"Well, I also got to know you again." Yan Xi nodded, there was indeed no intersection before, but now because of work, she can be regarded as getting to know him again.

"You, what do you think of me?" Yun Su's words were a little hesitant, and it was already difficult to maintain his usual calmness.

"How about what?" Yan Xi didn't understand for a moment.

"What do you think of my personality, personality, ability, conversation, and even appearance, etc." Yun Su was a little nervous, as if he was waiting for approval.

Yan Xi looked at him inexplicably, why did he ask such a question, but no matter what: "I think you are fine."

Hearing this, Yun Su was stunned for a moment, but she was still very entangled in her heart. Maybe she just said this out of politeness. She didn't evaluate objectively or subjectively, and she just said a perfunctory sentence well.

Yun Su said again: "I hope you can say it straight. From all aspects, I accept any criticism."

Yan Xi's eyes were open, and his words were frank: "I think you are very good in all aspects."

Yun Su: "..."

Of course he didn't believe it anymore. No one is perfect, and he also has many shortcomings.

Yan Xi waited for a while, seeing that he didn't seem to believe it, so she added: "There is absolutely no lie."

Yun Su's eyes flashed, and his tone was a little hesitant: "I am a bit dull in character. As for conversation, I am relatively silent and not very good at talking."

Yan Xi understood very well: "I know, but this is not a shortcoming. I don't like lively people very much, nor do I like noisy people very much."

Yun Su's eyes lit up suddenly, she doesn't like lively and noisy people, does it mean that she prefers quieter people?
Yan Xi added, "I am also such a person myself."

After Yun Su heard this, she really didn't talk much, and she was usually quiet and silent. Does this count as similar to him?

"So, what do you think about being with me?" Yun Su seemed to have exhausted his courage, his slow tone was a little cautious, and he looked at her steadily.

"..." Yan Xi's heart skipped a beat, and he didn't understand for a moment. What exactly was he trying to express?
The two looked at each other, as if they wanted to see something from each other's eyes, they were guessing each other's thoughts.

Time passed minute by minute.

Yan Xi couldn't stop guessing in his heart, was it because he made a mistake, or was she thinking too much?

How do you like being with me?
How do you usually get along and work together?
Or how about working together in the future?
Or...how about he having something to do with her?
Yun Su couldn't calm down anymore, he was afraid of hearing her rejection, but he didn't wait for her to speak, so he couldn't guess what she was thinking at all.

For a long time, Yan Xi's expression was a little unnatural, no matter what the meaning was, she could try to accept it.

In the end, Yan Xi said very unreservedly: "I think it should be... more pleasant."

Yun Su's heart fluctuated suddenly, as if he had heard the most beautiful affirmation, his tone could not conceal his joy and excitement: "During this time, I also feel very happy to be with you."

Yan Xi: "..."

Yan Xi's expression was a little stiff, did he just want to express how happy he was with her recently after he said so much?
Yun Su was completely immersed in joy, and it turned out that she also felt happy, because usually she rarely smiled and was relatively quiet, so he had no idea whether she was happy or not.

Yun Su's eyes seemed to be full of light, and he slowly said the words that had been brewing for a long time: "Yan Xi, I like you."

"..." Yan Xi's mood fluctuated, and he looked at him in disbelief.

This time, his statement was correct, but, did she think too much?

I like you.

Because getting along well is just like between ordinary friends?

Or, do you mean the kind of liking between a man and a woman?
This sentence is easy to misunderstand, Yan Xi is thinking about how to respond.

Yun Su kept looking into her eyes, and did not wait for her reply. This kind of waiting was particularly tormented. The joy in his heart gradually turned into worry and nervousness. Did he scare her by acting too hastily?
What should he do if she refuses?Or let her think about it for a while without rejecting him right away.

For a long time, Yan Xi felt in his heart that no matter what kind of love he had for her, she could try to accept it. In fact, she was a superficial woman. There was a man with both talent and appearance who was suitable in every way who liked her, and she had no reason to refuse. .

In the end, Yan Xi said unreservedly, "I like you too."

When Yun Su heard it, he didn't recover from it for a long time, and his heart was filled with inconceivable and turbulent waves. He never knew that she liked him too.

The cool night breeze blew by, rustling the leaves.

Yan Xi's mood was indescribable, she kept looking at him, she had already said that she liked him, why didn't he express it yet?Is it a love between friends, or a love between a man and a woman?
Time passed by every minute and every second.

"Do you want to continue walking?" Yan Xi changed the subject and stood there for a long time.

"Yeah." Yun Su regained his composure, and then looked away from her, and continued to walk along the sidewalk with her.

Yun Su slowed down his pace, but his heartbeat didn't slow down. He kept thinking about what she said just now. She said that she also liked him. So at this moment, have he established a relationship with her?
Suddenly remembering the action last night, she asked him to pretend to be her boyfriend for 5 minutes. At that time, she never expected that it would come true tonight.

As he walked, he couldn't help but occasionally looked at her profile from the corner of his eye. Although she was beside him at the moment, he still wanted to get closer.

Yun Su's left hand moved slightly, then slowly stretched out to hold her right hand accurately and gently.

Yan Xi's expression remained the same, but his heart was hard to calm down. She could completely understand his behavior as love between a man and a woman. Although she didn't like holding hands as a way of showing love, at this moment, she had to acquiesce in his behavior.

The two walked hand in hand.

The scenery at night is misty and bright, and passersby come and go on the sidewalk.

Yun Su held her hand because she was beside her, and suddenly felt that the whole world was different, the road ahead, trees, lights, passers-by, etc., all became different.

This is the first time I experience this strange and wonderful feeling, maybe this is liking for the opposite sex, being attracted by the opposite sex, this is the love between men and women.

Thinking about his mission tomorrow, he hoped that it could be extended tonight, but he felt very shameless and vile.

He didn't know if it was right to keep her in this way. He confessed to her now that he would leave her tomorrow.

He is a special agent of the National Security Bureau, and she is an employee of the Interpol. Both have their own missions and secrets. They cannot contact or meet each other. He doesn't know what mission she is performing, and whether she will be in danger. To lose all news of her, it felt like she had disappeared into his world.

He didn't want to regret it later, he gave himself a chance to confess to her, but he didn't dare to make a promise, if he left for too long, even if she fell in love with someone else, he could only blame himself, and never regret it.

"Yan Xi, I'm sorry." Yun Su's voice was solemn and full of shame.

"What?" Yan Xi didn't know why.

"I'm going to perform a mission tomorrow." Yun Su said solemnly, even though he really didn't want to leave her.

"I know." Yan Xi said.

"I guess it will take a long time. I don't know when I can complete the task and when I can see you." Yun Su's expression was full of caution and reluctance.

"..." Yan Xi was a little puzzled, of course she knew it would take a long time, what did he mean by that?
"I can't contact you during the period." Yun Su felt a little sad and disappointed, this was a top-secret mission, and he had to change his identity completely.

Yan Xi pondered for a moment, then said, "I think it's better for us to keep in touch in this international high-tech military crime."

Yun Su was stunned for a moment, then stopped suddenly, and looked at her in surprise.

Yan Xi was held by his hand, so he could only stop: "What's wrong?"

"You, how do you know that I want to carry out this case?" Yun Su was inevitably puzzled. This is the ninth-level confidential file of Huaguo National Security Bureau. How did she know?

"I have already received the task. My boss arranged for me to cooperate with you. The Interpol, Huaguo National Security Bureau, and law enforcement agencies of several other countries will jointly investigate this major military case." Yan Xi had already received the task this morning. .

"..." Only then did Yun Su realize that he had been deceived by Nie Shen, and the director deliberately did not tell him.

However, Yun Su soon felt relieved, and even thanked Nie Shen for his help. If the chief hadn't deliberately lied to him, he didn't know when he would know that he liked her, let alone confess to her.

During the walk that followed, Yun Su felt relieved. Although this task was very dangerous, it was gratifying that he was with her and had more time to spend with each other.


The two didn't go back to the hotel until eleven o'clock in the evening.

Walking to the door of the hotel, Yan Xi finally couldn't help pulling out her hand, she was very unaccustomed to holding hands as a way of expressing relationship.

Yun Su's hands were empty, as if there was still warmth from her in the palms of his hands.

Going upstairs and back to the door of the room, Yun Su suddenly stopped her.


"Huh?" Yan Xi stopped and looked back at him.

Yun Su stood in front of the room door, his focused gaze was full of tenderness, he kept looking into her eyes, her eyes were always so dark and silent, it was difficult to peek into the emotions inside.

Yan Xi was waiting for him to speak, she felt a little weird in her heart, he stood at the door of the room and called her to stop, such a behavior would make people think of it superficially.

"Yan Xi, good night." Yun Su clarified his eyes and spoke with a warm smile.

"Good night." Yan Xi took out the room card, since he didn't mean that, then she went back to the room.

Yun Su didn't go back to his room until she closed the door.

Yun Su stood in front of the window, looking at the starry night sky, and the excitement in his heart had not yet calmed down. This change in the relationship made him not like himself, but at the same time filled him with expectations and yearning.


(End of this chapter)

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