I've always had a crush on her

Chapter 632 Relationship Progress 06

Chapter 632 Relationship Progress 06
Clubhouse No. [-].

At night, Club No. [-] was as luxurious as ever.

Su Qianqian has been very busy recently, working in Shengshi Group during the day, doing housekeeping at Songquan Villa on weekends, and now working as a waiter at No. [-] Club at night.

Headed by Han Ziming, a few dudes from the upper class were drinking and playing in the private room, which was very lively.

"Young Master Han, how is the beauty tonight?" A young man smiled flatteringly.

"Not good enough." Han Ziming hugged left and right. He had never seen any beauties before. These are just vulgar fans. It's okay to play casually.

Everyone is flattering Han Ziming, and Han Ziming is like a pig and dog friend, besides, Han Ziming is the heir of the Han family enterprise, no matter how bastard Han Ziming is, he is the only male of the Han family, inheriting the family business is a matter of certainty.

Su Qianqian walked into the private room with a tray, and carefully placed a few bottles of wine.

Han Ziming was about to pick up the wine glass when he saw the woman in front of him passing by, and immediately captured his gaze.

Unexpectedly, there is such a superb product. This woman is beautiful and beautiful, with a delicate and white face. Her pale pink lips are like cherry blossoms in March, which are tempting to pick. The most amazing thing is her eyes, which are like a pool of autumn water.

The slender and white fingers are holding the wine bottle, and the bright and clean fingers are in sharp contrast with the dark green wine bottle, which makes people see what slender fingers are.

"Hey, come here and have a drink with me." Han Ziming's eyes lit up, and he had never seen such an amazing woman.

"Me? I'm sorry, I don't drink with you, I'm just a waiter." Su Qianqian refused very firmly.

Han Ziming's heart itch, this woman's voice is clear and sweet, even the voice is so nice, completely different from the pretentiousness of those coquettish sluts.

Before Han Ziming could say anything, the people around him began to boo.

"Young Master Han thinks highly of you for letting you drink with him. It's just a couple of drinks. Maybe he won't have to be a waiter in the future." The young man's eyes also brightened. If Han Ziming hadn't taken a fancy to this woman first, he would have taken it for himself.

"I really don't drink with you." Su Qianqian frowned slightly, she could understand what the words meant.

"Really not to accompany you?" A ruffian man threw out a stack of money on the table, at least several thousand.

"I'm sorry." Su Qianqian turned and left.

Han Ziming winked.

The two men stopped Su Qianqian instantly.

Su Qianqian flinched, a little scared in her heart, but her face was still stubborn: "Excuse me, I'm going out to do something."

"What you have to do now is to accompany Young Master Han well." The man teased, this woman is really stunning, even if you look at it from a close distance, she is so eye-catching, she is too beautiful without makeup, unlike those women who rely on makeup.

"If you don't get out of the way, I'm going to call someone." Su Qianqian said coldly.

Hearing this, everyone couldn't help laughing.

The man leaned back and forth with a smile: "Shout, you shout."

Su Qianqian's face paled, and she understood that none of these people were easy to mess with.

"In the past, we would have a couple of cups with Han Shao, and we wouldn't eat you." The man's eyes were not friendly, so of course we wouldn't eat you, because we would keep it for Han Shao to eat.

"Should I just let me go after two drinks?" Su Qianqian felt uneasy. She can't drink well, but two drinks should be fine.

"Of course, come here." Young Master Han beckoned maliciously.

Su Qianqian walked over step by step with a sullen face.

Han Ziming pushed away the two women beside him and let Su Qianqian sit beside him.

The two coquettish women looked at Su Qianqian with cold eyes. They hated this kind of pure goods the most and stole their business. If they are so pure, then don't hang out in this kind of place.

Men are used to heavy makeup, and they all like this kind of cleanliness.

Han Ziming poured a glass of wine and handed it to her.

Su Qianqian took the wine glass, and then drank the wine in one gulp, it was too bad to drink.

Han Ziming's eyes glowed green, staring at her lips, even the gesture of drinking was so alluring.

After finally finishing a glass, Su Qianqian put down the glass.

"One more glass." Han Ziming handed her another glass of wine.

Su Qianqian bit her lip, this glass of wine was worse than the one just now, her cheeks flushed red from choking.

Han Ziming's heart was surging when he saw it, and he stretched out his hand to touch her waist, and he couldn't hold the slender waist.

"What are you doing? Let go!" Su Qianqian's face changed, and she immediately moved her position, but she was unable to move because of his arms around her waist.

"What's your name?" Han Ziming was not angry, he liked this kind of little wild cat with claws.

"Let go! I've already had two drinks, let me out." Su Qianqian struggled.

"So what if I don't let go? Woman, don't be ignorant." Han Ziming grabbed her little hand and leaned over to kiss her face.

"Let me go!" Su Qianqian exhausted all her strength, pushed him away, and ran away.

Han Ziming was a little angry, which woman would dare to refuse him?

Several men rushed up to grab Su Qianqian immediately.

"Woman, believe it or not, I'll fuck you right now!" Han Ziming's eyes showed a fierce look.

"Help! Help!" Su Qianqian was shocked.

"Haha, yell! No one will come to save you even if you yell out your throat!" The private room was filled with men's teasing laughter.

Han Ziming pushed Su Qianqian onto the sofa.

Su Qianqian's face was full of fear. Facing these powerful playboys, who could save her?Her innocence must not be tarnished by this beast!
Su Qianqian thought about everyone, but only one person could save her. At this moment, she couldn't care less, she immediately took out the mobile phone in her pocket and dialed a number.

"Help me! Can you do me a favor? Can you help me?"

"What happened? Where are you?" A cold and anxious male voice came out.

"Club No. 304, private room [-], they want..." Before Su Qianqian could finish speaking, Han Ziming robbed her phone.

Han Ziming threw away the phone, reached out and pinched her chin, and looked at her panicked little face.

"Hehe, no one can save you now."

"Don't! Let me go!" Su Qianqian cried out of fright, with crystal clear tears streaming from the corners of her eyes.

"Don't cry, follow me obediently, and guarantee your prosperity and wealth in the future, okay?" Han Ziming coaxed her rare, he had never coaxed a woman so tenderly before, watching her cry, he really felt distressed.

"Please let me go, I don't need glory and wealth." Su Qianqian was really scared, she just wanted to live a normal life and didn't want to provoke these people.

Hearing this, the two coquettish women sneered, they don't need to be rich, so why come here to seduce the rich second generation?

Instead of being angry, Han Ziming was even happier. He liked this kind of woman who didn't covet vanity, and her perfect face and figure instantly aroused his desire to conquer.

"Young Master Han, she doesn't want glory and wealth, and she doesn't want to eat for nothing." Someone laughed.

Han Ziming also smiled, and stretched out his hand to touch Su Qianqian's cheek. There is no foundation, it is delicate and smooth, it is the best of nature.

Su Qianqian trembled, and immediately turned her head away from Han Ziming's hand.

"Don't hide! Or take off your clothes!" Han Ziming stretched out his hand to tear off her overalls, making a gesture to take off her clothes. Even if he had been among thousands of flowers, of course he wouldn't do that in front of everyone, just to scare her.

"Don't! Don't!" Su Qianqian immediately covered her chest.

"No? I want it!" Han Ziming smiled lewdly and continued to take off her clothes.

Su Qianqian kept struggling and shouting, but she couldn't resist Han Ziming's strength.

Everyone laughed at this scene, this woman is interesting.

Just when Su Qianqian was crying in despair.

There was a loud bang.

The door of the private room was knocked open.

Everyone was stunned, looking at the situation outside the door in surprise.

A handsome and extraordinary man stood in front of the door, exuding a cold air all over his body.

Followed by a large number of bodyguards in black, the entire No. [-] clubhouse was alarmed.

At this moment, Han Ziming was pressing Su Qianqian on the sofa, and was about to turn around and yell, but when he saw the extra people in the private room, he was also stunned.

Han Ziming's anger disappeared instantly, why is Gu Jinluo here?Although the Han family and the Gu family were family friends, Gu Jinluo never played with him.

Han Ziming felt a little apprehensive, and said flatteringly, "Jin Luo, why are you here?"

"Let go of her." Gu Jinluo's voice was so cold that there was no warmth in it.

Han Ziming's face was ugly, although he didn't know why Gu Jinluo said that, he still let go of Su Qianqian unwillingly.

Su Qianqian got up immediately, stumbled and rushed to Gu Jinluo's side.

Gu Jinluo frowned slightly, seeing her trembling with fright, he couldn't help stretching out his hand to support her, holding her cold little hand.

Su Qianqian trembled slightly, and a warm big hand wrapped her hand, making her gradually calm down.

Seeing Gu Jinluo's actions, everyone was shocked. Is this Gu Jinluo's woman?They are fucked!
Han Ziming's expression changed instantly, no wonder this woman rejected him, it turned out to be Gu Jinluo's woman!So what about his sister Mengli?
The eyes of the two coquettish women were full of jealousy, and they knew at a glance that this man was more powerful than Han Ziming. What luck did this waiter have?Since there is a gold master behind him, don't come out and pretend!

At this moment, the sound of hurried footsteps came from outside, and the trampling sound of one of the high-heeled shoes was particularly ear-piercing.

Managers, supervisors, foremen, security guards, etc. of Club No. [-] all came to push away the crowd and make way for a spacious road for only one person.

A tall and slender woman walked into the private room brazenly.

The audience was silent.

Most of the people present didn't know the person, but Han Ziming did, and he was shocked again. This is Lan Muge's sister, Duan Xunge!

Gu Jinluo frowned slightly. He and Duan Xunge basically hadn't met each other, but because of Mu Ge, they had seen each other a few times.

Duan Xunge glanced at the situation in the private room, and then at the manager beside him.

"Miss, Mr. Gu broke into the club with a large number of people, and the downstairs was blocked." The manager reported the situation, which seriously affected the business of the club.

"Mr. Gu, what's the matter?" Duan Xunge was neither surprised nor angry, but she was very upset to be trampled on in her own territory.

"I'm here to take someone away." Gu Jinluo's tone was cold, not paying attention to Duan Xunge at all.

Duan Xunge looked at the hands they were holding, and then at Su Qianqian, who was wearing messy overalls from Club No. [-].

The foreman also noticed it, and couldn't help being secretly surprised, the person Mr. Gu wanted to take away was an employee of the clubhouse?
Duan Xunge glanced at the foreman: "What's going on?"

The foreman trembled in his heart, and quickly said: "Miss, I recruited Su Qianqian, but I didn't know she belonged to Mr. Gu."

The foreman had 1 grievances in his heart, and it wasn't she who forced Su Qianqian to be a waiter, it was Su Qianqian who applied for the job herself. Damn it, you are Mr. Gu's woman, so don't come to this kind of place!
The manager realized something was wrong, glanced at the two coquettish women, and asked, "What happened?"

The two coquettish women told the story again, it's none of their business anyway.

Hearing this, everyone understood what was going on.

Han Ziming was terrified, he had offended two big Buddhas, and quickly explained: "Miss Duan, I didn't want her, I just frightened her, I really didn't know she was Jin Luo's woman, otherwise give me 1 Don't even dare!"

Duan Xunge didn't speak, just glanced at the security supervisor.

The security supervisor understood and signaled his subordinates to handle the matter.

Several security guards walked over and held down Han Ziming.

"What are you going to do?" Han Ziming panicked instantly. He was held down by four or five security guards, and he had no power to resist.

Without saying a word, the security guards punched and kicked Han Ziming.

"Stop! Let me go! Help!" Han Ziming screamed loudly, just like Su Qianqian's situation just now.

The security guards continued to kick and beat.

"Stop beating! Help! Akun, save me! Ayi, come and pull them away!" Han Ziming shouted to his friend for help after his nose was swollen and his eyes were blue from the beating.

The pig friends shrank back, trembling with fear, they couldn't protect themselves, how dare they save Young Master Han, this eldest lady is obviously someone who can't be offended, they also participated in it just now, will they be the next one? ?
In the private room, only the sound of fists, feet and screams remained.

Until Han Ziming was knocked out, the screams stopped.

Without the eldest lady's order, the security supervisor didn't dare to stop, but if he continued to fight, he would die.

The security supervisor said in awe: "Miss, I think Han Ziming will lie in the hospital for a few months."

Duan Xunge waved his hand.

The security guards stopped and left Han Ziming behind.

At this time, Han Ziming collapsed to the ground like a puddle of mud.

"Mr. Gu, are you satisfied?" Duan Xunge smiled half a smile. Gu Jinluo's woman had an accident at her place, so she had to show something.

Gu Jinluo frowned, what does Duan Xunge mean?
The other party did not speak, and Duan Xunge glanced at the security supervisor again.

The security supervisor understood and ordered his subordinates to do things.

The security guards caught the two pig friends who had just started, and continued to beat and kick them.

"Stop! Help! It's none of my business, I didn't know she was Mr. Gu's woman! Ah!"

"Don't hit me! Young Master Han asked me to do this, I just stopped her, I never touched her!"

The sound of fists, feet and screams sounded again in the private room.

Several people were knocked out again, and they were quiet.

The friends present, the bodyguards, and the staff of the clubhouse all wiped off their sweat and realized one thing: Gu Jinluo's woman cannot be touched or messed with.

(End of this chapter)

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