I've always had a crush on her

Chapter 633 Relationship Progress 07

Chapter 633 Relationship Progress 07
The foreman was dripping with cold sweat. She should never have recruited Su Qianqian. At that time, she saw that Su Qianqian was beautiful and beautiful, and she had persuaded Su Qianqian to be a lady, but she actually persuaded Gu Jinluo's woman to be a lady?

So many people have been taught a lesson, if Gu Jinluo is still not satisfied, will it be her turn next?
Su Qianqian still had lingering fears, and secretly glanced at Duan Xunge. Although this woman was teaching others, she was demonstrating both openly and secretly.

"Mr. Gu, are you satisfied?" Duan Xunge's lips curled into an unfathomable smile, and his sharp eyes were as deep as cold pools.

Gu Jinluo's face was cold, and he already understood Duan Xunge's intentions. If he said he was not satisfied, or didn't express it, Duan Xunge would continue to teach others.

Even if Duan Xunge doesn't teach Han Ziming a lesson, he will, but he is not interested in watching Duan Xunge teach others.

Finally, Gu Jinluo said coldly, "Very satisfied."

Duan Xunge smiled, with a smile that seemed angry but not angry: "You are satisfied, but I am not!"

As soon as these words came out, the atmosphere instantly dropped to freezing point.

All the employees in the clubhouse were frightened, and the eldest lady got angry.

Although Gu Jinluo is the heir of the Gu family, the president of Shengshi Group, rich and powerful, and everyone knows that Gu Jinluo is still Lan Shao's friend.

But Gu Jinluo brought a large number of people to step on the field and blatantly surrounded the No. [-] club, it's no wonder that the eldest lady is not angry.

"What does Miss Duan want?" Gu Jinluo's expression was indifferent. Although he didn't know each other normally, he knew a little about Duan Xunge.

"It depends on what you can show." Duan Xunge glanced at Su Qianqian treacherously.

Su Qianqian was like a light on her back, feeling a little scared in her heart, this woman's eyes were cold and vicious.

Gu Jinluo noticed Su Qianqian's trembling, and he held her little hand tightly with a little force.

Su Qianqian was a little moved. If he hadn't appeared, she wouldn't dare to imagine the consequences tonight.

"Tonight, I will pay the full amount of the turnover of Club No. [-]." Gu Jin Luoyun said calmly, because of Mu Ge, he did not want to conflict with Duan Xun Ge.

"Am I short of money?" Duan Xunge laughed, Gu Jinluo was too naive.

Gu Jinluo's face darkened, and Duan Xunge was clearly looking for faults.

The staff in the clubhouse looked at Su Qianqian intentionally or unconsciously. Gu Jinluo led people around the clubhouse. Although it seriously affected the business of the clubhouse, is the lady short of money?
Everyone could see that Su Qianqian was the culprit for Gu Jinluo challenging the majesty of the eldest lady.

This cannot be solved with money.

Either ignore Jin Luo and bow her head, or hand over Su Qianqian.

This is a difficult multiple-choice question, and it depends on how much Gu Jinluo loves Su Qianqian.

The two sides confronted each other, and the atmosphere was oppressive and full of gunpowder.

In this tense situation, Lan Muge came.

"What happened?" Lan Muge heard that there were some disputes here, so he came over to take a look, but unexpectedly his sister and A Luo were both here.

No one spoke.

The staff in the clubhouse all followed Duan Xunge's example. The eldest lady didn't say anything, so of course they didn't dare to say it. Besides, Lan Shao and Gu Jinluo have a very close friendship. I don't know if Lan Shao is on the side of his sister or Gu Jinluo. side.

Lan Muge took a look at the situation and was a little surprised to see Gu Jinluo and Su Qianqian holding hands. When will A Luo be with the secretary again?
Look at Su Qianqian wearing the work clothes of the club, the clothes are a little messy, Han Ziming and others are lying on the ground.

A Luo's secretary should be fine. Han Ziming, a scumbag, has also taught him a lesson. What are his sister and A Luo still standing here for?
"A Luo, why don't you leave?" Lan Muge looked at Gu Jinluo, A Luo never came to this kind of place.

"That's why I'm going to ask Miss Duan what else she wants." Gu Jinluo asked the question lightly.

Lan Muge finally understood, his sister and A Luo carried it on.

No matter what the reason was, Lan Muge was very embarrassed and didn't want to make things stand still.

Lan Muge walked to Duan Xunge's side and whispered in a low voice: "Sister, give me some face."

Duan Xunge glanced at him, and finally left without saying a word.

The staff of the club followed in a mighty way, and a few pig friends also ran away, ignoring the friends lying on the ground.

The oppressive atmosphere in the private room finally dissipated.

"Thank you very much." Gu Jinluo said, if Mu Ge hadn't come, Duan Xunge would not have given up easily.

"Forget it, you offended my sister, be careful when you go out." Lan Muge made a joke, so his sister wouldn't be so boring.

Su Qianqian was shocked. Was that woman Lan Shao's sister just now?It's not like at all, Lan Shao is very friendly and funny, while that woman is aggressive and cold.

"Let's go first, goodbye." Gu Jinluo took Su Qianqian's hand and left.

Lan Muge looked at the backs of the two in disbelief. Su Qianqian became A Luo's secretary last year. Could it be that the two have been in love for a long time?

Why does Arlo have a soft spot for the secretary?Before it was Yan Xi, now it is Su Qianqian.


Su Qianqian was sitting in the car with her head slightly lowered, her eyelashes were wet, and there were tears at the corners of her eyes, probably because of drinking, her cheeks were slightly blush, and she was so beautiful that she was unreal.

Looking at her side face, Gu Jinluo felt a turmoil in his heart. After a long time, he said slowly, "Don't go to that kind of place in the future."

Su Qianqian bit her lip, she wanted to explain, but she didn't know how to explain, and finally responded in a low voice: "Yes."

Gu Jinluo couldn't help but smiled, she was usually very stubborn and stubborn, but this time she was very well-behaved.

Hearing his laughter, Su Qianqian was a little annoyed, he must be making fun of her.

Su Qianqian looked out the car window and found that it was not the way to her house, so she said quickly, "I want to go home."

"Go to Songquan Villa." Gu Jinluo said, anyway, she lived in Songquan Villa on weekends.

Su Qianqian didn't refuse, but she was a little depressed. Her mother lived in the hospital, and she was the only one at home. Even when she went home, she was alone.

Back at Songquan Villa, Gu Jinluo ordered the servant to prepare some supper and send it to her room.

Su Qianqian suddenly felt warm and embarrassed, except for her mother, no one had ever treated her like this before.

Su Qianqian suddenly thought of something: "You, do you want to pay the turnover of Club No. [-] tonight?"

Gu Jinluo raised her eyebrows, "Of course."

Su Qianqian was startled, and said falteringly: "You, will you ask me to pay back the money?"

After all, he was trying to save her. She couldn't estimate the exact number, but it was definitely a lot, and she definitely couldn't afford it!
"Of course." Gu Jinluo smiled. Seeing her small appearance, she found it very interesting, so she teased her.

"I can't afford it! I'm very poor!" Su Qianqian said immediately.

"Anyway, you're working for me now, so sign a bill and pay it back slowly." Gu Jinluo pretended to be serious.

Su Qianqian looked frustrated, how long would it take to pay off so much money.

In the middle of the night, Gu Jinluo returned to her room, called and sent someone to check on Su Qianqian's family situation.


(End of this chapter)

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