I've always had a crush on her

Chapter 639 Relationship Progress 13

Chapter 639 Relationship Progress 13
Yun Su felt a little lost and confused, and he could understand that because of the nature of their work, they couldn't be together all the time. If it wasn't for the director's deliberate arrangement, he and she might be separated.

But he is very puzzled, maybe in the future when they will each carry out missions, it will be difficult for him and her to meet each other, so shouldn't they be together as much as possible now?

He entered the National Security Bureau just for experience, and he will soon end his work in the National Security Bureau and enter a new identity and work. At that time, his job will be a little more stable, he can contact her almost all the time, and have more time with her.

However, I don't know what views she has on life, what ideals she has, and what wishes she has.

As a field employee, the tasks she performs are too dangerous. Has she ever thought about changing to a relatively safe position, or even a job?

The Huaguo National Central Bureau of Interpol is in the capital. Has she ever thought about staying in the capital to work?
Yun Su never asked her about these things, he respected her choice.

Moreover, after getting along and getting to know her for a long time, although she is usually very easy-going, she is very decisive and independent in certain things.

He hoped that he could impress her with time, and hoped that she could stay.

"We haven't seen the director for a long time, why don't we go to the director's house tomorrow." Yun Su changed the subject, and he was not in a hurry for her rejection.

"Yes." Yan Xi nodded, Nie Shen was her elder, she came to the capital, so she should pay a visit.

"Then I will stay in the hotel for the time being, so that we can go to the chief's house together." Yun Su said.

"Isn't your residence nearby?" Yan Xi asked, just now he said that it was nearby, and the housing prices nearby are very expensive, so his house should be very valuable.

"Anyway, I'm alone when I go back to my residence, and it's inconvenient to go back and forth." Yun Su said, the former is the truth, the latter is an excuse, he wants to spend more time with her.

After hearing this, Yan Xi didn't ask any more questions.

That night, Yun Su called Nie Shen and asked if he could go to his house tomorrow.

"Well, come early." Nie Shen was obviously very happy that Yun Su and Yan Xi were finally together, and they hadn't seen Yan Xi for nearly a year.

"Do you want to call Hua Cuo and Mo Yan?" Yun Su thought, he hadn't seen Hua Cuo and Mo Yan for a long time, and there were two of them last year, and they were familiar with Yan Xi, especially Hua Cuo.

Nie Shen paused for a while, thought for a while, and only said one ambiguous sentence: "Let's talk."


The next day, at four o'clock in the afternoon, there was still a little sunshine, Yan Xi and Yun Su set off for Nie Shen's house.

"Do you want to bring a gift?" Yan Xi felt that it would be impolite and sincere to visit an elder without a gift.

"What gift do you want to bring?" Yun Su smiled, she didn't have much contact with the chief, maybe she was a little unfamiliar, but in fact the chief treated Yan Xi very kindly.

"I didn't expect that." Yan Xi shrugged, she didn't know what Nie Shen liked.

"You don't need to bring presents. If you bring too few, you may feel that you are not sincere, but if you bring too many, it may become a bribe." Yun Su laughed, of course not because of this reason, but because it was too intimate, and the gift was already Can't represent anything.

When he went to the chief's house, he never specially prepared any expensive gifts, only occasionally bringing some suitable things, and the chief would not prepare any gifts when he went to his house.

So Yan Xi and Yun Su went to Nie Shen's house empty-handed.


(End of this chapter)

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