I've always had a crush on her

Chapter 640 Relationship Progress 14

Chapter 640 Relationship Progress 14
After not seeing each other for a year, Nie Shen didn't seem to have changed much. The moment he saw Yun Su and Yan Xi, his face became amiable.

"Uncle Nie." Yan Xi called out respectfully and politely.

"Uncle Nie." Yun Su changed his address, now it's not working time, but just greeting the elders as a junior.

"Okay, come in quickly." Nie Shen showed joy on his face, feeling like the child had grown up in the blink of an eye.

Walking into the house, I saw that the ink inkstone was also there.

Mo Yan has neat short hair, revealing his entire face. His face is delicate and fair. Today he is wearing a light gray sweater, black trousers, and what seems to be a pair of height-enhancing shoes. Overall, he looks a bit handsome.

Seeing Yun Su and Yan Xi coming together, Mo Yan's eyes flashed with suspicion, did Yun Su and Yan Xi meet by such a coincidence?

"Yun Su, Yan Xi, long time no see." Mo Yan greeted.

"Long time no see." Yun Suu replied.

"Long time no see." Yan Xi glanced at him, he had a new hairstyle, which was quite different from his previous image.

"Why do you come together?" Mo Yan looked at the two of them. They hadn't seen each other for a year, and they seemed to have not changed much.

Yan Xi and Yun Su looked at each other for this question, but they didn't answer in the end.

Mo Yan felt strange, why didn't they respond?
When he sat down, he saw Yun Su sitting next to Yan Xi, Mo Yan looked at the two of them in surprise, when did they get together?

Noticing Mo Yan's shocked gaze, Yan Xi was a little helpless, because of her job and status, she didn't want people to know her relationship with Yun Su.

Yun Su's expression was magnanimous, and he was quite happy.

"Yan Xi, what do you like to eat?" Nie Shen asked. He didn't know what she liked to eat, and he had already asked his servant to buy vegetables.

"I can do it." Yan Xi was a little reserved and didn't need to take care of her.

"She has similar tastes to mine." Yun Su said, probably not too picky.

"I think you two have similar personalities." Nie Shen smiled, both of them were relatively cold and calm, and relatively reticent.

Yan Xi couldn't respond to this topic. Nie Shen seemed to be very aware of her relationship with Yun Su, which made her suspect that she had performed the same mission with Yun Su many times in a row. It was Nie Shen who asked Interpol to assign her. mission.

Mo Yan has a weird expression. Although many women in the Security Bureau like Yun Su, Yun Su is cold and cool. He seems to be single all the time. Now he even has a girlfriend, and this person is actually Yan Xi.

At this time, the servant came back from shopping for vegetables, and bought a few bags full, enough to last for several days.

"Mo Yan, Yun Su, you go and help in the kitchen." Nie Shen ordered, there was only one servant in the house, and it would take a long time to cook so many dishes tonight.

"Why didn't you ask Hua Cuo to come?" Mo Yan asked. He saw Hua Cuo the day before yesterday. Hua Cuo shouldn't have a task. Hua Cuo can cook and it's delicious.

"Is Hua Cuo also in the capital?" Yan Xi asked, two months ago, Hua Cuo sent her a message, saying that he was going to her house to pick up clothes.

"Should be there, I saw him the day before yesterday." Mo Yan said.

"It's getting dark, go to the kitchen and help." Nie Shen urged.

Yun Su had some doubts in his heart. When he talked with the director last night, he mentioned Huacuo, but the director only said one more thing. At that time, he didn't take it seriously. Now the director didn't say why Huacuo didn't come, he felt a little strange .

(End of this chapter)

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