I've always had a crush on her

Chapter 641 Relationship Progress 15

Chapter 641 Relationship Progress 15
Mo Yan and Yun Su went to the kitchen, they didn't know how to cook, they just helped pick and cut vegetables and wash the dishes, just helping the servants.

"Yun Su, what's the matter with you and Yan Xi?" Mo Yan felt a little jealous in his heart, another year passed, and Yun Su was out of the single, and he was still single.

"That's it." Yun Su was chopping vegetables. Although he wasn't very good at cooking, his knife skills were good, and the cuts were neat and even.

"When are you together?" Mo Yan's tone was a bit sour. Yun Su often went out to perform missions, and Yan Xi should also perform missions around the world. How did the two meet together?
"It's been a long time." Yun Su's tone was light, maybe it was selfishness, and he didn't want to talk about this topic with Mo Yan.

After Yun Su finished chopping the vegetables, the servant asked him to peel and cut the radish.

Mo Yan was washing the dishes when he suddenly remembered something: "Did Hua Cuo contact you?"

Yun Su said, "No."

Mo Yan said: "He asked me the day before yesterday if he had seen you. He might not know that you came back to the capital."

Yun Su asked, "Did he say he wanted anything from me?"

Mo Yan shrugged: "I don't know."

With the help of Yun Su and Mo Yan, the servants quickly prepared a table of dishes.

They happily ate dinner and chatted for a long time. It was not until nine o'clock that Yan Xi and Yun Su said goodbye and left.

Nie Shen was very relieved that the agreement between friends back then had unexpectedly come true today.

Mo Yan left with them, taking the way out of the residential area.

Seeing the two walking side by side, Mo Yan suddenly felt that he was superfluous.

"Goodbye." Mo Yan stopped and stood on the side of the road waiting for a taxi to pass by.

Yun Su and Yan Xi also said goodbye, then continued to walk along the sidewalk, not in a hurry to go back.

Looking at the backs of the two facing each other, Mo Yan felt a little lonely and lost.

After waiting for a long time but still not getting a taxi, Mo Yan took out his mobile phone and made a call.

"Wrong flower, where are you?"

"In the apartment, what's the matter?" Hua wrongly sat on the sofa, watching a boring TV show.

"are you busy?"

"Not busy." Hua Cuo was in a low mood. This holiday, he was very free, so free that he felt empty and lonely.

"Then why don't you go to the chief's house tonight? Both Yun Su and Yan Xi are here." Mo Yan said, Hua Cuo would always come out for any event in the past, and Hua Cuo and Yan Xi should have a good relationship.

"What did you say?" Hua Cuo frowned, immediately picked up the remote control and turned off the TV, did he hear wrong?
Mo Yan thought he didn't hear it, so he repeated it.

Hua Cuo didn't speak for a long time, why didn't he go to the director's house?Because he was not called at all.

"Huacuo, are you still there?" Mo Yan didn't hear the sound.

"Yes, Yan Xi came to the capital?" Hua Cuo's mood was a bit complicated, she came to the capital, why didn't she look for him?Does she live in a hotel?She has the key to his apartment, why doesn't she come here?
"It's here, did you know? She's actually with Yun Su." Mo Yan still couldn't believe it. Yun Su was usually so indifferent, how could he pick up Yan Xi?
"What did you say?" Hua Cuo paused, did he hear it wrong, or did he understand it wrong?
Mo Yan thought he didn't hear, so he said it again: "Yun Su and Yan Xi are together, they are dating."

Hua Cuo held the phone tightly, and was stunned. Although it was hard to accept and believe, maybe in that video, he had already noticed something in his subconscious.

He finally understood why the bureau chief didn't call him tonight, and that day he asked the bureau chief Yan Xi if he had contacted him, and now he finally understood why the bureau chief didn't answer him.

Because the director has known for a long time, that he likes Yan Xi, and that Yun Su and Yan Xi are already together.

"Hua Cuo? Is your signal not good?" Mo Yan was depressed. Why did Hua Cuo keep disconnecting?
"The signal is good." So good that he couldn't believe what he heard.

"Why are you baffled, what are you doing?" Mo Yan felt strange, and the wrong tone seemed a little...discomfortable?angry?Lost?
"It's okay, goodbye." Hua hung up the phone by mistake.

There was no sound in the room, only a dead silence and desertedness.


The next morning, there was fine snow in the sky, and the entire capital was covered in white.

Yun Su and Yan Xi had breakfast in the hotel.

Both mobile phones received a message at the same time.

Yan Xi clicked on the message: Cherry Blossom Photography Promotion, you can take a set of beautiful wedding photos for only 3999 yuan, you can take a set of personal art photos for only 2999 yuan, and you can take a set of baby art photos for only 1999 yuan According to……

Before I received the call to pick up the photo, I received the advertisement message.

Yan Xi deleted the message. This marketing plan was good, but it didn't work for her.

Yun Su also saw the information. Before seeing the three words of wedding photos, he had no feeling or thought, but now, he had an idea.

After breakfast, I had nothing to do. It was snowing outside and it was inconvenient to go out.

Yan Xi was puzzled, he had been back to the capital for two days, why didn't he go home?But he was too embarrassed to ask about his personal affairs.

Yun Su received a call, and seeing the caller ID, he glanced at Yan Xi before answering the call.

"Where are you?" Hua Cuo's voice was extremely calm, without any fluctuations.

"Hotel." Yun Su frowned slightly, vaguely aware of something strange.

"Which hotel? Where is the exact location?" Hua Cuo asked again, did Yun Su live with her in the hotel?
"Hua Chao Hotel." Yun Su said the specific location, and it is estimated that Hua Cuo already knew that he and Yan Xi were in the capital.

"Are you free? I have something to see you, I'll go over now, okay?" Hua Cuo asked.

"Okay, Yan Xi and I are here, we'll wait for you in the hotel lobby." Yun Su's heart sank, although he didn't understand Hua Cuo's reason for coming, maybe his guess was right.

"No, I'll meet with you alone, and I'll let you know when I arrive." After speaking, Hua made a mistake and hung up.

Yun Su wanted to say something else, but the other party had already hung up.

Yan Xi looked at him and heard him mention her name.

"Hua Cuo, he asked me for something, I might have to go out." Yun Su looked calm, Hua Cuo said to meet alone just now.

Yan Xi didn't ask any questions and went back to his room.

Yun Su waited for a while, and received Hua Cuo's message: the green belt next to the hotel.

It was snowing outside, Yun Su walked out of the hotel without an umbrella.

This green belt is full of snow, only the snow on the narrow path has been cleared, revealing the blue stone bricks.

From a distance, I saw Hua Cuo standing under the tree.

Yun Su walked along the green brick path.

The big tree blocked the fluttering snowflakes. Hua mistakenly wore a hooded windbreaker and a hat, with some snowflakes on her body. She didn't hold an umbrella all the way.

"Long time no see." Hua Cuo's smile was a bit forced, and all emotions were hidden.

"Long time no see." Yun Su looked indifferent.

After greeting each other, neither of them spoke, or they were waiting for each other to speak.

The weather was a bit cold, a gust of wind blew, and the snowflakes from the trees fell down and landed on the two of them.

"Are you and Yan Xi together?" Hua Cuo finally asked.

"As you think." Yun Su admitted frankly.

Hua Cuo fell silent for a moment, suppressing anger, sadness, or...unwillingness in his heart, the turbulent emotions almost suffocated him.

Yun Su was in a complicated mood. He had guessed that Hua Cuo liked Yan Xi before, but he didn't take it seriously because there was no further information. But at this moment, he can be sure that his guess was right.

Time passed minute by minute.

"When are you and her together?" Hua Cuo couldn't hide her emotions, her tone became cold.

"It's not important." Yun Su didn't want to answer, what was important was that he and Yan Xi were already together, and Hua Mi could not be stopped.

"Obviously I got to know her first." Hua Cuo's tone was a little unwilling, but helpless.

Yun Su was silent for a moment, and then said after a long time: "This is not a necessary condition. Even if we have to talk about the time, then my father and her parents knew each other from the beginning. When we were born, we had already joked about the marriage. Let's put it today Of course it’s not worth mentioning, but now it’s a fact.”

He never believed in fate before, but now he even feels that this is a kind of fate.

Hua Cuo's expression gradually became gloomy, he likes her, he wants to be with her, but he knows it's not possible, so why can Yun Su?
"Do you love her?" Hua Cuo looked at Yun Su sharply, how could Yun Su be with her?
Yun Su was slightly taken aback, he didn't know what love was, but he was sure that he liked her very much, cared about her, worried about her, hoped that he had her in his life, hoped to have a future with her.

Yun Su didn't answer this question.

"If you love her, why are you still with her? You are an agent of the National Security Bureau, you can't be by her side all the time, the nature of your job will bring her danger, you may die at any time, you can't promise her ! Why are you still with her?!" Hua Cuo's face was ashen, fists clenched, and he asked every word.

Hearing this, Yun Su didn't refute. Even though he had already considered these issues, his heart was still shocked.

He has always been clear, that's why he hesitated before, and finally decided to pursue her.

"One year at the latest, half a year at the earliest, I will end my work in the National Security Bureau and start a new job. Although the new job is also dangerous, it is relatively safe and stable."

Even if he wanted to stay in the National Security Bureau, his grandfather, mother, and even the whole family would not allow it.

"I can confidently say that even though I don't want to rely on my family, it is undeniable that my family always gives me shelter. At the same time, I believe in my ability. On the contrary, I am more worried about her. The nature of her work is very dangerous. I I hope she can stay in the capital, and I will do my best to protect her." Yun Su's tone was solemn, this was his promise, maybe it wasn't perfect and sure enough.

Hua Cuo was speechless for a moment, he always knew that Yun Su was not easy, so he still underestimated Yun Su, then, would Yan Xi stay because of Yun Su?

He doesn't have Yun Su's strength, confidence and self-confidence, he knows she can't stay for him.


(End of this chapter)

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