I've always had a crush on her

Chapter 643 Relationship Progress 17

Chapter 643 Relationship Progress 17
That night, Yan Xi booked a plane ticket to Jingyang City. After a year, Hess should have forgotten her.

The next morning, Yan Xi packed his luggage and said goodbye to Yun Su after breakfast.

"Yun Su, I have something to do and I need to leave here." Yan Xi had already checked out.

"What's the matter? Why did you leave?" Yun Su didn't expect it, could it be because of yesterday's conversation?

"Private matters." Yan Xi said seriously.

"Where are you going?" Yun Su asked anxiously, the Spring Festival is only a few days away, where is she going at this time.

"Walk around. In the short term, if there is nothing important, don't contact me." Yan Xi said, she needs to be alone and think.

"Yan Xi, if it's because of yesterday's conversation, can you pretend I didn't say it?" Yun Su suddenly panicked, she seemed to be avoiding him, and even intended to leave him.

"No, no, this is a problem that we have to face sooner or later." Yan Xi said, she was even glad that Yun Su brought it up early, otherwise she would never know what he was thinking, and it would only make the misunderstanding worse.

"Then we can face it together, you don't need to leave." Yun Su said, he never thought it was a problem, even if it was a problem, they could deal with it together instead of separately.

"It's not your problem, it's my problem. I just need to calm down." Yan Xi said, besides, he has to go home, it doesn't matter where she goes.

Yun Sumo fell silent, he had no idea that yesterday's topic would make her so resistant and confused.

"Goodbye." Yan Xi picked up the suitcase.

"Can I take you to your destination?" Yun Su looked at her sincerely, he didn't want to lose her news, he didn't know where she was.

"Take me to the entrance of the hotel." Yan Xi said, the destination was a little far away, and besides, she didn't want to be disturbed.

The two walked to the roadside in front of the hotel without a word.

It didn't snow today, but it was still cold.

Yun Su stood beside her, waiting for the taxi with her, he was full of fear and reluctance, he didn't know what to say to keep her.

I don't know how long it took until a taxi stopped on the side of the road.

"Yun Su, goodbye." Yan Xi looked at him, then opened the car door.

"Yan Xi, can you stay?" Yun Su couldn't help himself, and suddenly reached out and pressed the car door, looking at her pleadingly.

"Sorry." Yan Xi was in a complicated mood, she could feel his sincerity, don't affect her reason and thinking.

Yun Su looked gloomy, and finally let go of the car door slowly, unable to say goodbye.

Yan Xi closed the car door and motioned for the driver to drive.

The taxi pulled into the driveway and disappeared into the continuous flow of traffic in a short while.

Yun Su stood like a sculpture for a long time, he was very uneasy and at a loss, before he thought he knew her very well, but at this moment, he actually didn't know her at all.

In the afternoon, Yun Su also left the hotel and did not go home for the time being, but went to his residence. He also needed to calm down.

In the evening, I received a call from Nie Shen.

"Are you free? Come have dinner with Yan Xi tomorrow." Nie Shen was lonely, and it was rare for him to see Yan Xi only once a year.

"This morning, she left for something. I don't know where she is going." Yun Su was in a low mood, wondering if she was still in the capital?Or went somewhere.

"What is it?" Nie Shen was a little unexpected. Does she have a mission?
"She didn't say anything." Yun Su said, maybe she had nothing to do and was just avoiding him.

Now Nie Shen didn't know what to say. Regarding Yan Xi, he didn't know her well, and he couldn't control her, but he still hoped that she and Yun Su would have a good relationship.

"Uncle Nie, can you contact her to help me?" Yun Su hesitated. He couldn't contact her in the short term, but others could.

"Why didn't you contact her yourself?" Nie Shen was puzzled. It should be easier for Yun Su to contact Yan Xi, after all, they are a couple.

"Something happened between us, I can't contact her for now." Yun Su said.

"What's the matter?" Nie Shen asked worriedly. It's normal for couples to have conflicts, but what's so serious that they can't contact each other?

"I don't know how to explain it. I want to know where she is, maybe she's still in the capital." Yun Su thought for a while, wondering if she would go to the chief's house to pay New Year's greetings.

"Okay." Nie Shen understood, and he was also worried about Yan Xi.

After hanging up, Nie Shen dialed a number, and he had Yanxi's work number.

At this time, Yan Xi had already returned to Jingyang City, it was not as cold as the capital, and he didn't feel cold even after taking off a coat.

There was a call from an unknown person, Yan Xi answered the call, did not speak, and waited for the other party to speak.

"Yan Xi?"

"Uncle Nie." Yan Xi was very surprised, but it was Nie Shen who called her.

"Can you come to my house for dinner tomorrow night?" Nie Shen asked tentatively.

"Sorry, Uncle Nie, I have something to do recently." Yan Xi's words were full of apology.

"What is it? Business?" Nie Shen asked calmly.

"No, some personal matters." Yan Xi didn't want to say more.

Nie Shen didn't want to ask any more. She could hear that she didn't want to talk about it. It was probably a matter with Yun Su. Besides, it was a matter between young people. Although he, as an elder, hoped that the two of them would reconcile, he was not the person involved. Will not give pointers.


Yun Su thought hard to no avail, and even the chief didn't know where she was.

Suddenly, someone came to mind. Hua Cuo and Yan Xi had always had a good relationship. Last year, Yan Xi lived in Hua Cuo's apartment. Would Hua Cuo know where she was?

After thinking for a moment, Yun Su picked up his phone and dialed a number.

"What's the matter?" Hua Cuo said in a bad tone, after all, he really couldn't be calm about his rival in love.

"Do you know where Yan Xi is?" Yun Su asked directly, he didn't want to speculate and test each other with Hua Cuo.

"What do you mean?" Hua Cuo frowned, she and Yun Su were still in the hotel the day before yesterday.

"She left the hotel, I don't know where she went." Yun Su said, hearing what Hua Cuo said, probably Hua Cuo didn't know.

"You don't know, and I don't even know!" Hua Cuo was a little angry.

Yun Su suddenly had nothing to say, he thought Hua Cuo would contact her.

"Why did she leave the hotel?" Hua Cuo asked again, is she still in the capital?He regretted not seeing her the day before yesterday. He hadn't seen her for a long, long time.

Yun Su said, "I don't want to say the reason."

Taking a wrong turn, according to Yun Su's meaning, that is, the reason why she left the hotel was not because of work?Otherwise, why did Yun Su ask where she was.

"Any thing else?"

"No." Yun Su frowned slightly.

"Then goodbye." Hua hung up the phone by mistake.

Yun Su took down the phone and saw that the other party had hung up, and suddenly felt that calling Hua was wrong and not the right decision.


(End of this chapter)

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