I've always had a crush on her

Chapter 644 Relationship Progress 18

Chapter 644 Relationship Progress 18
The next morning, Hua Cuo had been planning for the whole night, so he picked up his mobile phone and made a call, and the connection was quickly connected.

"Yan Xi, I haven't contacted you for a long time, how are you doing recently?"

"Very good." Yan Xi was cleaning at home. It didn't look like the house hadn't been cleaned for a year. Could it be that he had cleaned it when he took the wrong time to pick up his clothes, but he still had a lot of clothes in his closet!
"I'm going to Jingyang City for some errands, but I don't have a place to stay. It's very inconvenient to stay in a hotel. Can I stay at your house for a while? Anyway, your house is vacant, and I will keep it clean." Hua Cuo said quietly Said, I don't know if she is in Jingyang City.

"What are you doing?" Yan Xi was suspicious.

"It's very important." Hua Cuo said seriously.

"Then you go, do you still have your key?" Yan Xi said.

"..." Hua Cuo couldn't figure it out for a while, she said you go, let him go instead of letting him come, so she is not in Jingyang City?If she wasn't in Jingyang City, of course he wouldn't go.

"Before I heard from Yunsu that you lived in Huachao Hotel, Yunsu's home is in the capital, are you going to Yunsu's home? Or live in a hotel? If you have no place to live, you can go to my apartment and return your key Are you there?"

"I'm at home." Yan Xi's face darkened, and she had reason to suspect that Hua Cuo was deliberately testing her.

"Are you at home? Aren't you in the capital? When did you return to Jingyang City?" Hua Cuo was overjoyed, but asked in feigned surprise.

"Yesterday." Yan Xi said.

"Oh, why didn't you stay in the capital?" Hua Cuo was puzzled, she went back to Jingyang City, why didn't Yun Su know?

"Why did I stay in the capital?" Yan Xi asked back.

"I thought you would go to the director's house to pay New Year's greetings. Let's not talk for now, I have something else to do." He wanted to rush to book a plane ticket, and if he had time, he would be able to arrive in Jingyang City today.


Yan Xi continued to clean and noticed that the vases in the wall cabinet were arranged in order from high to low. She remembered that when she left last year, the vases were arranged symmetrically.

All she can say is that the wrong flowers are so boring!

Seeing the two presents in the drawer, Yan Xi unwrapped the presents, one of which was a cross necklace, which he gave to her once, then she returned it to him, and he gave it back to her?

Another was her 26th birthday present.

After cleaning, thinking that Hua Cuo would come, he took the quilt from his room to the dry cleaner downstairs.

At five o'clock in the afternoon, the doorbell rang.

Yan Xi opened the door.

Hua Cuo stood in front of the door carrying a suitcase, his hair was a little messy, and it was very windy outside.

Yan Xi glanced at him, so fast?where is he from?
"Yan Xi, long time no see." Hua Cuo was obviously very happy, it's been a whole year.

"Long time no see, come in." Yan Xi stepped aside.

"It's been a long time since I saw you, do you feel very excited, can I give you a hug?" Huacuo walked into the door and walked up to her.

Yan Xi didn't feel any excitement, but he didn't mind either, so he nodded.

Hua mistakenly put down the suitcase, opened his arms and hugged her.

Yan Xi also stretched out his hand to hug him gently, maybe it was a little cold outside and he was a little cold.

Hua Cuo took a deep breath, remembering the parting at Capital Airport last year, the long-lost hug.

After hugging for a few seconds, Yan Xi had already let go of him.

Hua Cuo still hugged her tightly, it was too warm and familiar.

Yan Xi said, "It's getting dark soon."

Only then did Hua Cuo let her go, picked up the suitcase, and went to his room familiarly.

(End of this chapter)

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