I've always had a crush on her

Chapter 647 New Year 1

Chapter 647 The New Year 01
After eating the cake, Yan Xi picked up the gift and handed it to him.

"Wrong flower, happy birthday."

"Yan Xi, I'm very happy today!" Hua Cuo received the gift excitedly, this was the first birthday present she received.

With excitement, Hua Cuo unpacked layers of packaging and took out a gift, a black sports bracelet.

"It's a sports bracelet! I like it very much!"

"As long as you like it." Yan Xi thought to himself, sure enough, Hua Cuo is always so happy.

"Now we can calculate the amount of exercise." Hua Cuo looked joyful, and couldn't wait to put the bracelet on his wrist. It was a fashionable and beautiful bracelet.

After resting in the coffee shop for a while, Hua Cuo said that he wanted to buy clothes, so the two continued to go shopping.

Take the elevator to the clothing area upstairs. There are a variety of clothing brands on the three floors.

"Yan Xi, today is my birthday, can you still grant me one wish?" Hua Cuo looked eager.

"Let's talk about it." Yan Xi listened first, as long as she could, it was fine.

"You have to listen to me throughout today, and I will arrange everything." Hua Cuo said.

"What arrangements do you have?" Yan Xi needed to think about it, because Hua Cuo always had some amazing ideas, and she couldn't cooperate.

"I haven't thought of it yet." Hua Cuo pretended to think, but in fact he already had a lot of ideas.

"Then I'll think about it when you think about it." Yan Xi said.

"You promise me first, and I won't make things difficult for you. No matter what I ask you to do, I will do it first. I just want to do the same thing with you." Hua Cuo was a little melancholy, and he didn't ignore the relationship between her and Yun Su. relationship, maybe he will not have the opportunity to spend such time with her in the future.

"I will not do things that affect my image, and I will never do strange things." Yan Xi declared in advance and agreed temporarily.

"You can rest assured, why would I do something that affects my image? What I do is normal." Hua Cuo was very puzzled. When did he do something strange?

Walking and walking, I came to a casual clothing store.

Winter clothes are on sale now, and many of the stores are thick coats.

Hua Cuo usually wears sportswear and casual clothes. After all, he doesn't need to go to formal occasions often.

"Yanxi, this jacket is very nice. There are men's and women's styles. Why don't we buy one for each of us." Huacuo took a fancy to a stylish and low-key casual jacket.

"You can buy it, I won't buy it." She didn't want to make a mistake with Hua.

"You don't need to buy it, I'll give it to you." Hua Cuo was choosing a color.

"No." Yan Xi remained unmoved.

"You want it!" Hua Cuo persuasively persuaded.

"No, you don't need to tell me." Yan Xi didn't want to continue this repetitive topic with him.

"You promised me just now that you will listen to me throughout the whole process. It's just buying clothes. It doesn't affect the image, and it's not surprising. It didn't violate your rules." Hua Cuo said.

Yan Xi's face darkened, she always knew that Hua Cuo was a rascal.

"What color do you want, how about we want red, and wear it during the Spring Festival." Hua Cuo compared the colors, and the red is also very beautiful.

"Do you want red?" Yan Xi glanced at him, she couldn't accept this style of red, but Hua Cuo has a fair complexion, so it should look good in red.

"I want red." Hua Cuo usually doesn't wear red, because it's too eye-catching and inconvenient for his work, but he can wear it for a few days during the Spring Festival.

"Then I want black." Almost all of Yan Xi's coats are black, only a few of them are in other colors for formal occasions.

"Then I want black too." Hua Cuo picked up the black one.

Yan Xi has already guessed, he always does this.

Huacuo knew her size, and gave her a size of 175cm: "Let's try it on to see if it fits."

Yan Xi took the jacket and looked at the size: "I don't need to try it on, it's definitely suitable for me."

Hua Cuo said: "Try it on to see if it looks good."

Yan Xi said, "If I say it's not good-looking, will you not buy it?"

"If it doesn't look good, of course I won't buy it." Hua wrongly said, how could it not look good, she is tall and well-proportioned, she must look good in this kind of mid-length coat.

Yan Xi felt helpless, took off his coat and put on this new coat.

Hua Cuo also changed his coat, and stood in front of the mirror with her, and the two of them were reflected in the mirror. He was very satisfied: "Does it look good?"

Yan Xi's aesthetics is average: "It's not bad."

With her affirmation, Hua Cuo was in a happy mood, and called the salesperson: "Please help us cut the cards and pay the bill."

The salesperson smiled: "Then let me untie the sign for you."

Yan Xi didn't want to go out in his clothes, and when he was about to take off his coat, Hua Mi stopped him.

"Don't take it off. Let's wear new clothes together. This dress doesn't affect the image, and it's not strange." Hua Cuo recalled the rules she said just now.

Yan Xi said, "I find it strange that we are wearing the same clothes at the same time and place."

The salesperson smiled and said, "What's so strange? I think you look very well dressed. Miss, let me untie the brand for you."

As she said that, the salesperson walked up behind Yan Xi and explained the sign. She was not lying, the two of them were taller, and they seemed to be in good shape, so they really dressed well.

Yan Xi stood still, looked at Hua Cuo, and seemed very happy to see him.

The salesperson untied the sign inside the collar: "Okay."

After checking out, put the old clothes in the bag, and the two walked out of the store wearing new clothes and continued shopping.

Take the elevator to the next floor, where the clothing area specializes in more formal and big-name clothing.

Met a half-baked person.

Yan Xi didn't plan to go over to say hello, firstly because it was unnecessary, secondly because he was unfamiliar, and thirdly because the other party had friends by his side.

Han Mengli looked at Yan Xi with some surprise, and was a little surprised to see Yan Xi here. She almost forgot about Yan Xi, as if she hadn't seen him for more than a year. Last year, no, it was already the year before last, Yan Xi seemed to suddenly Disappeared.

Huacuo also saw Han Mengli, although he had only seen it twice, but he was deeply impressed.

"Yanxi, long time no see." Han Mengli walked over, with a faint smile on her beautiful face, still so graceful and elegant.

"Long time no see." Yan Xi smiled slightly, after such a long time, unexpectedly Han Mengli still remembered her.

"What a coincidence to meet you, who is this next to you?" A trace of surprise flashed in Han Mengli's eyes, Yan Xi and this man were wearing couple outfits.

"This is my friend." Yan Xi said briefly, there should be no need to introduce, it seems that Han Mengli no longer remembers Hua Cuo.

"Miss Han, long time no see." Hua Cuo was very enthusiastic.

"You know me?" Han Mengli was surprised. Looking at it this way, she suddenly felt that this man looked familiar, but she couldn't remember it for a while.

"We also met in this shopping mall the year before last. At that time, Yan Xi and I took sick leave to go shopping and met you." Hua Cuo remembered it clearly.

"So it was you, I remembered." Han Mengli finally remembered, at that time she still felt strange that Yan Xi was not with Lan Muge, but went shopping with a male colleague.

"I haven't seen you for so long, it's such a coincidence to meet you here again today." Hua Cuo said with a feeling.

"Yeah, what a coincidence." Han Mengli felt a little ashamed in her heart, she never expected that Yan Xi was still with this man, so all the things she tried to drive Jin Luo and Yan Xi apart at the beginning have become a joke now.

"It's almost New Year's Eve, Yan Xi and I are out shopping for clothes, are you going shopping too?" Hua Cuo chatted.

"Well, my friend and I went out for a walk." Han Mengli looked at Hua Cuo secretly. This man was outstanding in appearance and quite talkative.

"With a boyfriend?" Hua Cuo teased, remembering that a long time ago, it was rumored that Han Mengli and Gu Jinluo had an ambiguous relationship.

"No, no, my best friend and I went out shopping." Han Mengli said hastily, with a trace of sadness in her heart, she is still single at the moment.

Yan Xi kept silent, listening to the two of them chatting about boring topics, do you want to find a place to sit down and talk.

Hua Cuo said: "Then Yan Xi and I will leave first, so we won't bother you."

Han Mengli smiled: "Don't bother."

Yan Xi said goodbye and left with Hua by mistake.

Han Mengli looked at the backs of the two and felt a little bit emotional. Yan Xi already had a boyfriend, and heard that Lan Muge also had a girlfriend. Recently, there was an affair between Song Yixue and a screenwriter.

She seems to have failed the most. Last year, Jin Luo surrounded Club No. [-] for a woman and beat her brother violently. It felt like a slap on her face!

She had investigated this woman, Su Qianqian, Jin Luo's secretary, and besides being pretty, she really couldn't see anything about Su Qianqian that he liked.


Yan Xi and Huacuo spent a day shopping in the mall, bought a lot of things, and went back after dinner.

When I got home, I put down my things, went to the kitchen by mistake, poured two glasses of water, and sat on the sofa with her to watch TV.

Continue to watch the idol drama I watched last night.

Hua Cuo took out the cell phone from his pocket, and when he saw the caller ID, he glanced at Yan Xi, then got up and walked to the balcony before answering the call.


"Are you free tomorrow night? Come to my place for dinner. Both Yun Su and Mo Yan will come."

"I'm not in the capital. I have some personal matters." Hua Cuo said calmly. In fact, as long as the director checks, he can easily find out where he is.

"Okay, when will you come back to the capital?" Since it was a personal matter, Nie Shen didn't ask.

"I don't know, I still want to take a vacation. Of course, if there is a task, I will come back immediately." Hua Cuo said solemnly.

"Okay then, have fun and see you later."

"Goodbye." Hua hung up the line by mistake, and secretly heaved a sigh of relief, but felt a little uneasy, would the director suspect him?

The director knew that he liked Yan Xi, but since the director deliberately refused to ask him to go that night, he guessed that the director should be very satisfied with Yun Su and Yan Xi being together.

He even suspected that the bureau chief had specially ordered Yun Su to investigate the Korean jewelry theft case a long time ago, so that Yun Su and Yan Xi could meet.

Otherwise, Yunsu and Yanxi serve different organizations, especially Yanxi, who often performs tasks all over the world, how can they have time to spend with Yunsu?

(End of this chapter)

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