I've always had a crush on her

Chapter 648 New Year 1

Chapter 648 The New Year 02
In a few days, it will be New Year's Eve. Huacuo bought a lot of vegetables and put them in the refrigerator two days ago, as well as firecrackers and fireworks. Otherwise, during the Chinese New Year, the shops and markets would not be open.

"Have you finished your work?" Yan Xi asked suddenly.

"What's the matter?" Hua Cuo didn't react for a while, and looked at her in bewilderment.

"Didn't you say before that you came to Jingyang City to do business? You said it was very important." Yan Xi casually mentioned that for so many days, except for sleeping, he was always within her sight. See what he went out to do.


Hua Cuo was speechless, he couldn't find an excuse for a moment, he completely forgot about it, in fact, he was already doing a very important thing, besides the task, this is the most important thing.

"I forgot to tell you, that matter, if I don't need to intervene suddenly, it's none of my business." Hua Cuo shrugged, he didn't want to lie to her, a lie always needs many lies to fill.

Yan Xi didn't ask again, why did he come to her?It's not that she can't feel it, maybe she doesn't have a high IQ, but she thinks her EQ is okay.

Tonight, Hua Cuo cooked a lot of dishes. After dinner, Hua Cuo said that he was going downstairs to set off firecrackers and fireworks.

It is also forbidden to set off fireworks and firecrackers in Jingyang City. They can only be set off on New Year's Eve and Spring Festival three days, and they must be set off in designated areas.

For example, in the new urban area, even during the Spring Festival, fireworks and firecrackers cannot be set off.

It just draws the boundary near Tianhe Xiaoyuan in the East District, where the sound of firecrackers can be heard.

In the open space downstairs, many residents were setting off firecrackers and fireworks, which was very lively.

"Yan Xi, I've never let go of firecrackers. Would you like some, or should I?" Hua Cuo only bought a bunch of small firecrackers, trying not to pollute the air.

"I've never let go of firecrackers either." Yan Xi said.

"Are you afraid of setting off firecrackers?" Hua wrongly smiled, some people really dare not light firecrackers.

"No, my family never let off firecrackers, they always set off fireworks." Yan Xi said, her parents never bought firecrackers, nor did they burn incense, they only bought some fireworks at most.

"Then come on, I'll give you a chance to set off the firecrackers, be careful." Hua Cuo handed the firecrackers to her.

"Don't give me a chance, leave this opportunity to yourself." Yan Xi didn't answer, maybe when she grows up, she no longer finds lighting firecrackers fun, but she liked setting off fireworks when she was young.

"Okay then, I'm also worried about your mishandling. Please strike a match for me." Hua Cuo took out a box of matches from his pocket.

Yan Xi took out a match, a long-lost match, in this day and age, people use lighters, so I don't know where to buy a match.

With a chirping sound, a match was struck, and a faint flame rose.

"You light the fuse, and then I'll throw the firecracker out." Hua wrongly handed the firecracker over.

"This fuse looks a little short, can you throw it out right away?" Yan Xi saw that the fuse was less than two centimeters long.

"I think with my body's reaction speed, I can do it." Hua Cuo is very confident.

"Okay, light it up." Seeing that the match was about to go out, Yan Xi immediately lit the fuse.

"What?!" Hua Cuo was startled, and threw the firecracker subconsciously, why didn't she tell him the time.

Crackling, flickering flames sprang up, and this string of small firecrackers burned out quickly.

(End of this chapter)

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