I've always had a crush on her

Chapter 649 New Year 1

Chapter 649 The New Year 03
Yan Xi silently watched the firecrackers burning, and set off the firecrackers for the first time.

Hua Cuo was still in shock: "Fortunately, I have a very fast reaction."

Yan Xi: "..."

There are so many people setting off firecrackers, and I have never seen anyone who is not reacting extremely fast.

Hua mistakenly took out a few fireworks. In order not to cause pollution as much as possible, he only bought a few small cold fireworks, the kind of fairy sticks that children play with.

The children around are also playing with this kind of cold fireworks, which emit flickering sparks after being ignited, no smoke, no poison, no irritating smell, no residue, and no harm to the human body.

"Hold it, and I'll light it for you." Hua took two fireworks by mistake and handed them to her.

"Why don't you take it, and I'll light it for you." Yan Xi didn't answer, but just took out the match, struck a match, and lit the fireworks for him.

Hua missed a man with a height of 1.8 meters, holding a fairy wand, and the picture was full of disobedience.

However, Hua Cuo was still very happy: "Yan Xi, this is my first time playing with this kind of fireworks."

"I used to play when I was young." Yan Xi thought to himself, lacking the childhood memories, let him relive this process.

"You play too, I'll light it for you, and give me the match." Hua Cuo took out two more fairy sticks.

"You don't need matches, you can use what is burning to light it." Yan Xi took a fairy wand and directly lit it with what was burning in his hand.

"So that's how it is." Hua Cuo was a little surprised, as if he had discovered some secret.

The corner of Yan Xi's lips twitched, Hua Cuo's childhood was full of childlike fun and ignorance.

There are only a few fireworks, and they will be over soon.

"Have you contacted Piao Piao and them?" Hua Cuo asked. It has been more than a year since I saw them. Because of the nature of work, there has been no contact.

"No." Yan Xi felt that she was a little heartless and ungrateful. If there was no important matter, she rarely contacted others, and she was used to being alone.

"Yan Xi, I don't have any red envelopes this year." Hua Cuo suddenly remembered this, the director would give him a red envelope every year.

"I don't have either." Yan Xi said, he didn't expect that such a big spender would want to receive red envelopes.

"Why don't you stay in the capital for the New Year? You can go to the chief's house, and he will give you a red envelope." Hua Cuo wondered why she didn't stay in the capital and spend the New Year with Yun Su.

"I'm very happy to receive the red envelope, but it doesn't matter if I didn't receive it." At her age, she was too embarrassed to accept the red envelope.

"Why don't we send red envelopes to each other with our mobile phones!" Hua Cuo had a whim.

"Is it interesting?" Yan Xi was very puzzled.

"Of course I did. It's the first time I've given out red envelopes to others, and I believe it's also the first time for you." Hua Cuo took out her phone. In the current chat group, it's very popular to give out red envelopes and grab red envelopes. With her personality, she probably wouldn't participate.

The phone in Yan Xi's pocket vibrated, he took out the phone to check, and found that he had received a red envelope, so he also sent him a red envelope.

Hua mistakenly clicked on the red envelope to check, and said pleasantly: "I only sent you 100 yuan for the 88 yuan red envelope, and I earned 12 yuan!"

Yan Xi was speechless, she suspected that the 12 yuan was spent for the wrong purpose.

At this time, it was already twelve o'clock in the morning, and many residents were worshiping and setting off firecrackers.

"Yan Xi, Happy New Year." Hua Cuo looked at her with bright eyes, and spent another New Year with her.

"Wrong flowers, happy new year." Yan Xi was very happy, if there were no wrong flowers, she might spend this new year boringly.

"Thank you for spending this New Year with me." Hua Cuo was a little excited. At this moment, it seemed to overlap with last year's New Year.

"I also thank you for spending this new year with me." Yan Xi smiled, and at this moment last year, he seemed to say the same thing.

Hua Cuo stared at her face, if he continued like this, he was afraid that those things that had been suppressed for a long time would break free, and he would not be able to control them.


(End of this chapter)

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