I've always had a crush on her

Chapter 650 New Year 1

Chapter 650 The New Year 04
It was late at night when Hua Cuo and Yan Xi returned to the house.

"Yan Xi, good night." Hua Cuo smiled at her, he is used to and likes to say this to her.

"Good night." Yan Xi looked back at her, then walked into his room.

Twelve thirty in the morning.

Yan Xi stood in front of the window, looking at the dark night sky outside, feeling a little complicated.

At this moment, should she call or send a message to Yun Su?
After thinking for a while, Yan Xi picked up his phone and sent a message: Happy New Year.

Yun Su, who is far away in the capital, is watching the New Year with his family. The house is very lively, but his heart seems to be lost.

Until seeing this message, Yun Su's heart seemed to be instantly filled with surprise, but he didn't know how to reply to her. He had too many things that he couldn't express in words.

It seems perfunctory to just reply with the same happy new year.

Just as Yun Su was thinking hard, a head suddenly stuck out.

"Brother, what are you looking at?" Cheng Yunhui felt strange, the eldest brother was looking at the phone all the time.

"It's nothing." Yun Su subconsciously put away the phone.

"I saw it. There is only one sentence, Happy New Year. It must be a group post." Cheng Yunhui looked clear, what's so good about a group post of blessings.

Yun Su paused for a moment. With her personality, she probably wouldn't post these contents in groups. He firmly believed that she must have sent them to him on purpose.

"Who sent you the message?" Cheng Yunhui was suspicious, a sentence of happy new year could make the eldest brother read it for so long.

"A friend." Yun Su didn't want to say more, she wasn't ready to meet his family yet.

"Female friend, or girlfriend?" Cheng Yunhui keenly caught something.

Yun Su didn't speak, he didn't want to deny it.

"It's really a girlfriend?!" Cheng Yunhui raised her voice unconsciously, but the elder brother didn't even deny it!

"Don't say it!" Yun Su gave the cousin a warning look, he didn't want everyone in the room to hear it.

Cheng Yunhui's face was full of surprise. Although it was a little unbelievable, the eldest brother should have never had a girlfriend. In the past, the eldest brother was either in the military camp or went out to perform missions. He only came home once in a long time. How could he have time to have a girlfriend.

"How is your girlfriend? Do you have a picture of her? Show me." Cheng Yunhui was very curious.

"No." Yun Su said, he had taken a photo of a couple before, but the photography agency hadn't called him to take the photo, maybe it was closed during the Chinese New Year.

"Liar, if you don't show me, I'll tell your mother, no, I'll tell the whole family." Cheng Yunhui threatened, although Yun Su is her cousin, but the relationship is as close as her elder brother.

"Really not." Yun Su said seriously, he also wanted to have many photos of her, but he really didn't have any.

Cheng Yunhui was depressed, she didn't even have a photo, and the messages she received were still sent in groups. Could it be that her eldest brother had an unrequited love?The eldest brother is so outstanding, handsome and extraordinary, are you afraid that you won't be able to catch up with women?
"She sent you a message. Although it was a group message, why didn't you reply to her?"

"It's not a group message." Yun Su said firmly.

"Really? Then she specially sent you a message during the New Year, and you have to reply to her. If you don't reply to her again, she may think that you don't take it seriously." Cheng Yunhui was worried about him. How rare is it for her eldest brother to be single for so many years? Meet a woman you like.

Yun Su was a little anxious, he was organizing words in his mind, he had to reply to her as soon as possible, otherwise she might be going to sleep.

(End of this chapter)

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