I've always had a crush on her

Chapter 651 New Year 1

Chapter 651 The New Year 05
Seeing that he hadn't moved for a long time, Cheng Yunhui couldn't help urging: "Reply to her quickly."

She also wanted to know about her future sister-in-law.

"I'm thinking." Yun Su frowned slightly.

"What are you still thinking about?" Cheng Yunhui looked puzzled, usually the eldest brother is very decisive, why hesitate now?

"I'm thinking about what to reply, you go away." Yun Su said, the cousin whispered in his ear, affecting his thinking.

"Do you still need to think? You can say whatever you want to say to her. If you have nothing to say, just say a few sweet words." Cheng Yunhui said, the eldest brother's emotional intelligence is a bit anxious, no wonder he has been single for so many years.

Yun Su's face was calm, but he was troubled in his heart. He didn't know what to say to her, he wanted to see her.

He feels that there is no better way of expression than meeting.

"If you can't think of it, I'll help you figure it out." Cheng Yunhui quickly reached out and snatched the phone.

"Don't mess around, return the phone to me!" Yun Su looked serious and serious.

Cheng Yunhui is not afraid of him, although the elder brother is usually a bit strict, but he is just training them.

"I'll send her a message for you, otherwise it will be dawn after you finish thinking."

"No! Bring it!" Yun Su stretched out his palm.

"No, don't grab it from me, or I will yell, and then the whole family will know that you are texting your girlfriend." Cheng Yunhui hid the phone behind her back and refused to give it up.

Yun Su's face darkened, and he warned, "Don't talk nonsense, she is a very serious person."

Cheng Yunhui looked at him with wide eyes, and the eldest brother admitted that he really has a girlfriend. With his character, he must be looking for a serious girlfriend.

Facing his cousin's scrutinizing eyes, Yun Su frowned, and urged: "Hurry up, she usually goes to bed very early."

Cheng Yunhui chuckled, and immediately took out her phone to edit the information.

"Read it to me." Although he acquiesced to his cousin's nonsense, he still had to go through his review.

"The night is very long, I miss you, happy new year." Cheng Yunhui read out affectionately.

"No, delete it!" Yun Su said, his intentions were obvious, and it was a little inappropriate, although he did miss her.

"Send it." Cheng Yunhui smiled and raised her phone.

"Give me back the phone!" Yun Su felt a little impatient, he couldn't let this cousin mess around!

"Wait! She replied!" The phone in Cheng Yunhui's hand vibrated, and she looked at it immediately.

"What did she reply?" Yun Su couldn't wait, unable to hide the expectation in his tone.

"Haha, she said she misses you too." Cheng Yunhui couldn't help but show him the phone screen.

The five words displayed in the message are clear at a glance: I miss you too.

Looking at this brief message, Yun Su couldn't help but raise the corners of his lips slightly, and the anxiety and confusion in his heart gradually dissipated. There was no news from her for a long time, so it turned out that she was also missing him.

"Brother, you laughed." Cheng Yunhui's tone was full of teasing. Usually, the elder brother is serious and can hardly smile.

"Bring the phone." Yun Su regained his composure in an instant.

"What's the hurry, today is such an important day, if you just send her a message, she might think you don't care about her very much." Cheng Yunhui said, as a woman, at least she thinks so.

Yun Su's heart tightened, how could it be, he cared very much, but he didn't know how to express it.

(End of this chapter)

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