I've always had a crush on her

Chapter 658 Yun Suu Missing 02

Chapter 658 Yun Suu Missing 02
six months later.

In a certain city in Canada in August, the temperature difference between day and night is very large. Wear short-sleeved clothes during the day, and you may need to cover yourself with a quilt at night.

Yan Xi has been in Canada for nearly half a year, and his mission is coming to an end.

Suddenly received the wrong message: Where are you?have time?
During the mission, it was inconvenient for Yan Xi to see him, so he replied: I'm not free for now, what can I do?

A few days passed, and I didn't receive a reply from Hua Cuo. These two short conversations were like disappearing into the sea.

Before, she and Yun Su agreed that whoever finishes the task first will send a message to the other party.

I haven't received any information from Yun Su. It seems that his task time is a bit long.

Until the long task is over.

Yan Xi sent a message to Yun Su, and then considered going to the capital, or going back to Jingyang City?
I remembered that Hua wrongly sent her a message before, so I sent another message to Hua wrong: I am free now.

After a while, I received a call from Hua Wrong.

"Yan Xi, where are you?" Hua Cuo's voice had a hint of urgency.

"I'm going to go back to China." Yan Xi said, the boss didn't give any orders for the time being, so she decided to go back to China to rest first.

"Do you know?" Hua Cuo was not sure, and his tone was hesitant and dignified.

"Know what?" Yan Xi didn't know why.

Hua Cuo pursed her lips. She probably didn't know it yet. She was supposed to be on a mission before, but the director didn't tell her, so there must be the director's consideration.

"Wrong flower?" Yan Xi didn't hear the voice for a long time.

"Are you going back to Jingyang City when you go back to China?" Hua Cuo asked tentatively. If she came to the capital, she might know soon.

"Undecided, what did you want to tell me just now?" Yan Xi vaguely sensed something was wrong, what did he know?
"I don't know, maybe the director will tell you." Hua Cuo didn't say anything, and there was no news about Yun Su, and he didn't know the specific situation.

Yan Xi was suspicious, what would Nie Shen tell her?
Hua Cuo said: "I am currently in the capital, if you come to the capital, can we meet?"

"Yes." Yan Xi's heart sank, Hua Cuo said so, there should be something very important, does she have to know?
"I'll wait for you, and let me know when you arrive." Hua Cuo was in a heavy heart, and hadn't seen her for a long time after nearly half a year.

After hanging up, Hua mistakenly called Nie Shen and told the director that Yan Xi would come to the capital.

Suddenly, I remembered the conversation I had with Yun Su at the end of last year. At that time, he questioned Yun Su. As agents of the National Security Bureau, not only could they not be by her side all the time, but the nature of their work would bring her danger, and they might even die at any time. .

Yun Su said that he would end his work in the National Security Bureau.

He even thought that this golden triangle anti-drug mission was Yun Su's last mission in the National Security Bureau.

He thought it wouldn't happen to Yun Su, but by God's will, it just happened.

Two months ago, during an operation in the Golden Triangle, the cargo ship Yun Su was on exploded, causing many casualties, among which Yun Su disappeared.

He wasn't there at the time and didn't know much about the situation.

Some injured people said afterwards that Yun Su was injured at that time, and then the cargo ship exploded, and the police did not find Yun Su. Some people speculated that Yun Su might sink to the bottom of the river forever.

The director kept silent about this, and the matter of Yun Su's disappearance seemed to be blocked.

Since the director didn't say that he didn't believe that Yun Su was dead, maybe there were some things that couldn't be made public.


(End of this chapter)

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