I've always had a crush on her

Chapter 659 Yun Suu Missing 03

Chapter 659 Yun Suu Missing 03
Two days later.

When Yan Xi arrived in the capital, the capital of Huaguo was quite hot in August.

The strong sunlight at noon was a bit dazzling, and the traffic near the airport was a bit congested.

Yan Xi got into a taxi and went to Huachao Hotel not far from the airport.

After booking a room and checking in, she went back to the room to put down her luggage, Yan Xi looked at the time on her watch, it was twelve o'clock at noon, and she hadn't had lunch yet.

Yan Xi contacted Hua Cuo first, but Hua Cuo didn't say anything specific before, and seemed to vaguely want to tell her something.

"I'll come here now." Hua Cuo put this sentence down and hung up.

Yan Xi changed his clothes and waited for him in the room.

At this time, I received a call from Nie Shen.

Yan Xi was suspicious, Nie Shen called her, was it about what Hua Cuo said the day before yesterday?

"Uncle Nie?"

"Yan Xi, are you free recently?" Nie Shen's voice was calm as usual.

"I'm free for the time being." Yan Xi said, the boss has not assigned any tasks for the time being.

"Where are you now?" Nie Shen asked again.

"The capital, the hotel." Yan Xi said.

Nie Shen was silent for a moment, then slowly said: "I have something to tell you, just to make you feel at ease."

"Tell me." Yan Xi listened carefully, what is it?
"Two months ago, Yun Su was injured. The injury was a little serious, and he is currently recovering." Nie Shen's voice suppressed the heavy pain.

Yan Xi was stunned. Hearing this news, he inevitably felt a little uneasy. Maybe it wasn't as easy as Nie Shen said. She was still recovering after two months. She couldn't imagine how serious the injury was.

"where is he?"

"Yan Xi, it's inconvenient for him to see you right now, don't worry, he's fine now." Nie Shen didn't want her to worry, even though the last sentence was very forced.

"Can you tell me the truth?" Yan Xi couldn't help feeling heavy and restless, and this hard-to-control emotion made her very uncomfortable.

"What I'm telling you is the truth. Give him some time and trust him." Nie Shen said firmly. He watched Yun Su grow up.

"I trust him." Yan Xi said without hesitation.

"Can you meet me?" Nie Shen asked. He hadn't seen her for a long time, and it was just business affairs aside. Yun Su and Yan Xi were his closest people. From a selfish point of view, he didn't want Yun Su and Yan Xi the least. Injuried.

"Another day, okay?" Now she needs to calm down.

"Of course you can. If you have any questions, you can call me anytime." Nie Shen especially reminded him, he didn't know Yan Xi's behavior style, and didn't know what she would do.

"I will." Yan Xi said.

After hanging up, Nie Shen was exhausted physically and mentally, and fell into self-blame and reflection. Sometimes he couldn't completely put aside his personal feelings.

Yun Su's father was also a spy of the National Security Bureau, and died in a mission.

When Yun Su took the initiative to ask to enter the National Security Bureau, both he and Yun Su's grandfather and mother were unanimously opposed.

But Yun Su still insisted on entering the National Security Bureau.

He didn't dare to let Yun Su go on a dangerous mission, but Yun Su insisted that he treat him equally.

There are no ifs in anything, but at this moment he can't help but reflect on whether Yun Su would not have been seriously injured if he had not allowed Yun Su to enter the National Security Bureau, or had not appointed him on this mission.

This serious injury may ruin Yun Su's life.

He firmly believed in Yun Su's willpower, but there were some irresistible factors, he didn't know if Yun Su could stand up.


(End of this chapter)

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