I've always had a crush on her

Chapter 660 Yun Suu Missing 04

Chapter 660 Yun Suu Missing 04
After a while, Hua Cuo hurried to Huachao Hotel with a thin layer of sweat on his body.

When he came to the door of Room 507, he stood there for a while, raised his hand several times, and knocked on the door.

The door opened, and the moment he saw her, Hua Cuo couldn't say a word for a long time, and it took a long, long time to see her every time we parted.

Yan Xi looked calm and said, "Come in."

Huacuo walked into the room, the curtains in the room were drawn, it was a little dark, maybe the temperature of the air conditioner was too low, it was a little cold, but she was wearing a short-sleeved shirt.

The two stood in the room, and neither of them spoke.

Hua Cuo probably guessed it, the director had already told her that at the moment she was silent, he couldn't peek into her inner emotions, he didn't know how to say words of comfort.

"Yan Xi, long time no see." Hua Cuo looked at her face for nearly half a year.

"Long time no see." Yan Xi's voice was calm and unwavering.

"Let's go have lunch first." Hua Cuo said, she just got off the plane, so she probably hasn't had lunch yet.

"I'm not hungry." Yan Xi didn't want to eat for the time being, but now her thoughts were messed up and she wasn't in a good mood.

Hua was silent and just stood with her like this.

After a long time, Yan Xi said, "I only know that Yun Su is injured. Do you know his condition? Do you know where he is?"

When Hua Cuo heard this, she was slightly relieved. Everyone thought that Yun Su was dead, and the director must have said something to Yan Xi.

But he was puzzled, why did the director block Yun Su's news?He didn't even tell Yan Xi about the situation.

It has been two months since the accident happened, how is Yun Su's injury?Why don't you see Yan Xi?
"I don't know, but I believe the director has the director's considerations." Maybe Yun Su also has Yun Su's considerations, although he doesn't know the reason.

Yan Xi didn't ask any more questions, and Nie Shen didn't want to tell her. She asked no one but got no result.

Hua Cuo had something in his heart, and he didn't know how to express it. He also participated in this mission. If they had been faster and the police had arrived in time, would this accident have been avoided?
In the National Security Bureau, whenever he heard the news of someone's death, he could only mourn in silence. Maybe he had understood this kind of parting from life and death. He was not particularly close to anyone, but he had worked with Yun Su for a long time, so he was relatively familiar.

Time passed minute by minute.

Yan Xi said, "If there is nothing else, I want to rest."

Hua Cuo paused for a moment, then said, "Then I'll go first, goodbye."

Yan Xi said, "Goodbye."

Hua took a wrong look at her, then turned and left.

The room was empty and silent, and the air-conditioning was low enough to help calm.

Yan Xi sat by the bed, lost in thought.

This inexplicable anxiety frightened her.

She has always believed that she should maintain a proper intimacy and a proper distance with her lover, so as not to be influenced by the other party.

However, at this moment, perhaps she subconsciously defines Yun Su as a good lover, and even considers him as a priority marriage partner in the future.

Her emotions and thinking have been affected by him, and she is eager to know his situation.

She needs reason now, and if she's still anxious tomorrow and still has this strong thought, then act.

Yan Xi sat until six o'clock in the evening, then called the hotel service desk and brought a dinner to the room.

After dinner, Yan Xi changed into a set of sportswear and went for a run in the hotel's gym.

It wasn't until eleven o'clock in the evening that I was sweating all over before I went back to my room, took a cold shower in the bathroom, and then went to bed.


(End of this chapter)

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