I've always had a crush on her

Chapter 662 Yun Suu Missing 06

Chapter 662 Yun Suu Missing 06
Medical rehabilitation center.

Medical institutions that provide medical treatment, training and services for people with serious disabilities in work, life and learning due to physical or psychological defects.

Yan Xi's heart is a little heavy, the patients who come here for treatment, firstly, have psychological defects, and secondly, have physical defects.

According to the signs, the rehabilitation center is divided into multiple areas.

Yan Xi looked at the map index and went upstairs to find room 613. She didn't approach it, and she wouldn't go in.

Room 613 is closed.

Yan Xi deliberately passed by, and through the transparent glass on the door, he took a look inside the room, but there was no one there.

Go to the training center on the second floor.

Yan Xi still didn't go in, but just watched from the window.

Most of the patients trained here are post-traumatic patients with mobility impairments who need to sit in wheelchairs or use crutches.

When she saw that familiar figure, Yan Xi felt as if she had received some kind of shock in her heart, even though she had already expected this situation when she stepped into the rehabilitation center.

He held on to the handrails on both sides and practiced walking step by step. It could be seen that his left leg was struggling to support the strength.

His hair was cut very short, his face was calm and determined, and sweat dripped from his forehead.

The medical staff next to him seemed to be saying something to him, but he didn't speak, he was just practicing intently.

The medical staff handed him a glass of water. After drinking the water, he continued to practice.

Yan Xi kept watching, and suddenly saw that he seemed to be looking over, she immediately turned sideways to avoid him.

She understands how he feels and thinks, and there are times when she doesn't want anyone to see him.

Knowing his condition, Yan Xi's inner anxiety gradually eased, she didn't go to see him, turned around and left the rehabilitation center.


The next morning, taking advantage of today's Sunday, Yan Xi went to visit Nie Shen on purpose. A few days ago, she said to meet him another day, but she never went to see him, which was really rude.

Seeing Yan Xi coming, Nie Shen was very happy. He was always worried about her and didn't know how she was doing.

"Uncle Nie." Yan Xi smiled slightly.

"It's hot outside, come in quickly." Nie Shen said quickly, the weather in the past few days has been very sweltering.

Yan Xi walked into the house, went to the living room with Nie Shen, sat on the sofa and chatted.

"Come here so early, have you had breakfast yet?" Nie Shen couldn't hide his kindness and joy on his face. He had no children, and Yun Su and Yan Xi were like his children.

"I've eaten." Yan Xi said, it's past nine o'clock in the morning, it's getting late.

"Have lunch here at noon?" Nie Shen asked again.

"If you don't bother..." Yan Xi was very polite.

"Why bother, I look forward to your coming every day." Nie Shen sighed in his heart, maybe he is old, and the enthusiasm of his youth is gradually dedicated to the motherland with time, and one day he will retire.

Yan Xi knew in his heart that Nie Shen had always cared about her. Maybe she and Nie Shen didn't get along well, so she inevitably felt a little strange, and it was difficult for her to adapt to and accept his care.

Nie Shen then ordered the servant to go shopping for vegetables and some grapefruit.

Yan Xi chatted with Nie Shen all morning.

When talking about Yun Su, Nie Shen's expression was a bit solemn: "Yun Su is receiving treatment, and he will get better."

Yan Xi nodded, "I know."

Seeing her calm expression, Nie Shen was a little surprised: "Have you seen him?"

"No." Yan Xi lied.

"Yan Xi, will you be angry that Yun Su didn't see you?" Nie Shen asked. He thought that the two should meet, but Yun Su was determined not to see her for the time being and didn't tell her.

"Of course not." Yan Xi understands very well that everyone has a side that they don't want people to see. The transformation process is too painful and scary, and she doesn't know if she will be reborn in the end, but she believes that Yun Su can do it, not physically. Transformationally, but psychologically.

Yan Xi had lunch with Nie Shen, and Nie Shen said that he wanted to take a walk with her after dinner, Yan Xi readily agreed.

The surroundings of the villa were quiet and quiet, and the two of them were walking on the tree-lined road, occasionally hearing cicadas singing.

Nie Shen is in a relaxed and happy mood at the moment, remembering that year, he was the one who met Yan Xi first, when Cheng An said that he could be Yun Su's younger sister, and Yan Zi joked that being a brother and sister is worse than being a husband and wife, but Yan Xi was snatched away by words and words .

Yan Xi and Nie Shen spent the whole day together and left after dinner.


At ten o'clock in the evening, Yan Xi was waiting for a taxi by the side of the road, ready to go back to the hotel.

A taxi was parked by the side of the road, and when Yan Xi was about to get in the car, something cold pressed against her back, and she clearly knew what it was through the thin clothes.

"Don't move." Two men stood behind her, pointing their guns at her back.

The taxi driver opened the window and saw three people standing still, a well-dressed woman and two burly men.

The driver looked at Yan Xi and asked, "Miss, do you want to get in the car?"

Yan Xi said, "No need."

The driver scolded angrily: "If you don't get in the car, what are you doing!"

Yan Xi: "..."

"Waste my time." The driver cursed, then drove away, took out his mobile phone to call the police, the two men looked strange, and the woman refused to get in the car after waving, probably threatened.

Immediately, a black van stopped by the side of the road.

Two men grabbed Yan Xi's hand and pushed her into the car.

With a sound of swiping, the van sped away in an instant and disappeared on the road in the dark night.

The man tied Yan Xi's hands with a rope, and searched Yan Xi's body for mobile phones, cash, room cards and other items, and even searched her high heels thoroughly.

Then use a detector to detect her whole body to make sure that there is no metal or electronic equipment on her body, and then cover her head with a black bag.

The boss has ordered that this woman is not simple and must be searched out.

Yan Xi couldn't see and didn't know where the car was going, so he could only feel the speed of the car and the condition of the road section based on experience.

The speed of the car is neither fast nor slow, and occasionally stops, it should be a traffic light.

About three or ten minutes later, the speed of the car began to increase. After more than ten minutes, the car kept going uphill, the lane was smooth, and it turned to the left without stopping, very quiet.

Yan Xi had roughly guessed that the car was going up a mountain. What kind of mountain is there in the capital?

Until the car stopped, the two men took Yan Xi away.

Yan Xi didn't have a chance to resist for the time being. He stepped on the ground with his high heels, passed by the lawn, passed by the stone brick floor, and then the door opened, and he went down the stairs. He was basically in the basement.

The two men picked up the black hood that was on Yan Xi's head.

Yan Xi could finally see that there were no windows in the room, and there were billiard tables, TV sets, sofas, coffee tables, and so on. The basement design of a general house, the only difference was that there was a room with a grid iron door, like a room with a grid iron door. to hold the prisoner.

"Go in." The man pushed Yan Xi into the room, and then locked the iron door.

"I can't escape anymore, can you untie the rope?" Yan Xi held out his hands, probably because he was afraid that she would resist, the rope was tied too tightly and it was very uncomfortable.

The man ignored Yan Xi and just sat on a chair to watch over her.

Yan Xi frowned, who the hell tied her up?what purpose?
Thinking back on missions that have been carried out, who slipped through the cracks, criminals who escaped in Canada last time?Or a fugitive from last year's high-tech military case?

At this moment, the sound of footsteps was heard.

The man sitting on the chair immediately stood up: "Sir."

The visitor was wearing a meticulous black suit. After two years, he was still so lonely and vicissitudes of life. There was only indifference in his dark eyes, and it seemed that there was nothing to arouse his emotions.

"Miss Yan, long time no see."

"Mr. Lu, long time no see." Yan Xi never expected that it was Lu Li. Interpol issued a red notice to arrest Lu Li, but there was no result. He thought that Lu Li must have left the country, but unexpectedly he was hiding in the country. right in the capital.

"Untie Miss Yan," Lu Li ordered.

"Yes, sir." The bodyguard immediately went over and untied the rope on Yan Xi's wrist.

"Thank you, Mr. Lu." Yan Xi's hands were finally able to move, and there were a few circles of red strangle marks on his wrists.

Lu Li laughed. It was too early to say thank you. She was still so reserved and calm. She didn't know what could break her calmness and reason.

In some respects, he felt similar to Yan Xi.

"Mr. Lu took so much trouble to get me here, what's the matter?" Yan Xi really couldn't figure out how Lu Li knew she was there.

"What's the relationship between Miss Yan and Nie Shen?" Lu Li's eyes flashed suspiciously. He hid for two years, waiting for the police to relax their vigilance. He came to the capital two months ago. Recently, he sent someone to monitor Nie Shen's residence. Xi's appearance is really surprising.

When he was in Jingyang City two years ago, he had doubted Yan Xi's identity many times, and finally proved that his suspicion was not wrong, but Yan Xi and Nie Shen seemed to have a very close relationship.

"What's the relationship between Mr. Lu and Nie Shen?" Yan Xi asked without answering, remembering Hua Cuo said two years ago that among the suspects arrested in the Haina Group, Lu Li seemed to intend to kill Nie Shen.

"Does Ms. Yan think that I am a criminal full of crimes and Nie Shen is an upright gentleman?" Lu Li's tone was tinged with sarcasm.

"I don't judge anyone." Yan Xi said, she is not a law, not a judge, but subjectively, she thinks that Lu Li is a person full of darkness and despair.

"Then you are just a pawn of the judge," Lu Li said.

Yan Xi is noncommittal, she believes that the only judge is the law, although there are always people who try to overstep the law and try to override the law.

"Mr. Lu, let's talk about business." Yan Xi didn't want to waste time. She and Lu Li had completely different ideas, and no one could convince the other with their ideological arguments.

"I don't know if Miss Yan has such weight in Nie Shen's heart that she can let Nie Shen come here alone?" Lu Li said, according to today's investigation, Yan Xi and Nie Shen are walking by the roadside, they are really like father and daughter Warm, people can't wait to destroy.

"In my current situation, I have no way to refuse. I will try my best. But can I make a small request?" Yan Xi asked.

"Say." Lu Li glanced at Yan Xi.

"I want to know, what's wrong with Mr. Lu and Nie Shen?" Yan Xi was very puzzled, what made Lu Li kill Nie Shen at all costs.

"Festival? It's too easy! The pain of losing love, the revenge of killing one's wife!" Lu Li's face twisted, finally revealing his unknown side.

Yan Xi's heart skipped a beat, as if he could see the flames of hatred in Lu Li's eyes.

She understands that revenge can take people out of their minds, even out of the code of ethics, and it took her a long time to learn to take control.

"As far as I know, Mr. Lu has never been married." Yan Xi remembered that he had investigated Lu Li and his wife before.

"It's not important," Lu Li said.

Yan Xi understands that Lu Li doesn't take the law seriously, so he naturally doesn't care about the legal effects of marriage. Marriage only has effects in his heart, which is worth admiring.

A marriage of self-regulation has more depth than a marriage bound by law.

"How did Nie Shen kill Mr. Lu's wife?" I can understand the meaning of revenge for killing his wife. It should be 12 years since Lu Li's nominal wife Qianqiu passed away. Did Nie Shen kill Lu Li's fiancée?As for the pain of losing love, what does it mean?
"Perhaps Ms. Yan has a deep understanding. After all, Ms. Yan often acts as an undercover agent, tricking him into falling in love with you, and then you can easily kill him." Lu Li's eyes were full of pain and hatred. This is how Nie Shen deceived her. , make her fall in love with him, and finally kill her!

Yan Xi's eyes darkened. She wasn't afraid of people like Cai Zhicheng, but she was afraid of people like Lu Li's wife. The law judged Qianqiu to have committed a crime, but she was sinful yet full of charm, and could even tempt people to commit crimes. Such people don't follow the rules of this world. The law, only follow the law in your heart.

Such a person, even more than anyone else, must abide by principles, be strict with himself, have more self-cultivation and strength, and be full of thought and spirit.

That's what's scary.

"It's late at night, Miss Wrong Yan will spend the night here." Lu Li left.

Yan Xi looked around the room, there was no window, so he could only escape through the iron door.

The bodyguard sat on the chair again, preparing to watch Yan Xi like this for a whole night.

Yan Xi said, "I want to go to the bathroom."

The bodyguard's eyes were not friendly, and he said strangely: "You can solve it on the spot."

Yan Xi's face turned dark. There was nothing in the room, so she could only lie down on the floor, try her best to sleep and conserve her energy.


next morning.

There is only light in the basement, Yan Xi usually wakes up at around six o'clock, it is estimated that it is around six or seven o'clock now.

The bodyguard was still sitting on the chair, sleeping with his head up.

Until there was the sound of the door opening and footsteps, the man woke up instantly.

Lu Li's attire was still the same black suit, so meticulous, rigid and silent.

"Miss Yan, please call Nie Shen to come here alone." Lu Li handed the phone to Yan Xi, it was Yan Xi's phone.

Yan Xi took the phone, but didn't call it for a long time.

"Is Mr. Lu so confident? Don't worry about Nie Shen bringing someone here, or secretly bringing someone here. Allow me to offend, Mr. Lu is now an internationally wanted criminal." Yan Xi was suspicious, and Lu Li was so confident that he killed him. Nie Shen, can he escape successfully?
Lu Li smiled: "It all depends on how important Miss Yan is in Nie Shen's heart."

Yan Xi's heart sank. Lu Li's confidence made her hesitate. If Nie Shen died because of this, how would she deal with it?

Lu Li glanced at Yan Xi, he didn't have much patience.

Yan Xi dialed the number and got connected after a while, and heard Nie Shen calling her name affectionately.

(End of this chapter)

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