I've always had a crush on her

Chapter 663 Yun Suu Missing 07

Chapter 663 Yun Suu Missing 07
"Yanxi? What's the matter?" Nie Shen didn't hear her voice for a long time.

"I'm with Lu Li now. He asked me to call you in an attempt to get you to go somewhere alone." After Yan Xi finished speaking, he took away his phone, looked at Lu Li, and said, "Mr. Lu, do you mind if I say that?" ?"

Lu Li didn't care, "Of course I don't mind, what Miss Yan said is the truth."

Yan Xi's face changed slightly, as if nothing could hurt Lu Li except hatred.

"Yan Xi, ask him to answer the phone." Nie Shen's voice became heavy.

Yan Xi handed the phone to Lu Li.

Lu Li took the phone unhurriedly, with a cruel hatred in his voice: "Nie Shen, long time no see."

"Lu Li, what do you want?" Nie Shen was neither surprised nor angry. In Jingyang City two years ago, he could have killed Lu Li, but he couldn't. She, he had already killed her by mistake, and he didn't want to kill Lu Li again.

However, he never expected that his soft heart at that time would put Yan Xi in danger today.

"I don't know if Miss Yan's disappearance will make you feel guilty and painful?" Lu Li asked. After Qianqiu died, Nie Shen served the so-called justice. Since then, he has been promoted step by step. How can Nie Shen still live in such a glorious way? ? !
Nie said in a deep voice: "Don't hurt her, the hatred between us has nothing to do with others. Wherever the place is, I will come alone."

"This is the best. I hope you don't try to notify the police, don't bring a weapon, and arrive within 40 minutes, otherwise I don't know what I will do to Miss Yan." Lu Li said the address here, and hung up. Nie Shen has no wife and no children, so he can't start with the family. Yan Xi's appearance is too timely.

Yan Xi couldn't hear what Nie Shen said, but he already guessed that Nie Shen would come alone, and he was undoubtedly here to die.

Lu Li looked at Yan Xi and said with a smile, "It seems that I still underestimated Miss Yan's worth."

Seeing Lu Li's smiling face, Yan Xi said, "Mr. Lu seems to be in a good mood."

Lu Li rarely smiled: "Of course, the time for revenge has finally come."

Although it is not too late for a gentleman to take revenge for ten years, he has waited for this moment for 12 years, even though he thinks it is too late, he will not be able to persist if it is too late, the illness has already found him, and he must complete it as soon as possible.

"Mr. Lu, I can't stop your idea of ​​revenge, and I won't advise you to give up revenge." Because she has a deep understanding, no one can stop it.

"Oh? Did Miss Yan approve of me killing Nie Shen?" Of course Lu Li didn't think so.

"Allow me to ask Mr. Lu a question. Mr. Lu is so sure and convinced that Nie Shen lied to her and killed her?" Yan Xi said. She didn't know Nie Shen well, but she could see that Nie Shen had a kind of nobility and simplicity. the spirit of.

Perhaps at first Nie Shen 'tricked' a criminal, but she felt that Qianqiu was not so easy to be deceived, and she even had absolute charm that could make a man fall in love with her.

"What does Miss Yan want to express?" Lu Li's eyes froze. He saw Nie Shen shoot her dead with his own eyes, and she died in his arms!
"Perhaps, Nie Shen and her are yours. As for Mr. Lu's claim that Nie Shen killed her, I don't know the truth, but regarding her death, perhaps Nie Shen is also very painful..." Yan Xi I can't help guessing that the reason why Nie Shen has never been married may be because of Qianqiu.

"No! It was Nie Shen who lied to her. I witnessed Nie Shen shoot and kill her! For so many years, Nie Shen has risen to the top and has a high position. How can he live so proudly?!" Lu Li only had hatred in his eyes.

Yan Xi didn't say anything anymore, Lu Li was already blinded by hatred. As for Nie Shen killing Qianqiu, putting aside personal factors, from another perspective, Nie Shen is a special agent of a law enforcement agency, and Qianqiu is the head of a criminal group. Under the circumstances, Nie Shen killed Qianqiu, it was only his duty, he was not at fault.

On the contrary, if Nie Shen didn't kill Qianqiu, it would be his fault, he didn't fulfill his duty.

Time passed minute by minute.

Lu Li looked at his watch, "Miss Yan, it's about 40 minutes. I'm sorry if Nie Shen hasn't arrived yet."

Yan Xi said: "The traffic in the capital is very congested, especially during rush hour."

Just as he finished speaking, he heard the sound of the door opening.

Two bodyguards brought Nie Shen to the basement and pointed guns at Nie Shen's head.

Nie Shen's face was calm, and he felt a little relieved when he saw that Yan Xi was safe and sound.

There seemed to be flames of hatred dancing in Lu Li's eyes, and the aura around him became gloomy and dark.

Nie Shen recalled that back then, he killed Qianqiu by mistake, and he still doesn't know whether she ended her life on purpose or if it was an accident.

According to Hua country's criminal law, if she was arrested back then, she would most likely face the death penalty. At that time, the first thought in his mind was to let her go, but he never expected that he would kill her.

"Nie Shen, did you ever think that one day it would fall into my hands?" Lu Li picked up the gun and pointed it at Nie Shen's head.

"Back when you rushed over and hugged her desperately, I knew you would hate me for the rest of your life." Every time Nie Shen recalled that moment, his heart ached and his body was cold. At that time, he held his gun and watched her fall. Down, scarlet blood all over the ground...

"Hatred is not enough, I have to make you pay the price!" Lu Li looked at Nie Shen sternly.

"She doesn't want you to become like this. If killing me can make you let go of your hatred, you can do it." Nie Shen looked frank. If Qianqiu hadn't died, Lu Li might not have become like this.

"It seems that death can't make you suffer." Lu Li was very dissatisfied with Nie Shen's attitude, and Nie Shen should regret it!Excruciating pain!

"Aren't you too?" Nie Shen said, the crimes Lu Li committed in China for revenge are enough to be sentenced to death.

"How can it cause you pain? Ruin? Collaboration with the enemy and treason? Or someone died because of you?" Lu Li asked. After all, Nie Shen has always prided himself on being a benevolent and righteous person, serving the country faithfully.

"You don't need to make me suffer, I fired that shot, and I am doomed to regret for a lifetime. You are willing to take revenge at all costs, not only because I killed her by mistake, you think I took your love, you just want to prove me Hypocrisy, fickleness, treachery, not worthy of her love, just want to prove that you and her are in love..."

"Isn't it?" Lu Li coldly interrupted Nie Shen, if Nie Shen didn't show up, he and her would be so good!It was Nie Shen who ruined everything about him and her!
Listening to the conversation between the two, Yan Xi was a little hard to understand, maybe she didn't understand the true meaning of love, both Nie Shen and Lu Li fell in love with Qianqiu, and if Lu Li wanted to kill Nie Shen, then it was love killing.Qianqiu has been dead for so many years, and the two are still arguing about who she loves, does it make sense?
"Since you think so, then shoot." Nie Shen knew that he couldn't convince Lu Li. Lu Li had been persistent for so many years, and he had also regretted it for so many years. Maybe only death can end it all.

Lu Li held the gun and pointed it at Nie Shen's arm. He didn't intend to kill Nie Shen with one shot, he wanted to torture Nie Shen slowly.

"Wait!" Yan Xi stared at Lu Li's actions, she had to delay.

Lu Li glanced at Yan Xi, and was not in a hurry, anyway, Nie Shen had already been slaughtered.

"Mr. Lu, allow me to say that Nie Shen will come alone. His original intention is death, even a kind of relief. Sometimes death is not terrible compared to certain things. There are many things more terrible than death. "Yan Xi said, Lu Li should have a deep understanding, he is not afraid of death.

"I agree very much. For example, if something happens to Ms. Yan, I believe Nie Shen will suffer even more." Lu Li changed the direction of the gun and pointed at Yan Xi.

Yan Xi's face darkened, now she and Nie Shen are like prey in Lu Li's hands.

"Lu Li, don't hurt her, this matter has nothing to do with her." Nie Shen prayed in his eyes.

"What I hate the most is your righteous look. I don't care about anyone's life or death. If killing one or two people will make you suffer, I don't mind." Lu Li's heart has long been numb.

"If the other party is in pain, will Mr. Lu be happy?" Yan Xi couldn't help asking, maybe she couldn't put herself in Lu Li's shoes and think from Lu Li's point of view.

"At least I can make him pay what he deserves." Lu Li's fingers began to pull the trigger.

"Lu Li, stop!" Nie Shen pleaded, panic and fear appeared on his resolute face.

Seeing that Nie Shen finally lost his composure, Lu Li smiled cruelly, and slowly pulled the trigger with his fingers.

At this moment, the lights in the basement suddenly went out and fell into darkness.

There was a bang, that was the sound of a gunshot.

Immediately after a violent knock on the door, someone broke into the basement.

"Sir?" The three bodyguards were a little panicked, and their eyes didn't adapt to the darkness for a while, so they couldn't see where the people were.

Yan Xi's heart tightened, Lu Li took the gun, but he missed her, someone got shot?
There are two doors in the basement, one leading to the outside and the other to the inside.

The door to the outside was knocked open, and a faint light came in from the stairs.

Before the three bodyguards could react, another bang bang bang sounded, and the three fell to the ground.

Yan Xi finally saw the situation clearly, Nie Shen was lying on the ground, blood flowed from his body, and flowed all the way to the ground.

"Yan Xi!" Hua Cuo rushed in and opened the door lock with a shot. The moment he saw her safe and sound, he was still in shock. He heard the gunshot just now.

"Call an ambulance!" Yan Xi opened the door and rushed to Nie Shen.

Seeing Nie Shen covered in blood, Hua Cuo's expression changed, and he immediately took out his mobile phone and dialed 120.

Yan Xi pressed the wound with one hand to stop the bleeding, this position is very close to the heart, even on the heart.

Huacuo squatted on the ground, checking Nie Shen's pulse and pupils.

Yan Xi's palm was covered with blood, and the blood kept flowing from her fingers, as if igniting the dark fire in her heart: "Hua Cuo, press the wound!"

Hua Cuo immediately took over and pressed the wound.

Yan Xi picked up the gun on the ground, blood flowed from her hand onto the black gun, and then dripped onto the ground.

Hua saw her actions by mistake: "Yan Xi, where are you going?"

Yan Xi ignored him and ran out of the basement.

"Yan Xi!" Hua Cuo shouted, but he couldn't make her turn around.

Hua Cuo was in a state of anxiety. He already guessed that she was going to look for Lu Li. Although he had dealt with the bodyguards outside, he didn't know if there were any other people. Lu Li also had a gun in his hand.

Feeling that the pulse on the palm of his hand was getting weaker and weaker, Hua Cuo panicked, as if the director's life was passing by in his hands.


This is a hilltop villa, and the summer morning sun is still fierce and glaring.

Yan Xi chased him out and saw a black car driving out of the gate of the villa.
Yan Xi raised his gun and shot at the tires of the car.

Two bangs, two rear tires deflated, and the car hit the fence.

Lu Li got out of the car, picked up his gun and shot at Yan Xi. The distance was a bit far, and he missed even after firing a few shots.

Yan Xi ran up and hid behind the stone pillar until there was no gunfire, she leaned over and rolled out, and shot at Lu Kai.

Lu Li ran into the nearby woods. There were only a few villas on this mountain, and this villa was the highest, almost on the top of the mountain, surrounded by dense trees.

Yan Xi chased after him. During the running process, unless the marksmanship was excellent, the hit rate was only about 25%. She needed to save the bullets.

The two chased in the forest and went up the hillside.

Yan Xi was suspicious, why did Lu Li go up the mountain?The chances of retreating down the mountain are higher. Does he have a back move on the mountain?
Yan Xi couldn't help becoming more vigilant. Interpol issued a red notice to arrest Lu Li. No matter whether it is public or private, Lu Li must not be allowed to escape this time.

As long as Nie Shen is alive, Lu Li will kill Nie Shen at all costs. She can't keep such troubles!
After running for about ten minutes, Lu Li's speed slowed down. He was sick and his physical strength was a little weak.

Lu Li stopped suddenly, raised his gun and fired two shots at Yan Xi.

Yan Xi reacted quickly to dodge, and at the same time, aimed at the target and pulled the trigger.

Lu Li's body shook, the bullet passed through his shoulder, blood stained his white shirt.

Lu Li didn't panic or fear, just clutched his wound and continued to run up the mountain.

Yan Xi immediately chased after him, and saw that the dead leaves on the ground were stained with bright red blood, and Lu Li was shot.

Lu Li ran all the way to the top of the mountain. It was a cliff and there was no way out.

The cliff is as high as [-] meters, and there are rocks and the sea below. Jumping off it will undoubtedly kill you.

Lu Li stood on the edge of the cliff, with the sea and the sky behind him.

"Lu Li, you have no way out, put down the gun." Yan Xi pointed the gun at him, about ten meters away from him.

"You can't kill me." Lu Li smiled and pointed his gun at her.

"Do you have any last words?" Yan Xi's eyes darkened, she didn't want to kill anyone, but if Lu Li didn't get caught, she would shoot.

"One day, someone will ask you this question." Lu Li didn't shoot, and before he finished speaking, his body fell backwards and fell from the cliff.

Yan Xi pulled the trigger, the bullet missed, watched him disappear, only heard his words left behind.

Was Lu Li's last words a piece of advice to her?

Yan Xi walked to the edge of the cliff to have a look.

Lu Li was lying on his back on a smooth rock. He was wearing an elegant white shirt and a black suit. Blood was flowing on the rock. The contrast of white, black, and red was sharp.

A huge wave swept over and slapped on the cliff, covering the rocks.

When the huge waves receded, there was nothing on the rocks, leaving no trace.


(End of this chapter)

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